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Wood gas vehicles: firewood in the fuel tank

Wood gas vehicles: firewood in the fuel tank
Wood gasification is a proces whereby organic material is converted into a combustible gas under the influence of heat - the process reaches a temperature of 1,400 °C (2,550 °F). The first use of wood gasification dates back to 1870s, when it was used as a forerunner of natural gas for street lighting and cooking. In the 1920s, German engineer Georges Imbert developed a wood gas generator for mobile use. The gases were cleaned and dried and then fed into the vehicle's combustion engine, which barely needs to be adapted. Second World War The technology became commonplace in many European countries during the Second World War, as a consequence of the rationing of fossil fuels. A network of some 3,000 "petrol stations" was set up, where drivers could stock up on firewood. Woodmobiles also appeared in the US, Asia and, particularly, Australia, which had 72,000 vehicles running on woodgas (source). Research programme in Sweden Fuel "Producing wood gas is not that hard", says John. Range Trailer

New battery design could give electric vehicles a jolt A radically new approach to the design of batteries, developed by researchers at MIT, could provide a lightweight and inexpensive alternative to existing batteries for electric vehicles and the power grid. The technology could even make “refueling” such batteries as quick and easy as pumping gas into a conventional car. The new battery relies on an innovative architecture called a semi-solid flow cell, in which solid particles are suspended in a carrier liquid and pumped through the system. The work was carried out by Mihai Duduta ’10 and graduate student Bryan Ho, under the leadership of professors of materials science W. One important characteristic of the new design is that it separates the two functions of the battery — storing energy until it is needed, and discharging that energy when it needs to be used — into separate physical structures. In addition to potential applications in vehicles, the new battery system could be scaled up to very large sizes at low cost.

Econovista, carte économique interactive de Paris et l’Ile de Fr What's The Greenest Insulation? It's Getting Harder To Decide Every Day Screen shot from Youtube video What's wrong with this picture? It is in a video promoting Ultra-touch denim insulation, showing an installer pushing a full-size batt into an irregular cavity. Either the insulation isn't going to work because it is compressed or it is going to pop the drywall right off the wall. The installer also isn't wearing a mask, even though the company's material safety data sheet recommends an OSHA approved air mask. (the stuff is vermin-proofed with borax). Even though I got seriously schooled by an Ultratouch distributor at a home show last year, I still have problems with batt insulation; it is rarely properly installed around electric wires and other irregularities and does not seal as well as sprays. Post consumer recycled jeans are not good for the chemically sensitive, for whom this is a prime product. More on Denim Insulation:What's The Greenest Insulation? Is Sprayed Polyurethane Insulation Safe? Polystyrene Insulation Doesn't Belong in Green Building

Business Model Fab Tour of the First PassivHaus in UK Photo: B. Alter This lovely looking Victorian house in west London seems deceptively straightforward except for a tiny plaque on the front door. It notes that this is the second house in the UK to reach PassivHaus standards. And that is no mean feat. Last year Lloyd outlined the challenges of bringing high environmental standards such as PassivHaus to this heritage house. Photo: B. Tom Pakenham, creator and owner of Green Tomato Cars ( a green mini-cab firm) has renovated this house to PassivHaus standards. The year long conversion is finished now, and as can be seen, it is a beautiful, light and airy house and a showcase for people and architects wanting to have a green home. The essence of PassivHaus-ing is insulation. Edward Borgstein, an engineer at Green Tomato led a group of architects (and one non-technological person--this TreeHugger) around the house and outlined the steps of the renovation in great detail. And what a job. Photo: B.Alter: Heat Extractor Photo: B. Photo: B.

InnovCity New Survey Shows Electronics Hampering Progress for Energy Efficient Homes Photo Credit: mbowlersr/creative commons For 30 years, Americans have invested their money into making their homes more energy efficient. For example, Energy Star has built an entire market of electricity-saving appliances and equipment. More recently, the push to weatherize residential units has been made to reduce the need for power. But a new survey from the Energy Information Agency, a statistical & analytical agency of the U.S. Dept of Energy, shows these measures are not doing enough to improved performance. Graphic Credit: U.S Energy Information Agency In the late 1970's, homes in the US were using about 10.6 quadrillion BTUs every year. That's not to say homes today use more energy. The problem comes when you evaluate other changes in behavior. The same is true for televisions. Most of the appliances and devices used in homes today have energy efficiency options, and many people buy such things as Energy Star computers and television not knowing it.

Home — Silicon Xperience 11 Steps For Starving Students That Will Make A Difference For The Environment Image Credit Lloyd Alter When asked a few years ago what the single most important thing one could do to reduce their carbon footprint, a so-called expert (not on this site) responded "get rid of vampire power." Since then we have, I think, all become a little more sophisticated. I recently started answering the question about what the most important things to do for one of my starving students at RSID with For Saving Energy, Like Real Estate, The Three Most Important Things Are Location, Location and Location. I ended with eleven suggestions that anyone can do, eleven choices that make a big difference without costing a lot of money. Here's what I told Margaret to do: 1. Highland Garden Village Master Plan, Image Credit Peter Calthorpe This was covered in my previous post, where I noted that the key factor is not, in my opinion, density, but it is urbanity, which I defined as "a mix of transit-oriented development, walkability, and historicity." 2. Bikes in Paris. 3. Cool Citizens Guide

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