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Cartographie de l’extrême droite française (mise à jour 2015)

Cartographie de l’extrême droite française (mise à jour 2015)
À quoi ressemble l’extrême droite aujourd’hui ? Pas facile de répondre. C’est pourquoi, pour la quatrième année, nous proposons sous forme de schéma une cartographie actualisée des principaux groupes ou partis nationalistes, racistes et réactionnaires, regroupés par “famille”. Il n’est pas toujours facile de s’y retrouver, d’autant que les positions idéologiques des uns et des autres ne peuvent plus suffire pour comprendre leurs liens, tant ces groupes sont capables d’alliance improbables ; leur importance numérique ou leur popularité sur internet peuvent, dans un sens comme dans l’autre, nous tromper sur leur importance réelle. Les institutionnels Respectueux des règles de la démocratie représentative, invités par tous les médias, ils représentent la partie la plus «présentable» de l’extrême droite à laquelle ils se défendent par ailleurs d’appartenir. Les modernes Créé en 2007, Riposte laïque exprime son islamophobie sous couvert de défense de la laïcité. Les bourrins Les anti-FN

Les Etats-Unis attirent les cerveaux high-tech Karma in Jainism Karma not only encompasses the causality of transmigration, but is also conceived of as an extremely subtle matter, which infiltrates the soul—obscuring its natural, transparent and pure qualities. Karma is thought of as a kind of pollution, that taints the soul with various colours (leśyā). Based on its karma, a soul undergoes transmigration and reincarnates in various states of existence—like heavens or hells, or as humans or animals. Philosophical overview[edit] According to Jains, all souls are intrinsically pure in their inherent and ideal state, possessing the qualities of infinite knowledge, infinite perception, infinite bliss and infinite energy.[2] However, in contemporary experience, these qualities are found to be defiled and obstructed, on account of the association of these souls with karma. Material theory[edit] Self regulating mechanism[edit] According to Indologist Robert J. Jainism, more than any other creed, gives absolute religious independence and freedom to man.

Le destin d’Ibrahim en replay - 23 avril 2015 Le magazine Envoyé spécial a suivi pendant dix ans le parcours d'Ibrahim, un migrant venu du Sénégal pour trouver du travail en Espagne. De son départ, en 2004, à bord d'une barque de fortune, à sa situation actuelle. Et en dix ans, Ibrahim a fait du chemin. Clandestin et travailleur au noir à son arrivée en Espagne, il est aujourd'hui marié et père d'une petite fille, et il travaille en toute légalité à Barcelone. Retour sur ce parcours d'un migrant atypique dont le but était de "progresser, d'aller de l'avant". Ce reportage est signé Kristian Autain et Anouk Burel. 

Jain cosmology Jain cosmology is the description of the shape and functioning of the Universe (loka) and its constituents (such as living beings, matter, space, time etc.) according to Jainism. Jain cosmology considers the universe, as an uncreated entity, existing since infinity, having neither beginning nor end.[1] Jain texts describe the shape of the universe as similar to a man standing with legs apart and arm resting on his waist. This Universe, according to Jainism, is broad at the top, narrow at the middle and once again becomes broad at the bottom.[2] Six eternal substances[edit] Chart showing the classification of dravya and astikaya According to Jains, the Universe is made up of six simple and eternal substances called dravya classified as follows: Jīva (Jainism)|Jīva i.e. Universe and its structure[edit] Structure of Universe according to the Jain scriptures. The whole world is said to be filled with living beings. Three lokas[edit] Fourteen Rajaloka or Triloka. Urdhva Loka, the upper world[edit]

Les frontières sont nuisibles dénonce Néhémy Pierre-Dahomey De passage au Québec à l’occasion des Correspondances d’Eastman, l’écrivain haïtien installé à Paris plaide pour l’abolition complète des frontières. La Terre, dit-il, n’appartient à personne. Il y a encore une dizaine de jours, la venue de Néhémy Pierre-Dahomey au Québec semblait plus qu’incertaine, nous répétait son attachée de presse, visiblement déconcertée par la quantité de cerceaux par lesquels il faut transiter afin d’obtenir le feu vert de l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada. Installé à Paris depuis quelques années, l’écrivain né à Port-au-Prince détient toujours un passeport haïtien. « Je ne te dis pas les démarches ! Ces fâcheuses péripéties, si elles appellent certes le sarcasme, sont loin de relever du même drame que celles traversées par les migrants ayant ces jours-ci pour domicile le Stade olympique. L’entraide commence avec la politique. Néhémy Pierre-Dahomey « Plus on est de fous, plus on rit ! Digne face à l’adversité Ce n’est pas Haïti qui est pauvre, c’est…

