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10 Ted Talks Every English Student Should Watch

10 Ted Talks Every English Student Should Watch
This article shows you how to use TED Talks to improve your English, how they can be used in the classroom and suggests 10 great talks to use in the English classroom. TED is a series of informative, educational, inspiring and sometimes jaw-dropping talks that present ‘Ideas Worth Spreading’. Ted has attracted many of the world’s most important thinkers such as Larry Page, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Ken Robinson, and a few winners of the Nobel Prize. There is an emphasis on informing, educating and opening people’s eyes to new ideas, making them perfect for the classroom. Students love these talks and really appreciate it when you take the time to make a lesson out of them. This post will list 10 TED talks I have found work particularly well in the classroom. How Students Can Use TED at Home TED Talks for students provide an engaging context from which they can autonomously improve their English at home. Listening Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar Writing How Teachers Can Use TED Talks in Class Related:  Ciekawe materiały

LanguageandLiteracyTheoryandPractice - Music in the English Classroom "If you have never tried using music in these ways.... please do!" -- Chris Brewer [1] Using music in any class can help to create a more positive learning environment and there is no better classroom to incorporate this than the English classroom. English class is a time in the school day where students are exploring different forms of literature and media which allows the teacher an opportunity to play non-distracting music for the class. Simply listening to music while doing activities and independent study can help students to focus and raise energy levels. Listening to music can also help students get inspired about the study of English and make connections between the two arts. A very effective way of using music in the English classroom is through direct music activities. Studies have shown that listening to music can temporarily increase right brain activity in students. Culture Mozart Effect The Mozart Effect is a study on the effects that music has on the human mind.

Mobile I hope you know how valuable pictures are for the ESL classroom. Like it? Tell your friends: Want more tips like this? 11 must-see TED-Ed lessons Short animated lessons you’ll love, from atomic structure to the science of stage fright (and how to overcome it). Bite-size snacks of knowledge, TED-Ed Video Lessons are short, free educational videos written by educators and students, then animated by some of the most creative minds in the business. The topics of these addictive little videos range from quantum physics to the art of beatboxing, and once you watch one, you may want to watch 10 more. Know an animator or educator who could make a great TED-Ed Lesson? Here are 11 of my favorite TED-Ed lessons to start. 1. This is the lesson that started TED-Ed. 2. This is a great example of a lesson that answers one of those questions I had always been curious about, but never took the time to look up. 3. A great melding of content and animation. 4. Awesome language arts lesson by linguist and TED speaker John McWhorter. 5. 6. 7. A great lesson for anyone who has (or might want to get) a tattoo. 8. 9. 10. 11.

ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets Blog dla nauczycieli języka angielskiego: Plastic bottles, czyli jak wykorzystać plastikowe butelki na lekcji Zawód nauczyciela wymaga bycia kreatywnym przy jak najniższym nakładzie finansowym z wiadomych względów. Dzisiaj o tym, jak możemy wykorzystać plastikowe butelki na lekcji. - Gra w kręgle nr 1- ustaw butelki na flashcards ze słownictwem, które ćwiczycie. Podziel dzieci na 2 drużyny. Jedna osoba rzuca piłką i strąca butelkowe kręgle. - Gra w kręgle nr 2 - naklej na butelkach numery. * Napełnij butelki wodą i przygotuj lekką piłkę - wtedy nie będzie tak łatwo ;-) - Zakręć butelką - uczniowie siadają w kole, na środku kładziemy butelkę. - Bingo - wykorzystaj nakrętki z butelek do gry w bingo, które będą Ci służyć przez wiele lat. - List w butelce - przygotuj zadania dla uczniów w formie listu w butelce. A jakie są Wasze sposoby na wykorzystanie plastikowych butelek na lekcji?

