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DICE 2010: "Design Outside the Box" Presentation Videos - G4tv.c

DICE 2010: "Design Outside the Box" Presentation Videos - G4tv.c

Social Banking 2.0 – Der Kunde übernimmt die Regie Where ideas and people meet. Los juegos en Facebook como herramienta del marketing digital Se estima que 250 millones de personas juegan a juegos en Facebook cada mes, hay miles de juegos de diferentes géneros para elegir, la gente pasa horas en ellos para relajarse y divertirse con sus amigos y otros miembros de Facebook de todo el mundo y por todas estas razones las marcas los están utilizando para conectar a la gente con sus productos. Desde hace casi tres décadas las consolas de juegos invadieron los hogares, convirtiéndose en un eje importante del entretenimiento moderno y su aplicación en las redes sociales permite atrapar al público y hacerlo interactuar con la marca de manera prolongada, mucho mas que el contacto menor al minuto de una publicidad. Pasos de una Estrategia de Juegos en Facebook El plantear una estrategia de marketing usando juegos con el objetivo de influenciar de manera positiva, posicionar la marca, incrementar su visibilidad y luego vender los productos, requiere cumplir ciertos pasos. Vías de implementación de los juegos Su difusión exponencial

1,000 True Fans Sustainability Games - Emerging Media Initiative Video Games for Sustainability and Design Martha Hunt (Landscape Architecture) and Christopher Marlow (Landscape Architecture) Landscape architecture professors Martha Hunt and Chris Marlow have begun a long-term study of the use of video games to educate landscape architects and environmental designers in the area of sustainability (including human health) in design. A quick review of published studies indicates that games have been used in design education. Background This proposal rests on the belief that video games can complement the learning process for design students. This study utilizes the principles and freedoms of play categories as the framework for assessing video games and their potential in design education.

Los juegos en las redes sociales conquistan a los usuarios móviles Un 47% de usuarios de telefonía móvil de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, juegan juegos sociales en ellos, según un informe del proveedor de videojuegos PopCap Games y del Grupo ISG. Si tenemos en cuenta aquellos que han jugado la última semana, la cifra se eleva al 53%. Los propietarios de Smartphones son más proclives a jugar en las redes sociales, alcanzando un 57% de usuarios, en tanto que aquellos con móviles sencillos alcanzan el 31%. En Estados Unidos, un 50% juega en las redes sociales, principalmente Facebook, contra el 43% que lo hace en Reino Unido. El 40% de quienes juegan en las redes sociales con su móvil, lo hacen todos los días, en tanto que el 75% lo hace al menos una vez a la semana. Un 63% de quienes juegan en su teléfono móvil y el 70% de los ávidos, están involucrados en las redes sociales y han tenido acceso en el último mes a Facebook, MySpace o Bebo.

The Collapse of Complex Business Models I gave a talk last year to a group of TV executives gathered for an annual conference. From the Q&A after, it was clear that for them, the question wasn’t whether the internet was going to alter their business, but about the mode and tempo of that alteration. Against that background, though, they were worried about a much more practical matter: When, they asked, would online video generate enough money to cover their current costs? That kind of question comes up a lot. There are two essential bits of background here. Here’s why. In 1988, Joseph Tainter wrote a chilling book called The Collapse of Complex Societies. The answer he arrived at was that they hadn’t collapsed despite their cultural sophistication, they’d collapsed because of it. Early on, the marginal value of this complexity is positive—each additional bit of complexity more than pays for itself in improved output—but over time, the law of diminishing returns reduces the marginal value, until it disappears completely. Dr.

Playing for a Good Grade | IT Connections Franchise mode shows Madden NFL is more than tackles and touchdowns. Simulation games are common in business classes, where they often focus on manufacturing and selling generic products like widgets. But when a Sports Business faculty member decided to run a simulation game pilot project, he skipped the widgets and went straight for an XBox 360. Paul Swangard, Managing Director of the James H. Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, is using Madden NFL’s franchise mode to help his SBUS 199 students grasp marketing and business decisions faced by NFL franchises. “Students make off-season decisions that an owner would make,” Swangard said. About half of the students in the class participated in the pilot project. Chris Dukeminier, the course’s Graduate Teaching Fellow, said the game helps students recognize beginner’s mistakes. Swangard said the pilot project has two main criteria: “Does it keep the kids engaged? Dukeminier saw it as a success, with a few caveats.

25 After Effects Templates for Futuristic Presentations Are you wondering how to create futuristic presentation like hologram and holographic touch? You might already see such futuristic effects and high tech gadgets in some movies like the Avengers wherein Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Bruce Banner (The Hulk) are in the process of locating the Tesseract held by Loki and his cohorts. Here’s a collection of After Effects templates for creating futuristic presentations and high tech demonstrations to impress your clients and audience. In this collection, you will find some high tech gadgets, holographic effect, realistic hologram, futuristic logo opener and more that will serves as your playground in recreating and innovating such effects. You might want to take a look at the following related articles: Dont forget to subscribe to our RSS-feed and follow us on Twitter – for recent updates. Future Touch Pad This AE CS4 project comes with full HD resolution 1920×1080 with 13 placeholders for photos or videos and 31 interface placeholders.

10 Projects Moving Us Towards a Superfluid Economy Over the upcoming months leading up to the Contact Summit in October, I’ll be highlighting various projects and initiatives working to construct a globally networked society. As humanity and technology co-evolve into higher orders of complexity, it can be said that social media is now facilitating the emergence of new forms of culture, commerce, and governance. We want to bring attention to the great and liberating stuff that’s happening, and encourage connections, conversation, and collaboration. The past few weeks have been focused on technology infrastructure, starting with the Towards A Distributed Internet post and the resource list of mesh networks, and continuing on with the formation of a Next Net google group that’s thriving with over 90 members already! We’ll continue to circle back and revisit conversations and progress, but for now I’ll move on to another hot topic: money and value exchange. What is the future of money? 1. on twitter: @metacurrency 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The Game :: PeaceMaker - Play the News. Solve the Puzzle. PeaceMaker: Play the News. Solve the Puzzle. For the latest news on PeaceMaker version updates and patches, check this post on our blog. About the Game PeaceMaker is inspired by real events in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Be a leader and bring peace to the region before your term in office ends. For Mac or PC Make sure your machine complies with the required system and software specifications. Languages and Age Rating PeaceMaker has three languages: English, Arabic and Hebrew. Design Assumptions Winning state is the two state solutionYou can make a difference! For more information visit the game designer's blog post. Free Downloads Screenshots Soundtrack Music Loop (MP3, 1.9MB)Trailer (MP3, 1.3MB) Trailers

Metodología RDS El Plan Financiero es la piedra angular de cualquier Business Plan por lo que debemos poner especial atención en su desarrollo. Debe reflejar todas las partidas económicas de los otros planes (marketing, rrhh, estrategia…) y también la interpretación de los datos para la toma de decisiones que marcarán el rumbo de nuestra startup. De manera general nuestro Plan Financiero debe:Reflejar datos económicos (1ª entrega), Ordenar los datos para reflejar liquidez, gestión… (2ª entrega) e Interpretar los datos y cuadro de mando obtenidos (3º entrega) Para contar con un plan financiero completo debemos seguir unos sencillos pasos en los que describimos distintos conceptos: Paso 1: Inversiones necesarias De forma esquemática, recogemos en este epígrafe los distintos tipos d inversión necesaria para la puesta en marcha del proyecto. Lee el resto del artículo! Nuestra propuesta para por la siguiente planificación: El contenido de cada mes desarrollaremos poco a poco a lo largo de esta sección.