Dravya (Jainism) 10th-century Jain monk Nemichandra describes the soul in Dravyasamgraha:[3] Acaranga Sutra describes a pure soul as:[4] The liberated soul is not long nor small nor round nor triangular nor quadrangular nor circular; it is not black nor blue nor red nor green nor white; neither of good nor bad smell; not bitter nor pungent nor astringent nor sweet; neither rough nor soft; neither heavy nor light; neither cold nor hot; neither harsh nor smooth; it is without body, without resurrection, without contact (of matter), it is not feminine nor masculine nor neuter. The siddha perceives and knows all, yet is beyond comparison. Its essence is without form; there is no condition of the unconditioned. It is not sound, not colour, not smell, not taste, not touch or anything of that kind. The qualities of the soul are cetana (consciousness) and upyoga (knowledge and perception). Pudgala (matter) Dharma-dravya (principle of motion) Adharma-dravya (principle of rest) Ākāśa (space) Kāla (time)

Trouble #3: Refugees Welcome – sub.Media Refugees Welcome: Creating Solidarity Across Borders In our current age of resurgent nationalism, anti-migrant xenophobia and increasing border militarization, it can be easy to lose track of the central role that migration has played in shaping the spaces we inhabit. The richness and depth of human history comes from the countless individual and collective journeys that we, or our ancestors before us, have taken to get to where we are now — wherever that might be. The so-called “refugee crisis” that has dominated headlines for the past several years is not a new phenomenon, nor is it a passing phase. As our world stands on the precipice of more destabilizing wars waged over declining resources, a deepening of structural economic inequality and the onset of cataclysmic climate change, even more dramatic movements of human populations are inevitable. What is not yet inevitable is how humanity will respond to this crisis. Download Poster

Atomism Natural philosophy holding that the world comprises fundamental indivisible components Atomism (from Greek ἄτομον, atomon, i.e. "uncuttable, indivisible")[1][2][3] is a natural philosophy proposing that the physical universe is composed of fundamental indivisible components known as atoms. The particles of chemical matter for which chemists and other natural philosophers of the early 19th century found experimental evidence were thought to be indivisible, and therefore were given by John Dalton the name "atom", long used by the atomist philosophy. Although the connection to historical atomism is at best tenuous, elementary particles have become a modern analogue of philosophical atoms. Reductionism[edit] By convention sweet is sweet, by convention bitter is bitter, by convention hot is hot, by convention cold is cold, by convention color is color. Antiquity[edit] Greek atomism[edit] Democritus[edit] Previously, Parmenides had denied the existence of motion, change and void. Epicurus[edit]

Des témoignages de migrants comme on en voit rarement Société Mercredi 3 mai 2017 par Clémentine Spiler On fait une projection privée à Marine Le Pen quand elle veut. Ça n’a pas fait beaucoup de bruit. Des vidéos en noir et blanc, une personne face caméra, qui raconte son parcours. Deux vidéos sont déjà en ligne. Écrites et réalisées par des migrants Ces histoire qu’on entend rarement, si difficiles à dire - et à faire dire - sont collectées au sein d’un projet du Secours Catholique, Baguette & Fromage. Elles sont réalisées par les migrants eux-mêmes, sous la houlette d’un bénévole qui est aussi réalisateur. « L’objectif est double, nous explique Blaise Paquier qui participe au projet. En ces temps de campagne présidentielle, où le terme « migrants » est un catalyseur de peurs, un aimant à votes, souvent énoncé pas très loin du terme « terrorisme », il fait bon de se plonger dans la réalité de ces vies.

Buddhist atomism Buddhist atomism is a school of atomistic Buddhist philosophy that flourished on the Indian subcontinent during two major periods[citation needed]. During the first phase, which began to develop prior to the 4th century BCE, Buddhist atomism had a very qualitative, Aristotelian-style atomic theory. This form of atomism identifies four kinds of atoms, corresponding to the standard elements. Each of these elements has a specific property, such as solidity or motion, and performs a specific function in mixtures, such as providing support or causing growth. Like the Hindus and Jains, the Buddhists were able to integrate a theory of atomism with their logical presuppositions. The second phase of Buddhist atomism, which flourished in the 7th century CE, was very different from the first. ... See also[edit] Notes[edit] Jump up ^ (Stcherbatsky 1962 (1930). References[edit] Stcherbatsky, F.

"Nobody is ever just a refugee": Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie calls for a new way of seeing the global migrant crisis — Quartz Feyisa Lilesa, the marathon runner who made an anti-government protest gesture during the Olympic Games, has not returned to Ethiopia. Reporters aboard the Ethiopian team’s return flight from Rio yesterday (Aug 24) said Lilesa was not on the plane. Sports officials did not mention the 26-year-old’s name during a welcome ceremony where government officials greeted the team and decorated them with garlands. Ethiopian state media also omitted mention of him in news reports of the athletes’ return. Lilesa’s agent, Federico Rosa, said the athlete had stayed on in Rio but that he does not know Lilesa’s plans. During the men’s marathon race on Aug. 21, the last day of the Games, Lilesa held his arms over his head and crossed his wrists as he passed through the finish line, in a sign of solidarity with anti-government protestors. Afterwards, Lilesa who won silver in the race, said he feared for his life if he were to return, though Ethiopian authorities said he would be welcomed back as a hero.