TEDxESL | ESL discussion material based on TED talks Jeremy Harmer | ELT writer, presenter, teacher & trainer Christmas Traditions, Christmas History, Christmas Around the World, The Christmas Story and Christmas Fun! Derek Sivers: Weird or just different? (Teens) | TEDxESL “There’s a flip side to everything,” the saying goes, and in 2 minutes, Derek Sivers shows this is true in a few ways you might not expect. Through his new project, MuckWork, Derek Sivers wants to lessen the burdens (and boredom) of creative people. What is unique to your country or culture? How do you think your country is different to others? True or False? In Japan, streets are named in exactly the same way as they are in other countries.There are some doctors in China that you pay when you are healthy, and don’t pay when you are sick.Sivers says that whatever assumptions we have, the opposite may also be true.Houses in Japan are numbered in the way they are ordered around the outside of the block.West African music is exactly the same as every other type. Speculation: We use could + verb to express the possibility of something being true in the present or the future. Could + verb / Couldn’t + verb I’m not sure where David is, but he’s not home. Might + verb / Might not + verb 3-5m Each

Learn Business English with Lessons, Quizzes, Podcasts and PDFs | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online Welcome to Business English Pod – one of the world’s most popular providers of mobile-friendly Business English lessons since 2006. We help people learn the English you need to communicate at work and in business. We have over 500 MP3 and video Business English lessons covering essential Business English for meetings, presentations, telephoning, negotiations, travel, socializing and lots more. You can make real progress with your language skills using our lessons and the PDF study notes and online activities available to members. Sign up for a free trial and start learning today! About Business English Pod Since 2006, we have been a leading provider of mobile-friendly learning resources for Business English with over 70 million lessons downloaded. Each Business English Pod lesson starts off with a realistic dialog. Premium Membership PDF transcript of each podcast lesson. Learn more about premium membership here.

Perfect your punctuation: 4 TED-ED Lessons on commas, semicolons and more Let’s face it: Punctuation is hard. Even the most seasoned writers can get tripped up on the rules. Should that comma really be there, or is it just taking up space? Should this apostrophe go before or after the S? Where in the world does the semicolon go? Luckily, TED-Ed has gathered four lessons to help you perfect your punctuation. How to use a comma - Terisa Folaron Let’s start with the basics. How to use a semicolon – Emma Bryce It may seem like the semicolon is struggling with an identity crisis. When to use apostrophes – Laura McClure It’s possessive. Grammar’s great divide: The Oxford comma – TED-Ed If you read “Bob, a DJ and a clown” on a guest list, are three people coming to the party, or only one? Looking for more lessons to improve your writing?

GRY I ZABAWY | English is easy Oto kilka najpopularniejszych technik nauczania: słuchanie i śpiewanie piosenek i wierszy, których rytm i rym pomagają dzieciom w zapamiętaniu kolejnych struktur językowych, słuchanie bajek, które poprzez analogię, do polskich bajek stają się bardzo atrakcyjnym narzędziem pracy w rękach nauczyciela, naukę i zabawę poprzez działanie: wspomniana już wcześniej technika mająca na celu połączenia ruchu, zabawy i nauki, dramę – odgrywanie ról, zabawę w teatr, stanowiące doskonałą formę zabawy uwielbianą przez dzieci w szkole podstawowej, pokaz i prezentację, czyli korzystanie z różnego rodzaju plakatów lub filmów, służących powtarzaniu znanych już form językowych niezwykle ważnych w procesie kształcenia dzieci Niektóre plany zajeć: Body parts: Farm Animals: Autumn fruits and vegetables: Domino -

Where did English come from? - Claire Bowern There are two other TED-Ed lessons related to this topic: How languages evolve and How did English evolve? (a lesson that fills in some of the details that we omit here due to the fact that the focus of this lesson was further in the past). There is still a great deal of debate about Indo-European, most importantly about the location of the homeland. To read more about this debate, there are classic books by Mallory and Renfrew, as well more recent works by Anthony. To learn more about the distribution of languages across the world, see LL-map or The Ethnologue. Świat Nauczyciela - Wykreślanki należy podać słowa, które mają być w niej zawarte. Słowa podajemy rozdzielając je spacją lub zaczynając od nowej linii. Oprócz słów można podać własny tytuł np. "Wykreślanka wakacyjna", jak również polecenie np. "Znajdź słowa" albo "Słowa do odnalezienia". do pobrania jako obrazek, który można zamieścić np. w pliku word; do pobrania jako dokument pdf; do bezpośredniego wydruku ze strony.
