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2011/03 Mike Monteiro

2011/03 Mike Monteiro

Web Screenshots - Take a Screen Capture Online Lessons about Building a Team from Zuckerberg and Facebook Skip Advertisement This ad will close in 15 seconds... Young Entrepreneurs Today's Most Read 9 Proven Ways to Get People to Take You Seriously 4 Intangibles That Drive CEOs What It Takes to Go From Dead Broke to 6 Figures in 6 Months The Mentality of a Successful Career 4 Big Challenges That Startups Face These Siblings Are Cooking Up America's First Meatless Butcher Shop Kim Lachance Shandrow 3 min read News and Articles About Young Entrepreneurs Failure 6 Stories of Super Successes Who Overcame Failure They're perfect examples of why failure should never stop you from following your vision. Jayson DeMers Podcasts Top 25 Business Podcasts for Entrepreneurs Podcasts are as easy to use as old-school radio but as specialized as blogs. Murray Newlands Entrepreneurship Programs Saxbys and Drexel Team Up to Promote Entrepreneurship Saxby's founder Nick Bayer talks about the one-of-a-kind program and why he wishes there was one for himself years ago. Carly Okyle Presented by Young Entrepreneurs Laura Entis Fear

10 Things To Do Every Workday 15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website Advertisement Your website is designed, the CMS works, content has been added and the client is happy. It’s time to take the website live. Or is it? When launching a website, you can often forget a number of things in your eagerness to make it live, so it’s useful to have a checklist to look through as you make your final touches and before you announce your website to the world. This article reviews some important and necessary checks that web-sites should be checked against before the official launch — little details are often forgotten or ignored, but – if done in time – may sum up to an overall greater user experience and avoid unnecessary costs after the official site release. Favicon A favicon brands the tab or window in which your website is open in the user’s browser. And if you have an iPhone favicon: Titles And Meta Data Your page title is the most important element for SEO and is also important so that users know what’s on the page. Cross-Browser Checks Proofread Read everything.

How To Merge Google+ Local and Google+ Business Pages | Local SEO Tips Sure, it’s nice to use some custom fonts and colorful text to draw a user’s attention to your content, but did you know that some fonts and styling you use can affect the overall user experience which in turn could be bad for SEO? Yes folks, it’s true. While you can use some custom fonts, you typically want to stay with standard web or Google fonts. While you may want to use some hot pink text with Comic Sans, many search engines that crawl your site understand the user experience of your website and will bump you down if it isn’t user friendly.

9 Email Newsletters People Actually Read (and Why!)! On a quest to find the best email newsletters out there, I asked my coworkers about their favorites. Members of the marketing team at Grasshopper were able to give me a few newsletters they love, but when I asked two of our web developers, they both said “I try to unsubscribe from everything.” One admitted he kept a few promo emails from clothing sites around so he could catch good deals. Our BI analyst reacted similarly: “I would only read them if the email subject intrigued me, like 20 percent off my favorite perfume,” he joked. But with some prodding he admitted that he’d read any newsletter from Oracle or IBM, because their updates are subjects of interest and important for his career. I came across a harsh reality (at least for an internet marketer!) Now I Bear the Bad News What’s the issue with newsletters? But, Wait! So, does this mean startup and small business marketers with email campaigns should give up? Email marketing works. Searching for Good Email Newsletter Examples

Miller Media, PPC, Industrial Web Design, SEM, SEO, B2B, Troy MI Large Conference Table | Conference Table Size and Seating Large, Small, and Everything in Between How can you tell what size your conference table should be? It’s a question without a simple answer. Below you will find information on two methods of figuring out the best size: by evaluating the space available, and by working from the desired number of users. And we also provide information about how many people fit at different shaped tables. It’s a lot to wade through, so please CALL US AT 1-484-680-7102 OR EMAIL US AND WE WILL HELP YOU. Seating Capacity from Room Dimensions Conference Table Size from Room Dimensions These guidelines will help you determine the maximum size table that will fit. Measure the room’s length and width. Here’s a few more things to consider: Many conference rooms include a credenza. Calculating Size from the Number of Users Conference Table Size by Number of Users The quick and easy way: # of users = length (in feet) – 2The accurate way: divide perimeter by space allocated per person How much space per user? Square Table
