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HSL Color Picker; HTML Color Picker; Web, HEX, CSS, HSLa

HSL Color Picker; HTML Color Picker; Web, HEX, CSS, HSLa
The HSL Color Picker is a simple, yet effective color workbench to generate color output and also to import colors for analysis and comparison. It has all the features you need for experimenting with the seven color contrasts in mind. The contrast of light and dark (luminance value), of hue (hue value), of saturation (saturation value & grayscale equivalent of luminance), of warm and cold (is the red or the blue value dominant?), of complementary colors (opposite side of the color wheel), of proportion (visual weight formed by the combination of hue and luminance) and of simultanious color (e.g. thin red and yellow lines form the impression of orange). With the HSL Color Picker you can quickly get the color codes from colors you'd like to use in other websites or desktop applications. The CSS output is an add-on for web designers who want to generate color codes for html documents with the possibility to take advantage of the new CSS3 color notation Color Picking: Link to this page: Email

Multi Model Color Blender, color blending RGB, Lab, HSL, HSL+, pHSL With the color blender you can blend two colors to generate one to eight intermediate colors. The equal gradation of color component values very likely produces a harmonious color set. You still need to experiment but it's fun and quite easy to get to a pleasing result. To tweak each individual color click on the links to the color picker or the color converter. The color picker interface allows you to set the source color and the destination color . About the Color Models L*a*b* L*a*b* blending is similar to RGB blending but you can easily notice how the chroma components influence blending. HSL, HSL+ and pHSL For all HSL color models there is clockwise and blending which depends on whether the hue value of the source color is smaller than the hue value of the destination color. HSL+ This color model uses equal gradation of (relative) luminance instead of lightness. When you select this color model, source color and destination color get converted as well. Usage Tips Saving your colors:

tools | color palette creator v1.6.1 This tool was inspired directly by the excellent Creating Color Palettes article by Andy Clarke. It will create 10 shades of the base color, located top-left, at varying degrees of opacity. The top row emulates opacity over a white background, the bottom over black (or colors of your choosing as of v1.4). The opacity values are 100% opaque, 75%, 50%, 25% and 10% on the top row. How to use it: Type a valid six character hexidecimal value in the text box above and hit the "ok" button. Hit the "output hex" button to have the table below the palette display hexidecimal color values. Click the "save base" button to write the current base color to a cookie for safe keeping. As of version 1.6, you can export all of your saved palettes to a PNG image by clicking the "create PNG" button in the "saved" window.

HSL Color Schemer: color scheme from HSL + HEX color palette The color schemer is a tool to generate a series of colors from a base color according to a specified scheming method. A scheming method in turn specifies which color properties will be manipulated and how additional colors will be calculated. Generally, in color scheming the value of a single color property is modified to generate additional colors. In contrast, the color blender considers all properties of a color model to calculate intermediate colors. Either approach increases your options to generate a beautiful color set. To begin color scheming, simply select a scheming method and then adjust the base color to your individual liking, or vice versa. If you switch to pHSL, please bear in mind that all colors, including the base color, get converted and the values of the color picker interface do not correspond to the current base color you are seeing. About the Scheming Methods Complementary Color Scheme Calculates the color at the opposite side of the color wheel (+ 180° hue).

Red Color Hue Range, Color Name List of Red Colors, HEX, RGB, HSL This and the following pages show a set of colors with their name, structured by sixteen predefined hue ranges and the range sets ordered by luminance. For red color a hue range from 355° to 10° has been defined. Pink-Red color hue range << previous next >> Red-Orange color hue range Pink-Red color hue range << previous next >> Red-Orange color hue range Tips: Browse fullscreen mode (usually press [F11]-key) to reduce color distraction. Link to this page: HTML Link Citation Email Copy and paste the following text: Color Wheel - Color Calculator | Sessions College The color wheel is a chart representing the relationships between colors. Based on a circle showing the colors of the spectrum originally fashioned by Sir Isaac Newton in 1666, the colour wheel he created serves many purposes today. Painters use it to identify colors to mix and designers use it to choose colors that go well together. The classic color wheel shows hues arranged in a circle, connected by lines or shapes. Secondary colors are created by mixing primary colors.

