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Legend of Zelda Treasure chest with sound!

Legend of Zelda Treasure chest with sound!
1/4" Pine plywood. You can use whatever type of wood you want, but pine looks nice and is relatively cheap. You'll need enough wood to cut out the following pieces: Two 5.5" x 10.5" pieces One 8" x 10.5" base piece Two 8.5 x 5.5" pieces Five 2 7/16" x 11" slats Also you will need two 6 sided half a decagon pieces. This sounds confusing but I've included a template to cut these pieces out. You'll also need: Wood glue Black poster board A cheap mp3 playerTreasure chest opening mp3 Soldering iron Solder and flux Some small gauge wire (20 or 22 gauge will work)SPDT lever switch from radio shack Small audio amp.

5 Things to Do Every Day for Success Fast Company wants you to have your best year yet in 2012; click for more advice and tips on how to work smarter, manage your career, and lead a more meaningful life. "You get up at what time?" I hear that a lot, along with "You are so lucky." So, I'm going to help out here and let you in on the secrets of my success. Well, not all of them--but enough to show you the foundation I build on every day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A simple yet highly effective list. Looking for more advice to rev up your career? Forging Links Master Sword - Twilight Princess version Okay so it's not literally forging because it's made from wood, but it sounds better then making. I've been meaning to write this Instructable for almost a year after completing my Master Sword back in May 2009, but things have always seemed to get in the way until now. I've always been a great fan of all of the Zelda games and I knew it was only time before I attempted to make a replica from one of the games. So in this tutorial I will be showing you the steps I took to produce my Master Sword. Update 27th May 2011 I've begun work on the Hylian Shield.

20 Images That Can't Be Unseen Some of these will enlighten you, others will frighten you, and this one right here will ruin your childhood… via via via via via via via via via via via via via Portal Level Sign Wall Hanging/Lamp After moving to a new apartment, I noticed I had a lot of empty wall space and not enough stuff to fill the void. I decided I just had to make something for it, and I came up with the idea to make a level sign from Portal. That's right, another Portal-themed instructable. Anyway, it's a very simple design. After musing over a few ideas, I decided white cloth stretched over a wooden frame with some sort of backlighting would be my best bet. I'm pretty GLaD it turned out the way it did.

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20 Tape Rolls That'll Have You Rolling On The Floor Laughing 24 Tape Rolls That’ll Have You Rolling On The Floor Laughing Packing is not the most tedious task in the world. With unlimited creativity, companies and designers around the world have come up with unusual packing tape ideas that guarantee to give you a lot of fun when you have to move your stuff, either alone or with friends. 24 packing tapes we are about to introduce to you are the coolest of all, ranging from geeky Space Invader tape to patriotic Russian anthem tape. Space Invader Tape Space Invader Tape is part of Space Invader Desk Supplies from A Brand Called Ed. Michael Jackson Packing Tape Source: NCSX Featuring Moonwalk techniques on nine sequential panels, Michael Jackson packing tape is a tribute to the legendary dancer and singer. Calendar Tape Source: Monster-Munch Some cool folks at Laboratorium in Croatia came up with a brilliant idea that brings the phrase “rolling time” into action. Message Tape Source: SUCK UK Magic Light Tape Source: Kandaka Autobahn Tape Kit Highway Tape

Tiketa® The Realm Skinny Ties One of Ralph’s requests for his birthday was skinny ties. They are surprisingly hard to find — either too long or too expensive for a 13-year-old’s wardrobe. So a few weeks ago, I had an idea: I would buy some old fat ties at a thrift shop and take them to a tailor to have them altered. Brilliant, right? But then, of course, I forgot about the idea till 3 days before his birthday. But since I had the ties in hand, and since they only cost $1 each, I figured I’d try it myself. Here is the before shot. Here is the after shot: DIRECTIONS: 1) Turn your too-wide thrift store tie upside down. Keep un-stitching till you get to the skinniest part of the tie: 2) Pull the tie form fabric out of the lining (there is probably a real name for this, but I don’t know what it is). 3) Trim one side of the tie-form fabric. 4) If you traced it, then cut out the second side. 5) Your tie-form material should now look like a skinny tie. 9) Now it’s time to iron the second side. And that’s it! Into these:
