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HOW TO: Improve Engagement on Your Brand's Facebook Page [STATS]

HOW TO: Improve Engagement on Your Brand's Facebook Page [STATS]
If you're looking to boost engagement on your brand's Facebook Page, a new report from Buddy Media has some key findings for you. The social media marketing company collected data from 200 of its clients' Pages* over a 14-day period and found that time is an important factor in determining the success of a Facebook post. The study reveals that more often than not, a Facebook post is ill-timed — in fact, office hours could be the worst time to blast content. "While marketers may work Monday through Friday, Facebook is humming with activity 24-hours a day, seven days a week,” says Buddy Media CEO Michael Lazerow. And so, brands must adapt to their consumers' schedules in order to optimize their engagement. Here are the findings, along with tips about when and how to make the most of a Facebook post. Be Timely The study found that daily Facebook engagement has three peaks: early morning (7 a.m. Good timing on Facebook depends on the day of the week, too. Be Concise Ask For Engagement

How often should you post on your Facebook pages? The question we ask ourself every day when managing Facebook pages for clients is how often should we send messages to our fans newsfeeds through Facebook pages? Should we post them weekly? Daily? Or even more then that? To answer this we used our Socialbakers Engagement Analytics PRO platform to see how other different Facebook pages do it. Obviously this is very different for two types of companies – brands and media companies. Media companies on the other hand have much more space. Lets take a look at the data. Source: On average, the selected media companies posted 7,1 posts a day in the last 3 months: Source: So what is the ideal number? Well obviously there is no exact ideal number, but there is a range. That means the ideal number is between 5 – 10 posts per week as a brand, and as a media company, this is typically 4 – 10× higher, as news are information people engage with all day long. Jan Rezab CEO of Socialbakers

IFrame Apps Facebook Now Powers Comments All Around the Web This morning, Facebook released its much-feared commenting solution. The idea made big news earlier this year, despite the fact that Facebook has already offered a commenting solution for more than a year, but today the company has announced the feature officially. So what's new? There are a number of features for both publishers and users, although some of the most exciting features we've seen displayed on Facebook late last year don't appear to be a part of the release. Is Facebook's massive social graph enough to push it into the default slot for comments, where it already resides for things like social sharing and third-party login? According to a Facebook spokesperson, the new commenting system will be a quick install for publishers, with a single line of code. On the user end, there's the obvious benefit of serving as a quickly and easily accessible commenting system. The big question is, where are all the bells and whistles?

HOW TO: Start Marketing on Facebook The Social Media 101 Series is supported by Global Strategic Management Institute. GSMI's Social Media Strategies Series are the leading educational events for organizations looking to advance their online capabilities. Learn more. It's no secret: U.S. consumers continue to spend increasing amounts of time on Facebook. Consequently, marketers — lured by Facebook's suite of highly targeted marketing products and the site's smooth ability to spread information across networks of friends — are investing increasing amounts of capital in the platform. Facebook's proposition is especially attractive to small business owners, and not just because it enables them to hone in on potential customers through highly targeted, paid advertisements. "Ask [small business owners] how they get customers, and they'll tell you that someone walks in, has a great experience, walks out and tells a couple of their friends," says Emily White, senior director of local at Facebook. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Her advice? 6.

11 Mind-Blowing Reasons Your Business Needs Facebook Everyone seems to be using Facebook to connect with old friends, but do you realize what this huge network could mean for your business? In the past 3 years, Facebook has surged past MySpace to become our preferred online hangout. And businesses are beginning to catch on. Interesting research shows just how influential Facebook has become in our daily lives. Combined with several critical adjustments to how Facebook publishes “news” and intersects with other sites, the state of Facebook is mind-blowing. And that’s a big deal for your business. Here are 11 vital reasons your business needs to be involved with Facebook: 1. 350 Million Global Users and Counting Facebook announced recently that they had passed 350 million members, making Facebook the third-largest country in the world, if it was a country. 2. 100 Million U.S. Sure, Facebook is strong around the world (Canada has the highest penetration rate), but nearly 1/3 of all Facebookers are here in the U.S. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Mort annoncée de Facebook - Facebook Je suis tombé récemment sur un article annonçant que Facebook allait disparaitre plus rapidement que prévu. Cet article , daté du 12 avril dernier, me rappelle une conférence de fin 2010 durant laquelle Jeffrey Cole, universitaire de Caroline du Sud, annonçait la mort de Facebook dans 5 ans maximum. Pourtant, ces derniers semblent mettre de côté quelques paramètres importants de l’histoire et l’évolution de Facebook… Facebook est-il comparable aux autres ? Dans les propos de nos deux « Nostradamus » du web, des comparaisons un peu douteuses me dérangent. Là où Facebook devient un mass-media et se place à la croisé des différentes pratiques sur le web, Myspace s’est focalisé sur le monde des « artistes » plus ou moins talentueux. Mais nos deux devins pensent que le côté « trendy » des pratiques du web va jouer en la défaveur de Facebook. Facebook est-il destiné à devenir « has been » ? Il ne faut pas se voiler la face, rien n’est éternel…sauf les diamants. Mon avis sur ces predictions

6 Things NOT to Do On Facebook As a Brand Last week Facebook made some impressive changes to its Brand pages, giving both social media geeks and business owners something to get excited about. Many of the changes will provide brands an opportunity to interact on Facebook in ways that were previously unavailable. For example, with brands now having their own identity on the site, it opens doors for business owners to interact as the brand itself, not just a representative of the brand. With the changes comes a new excitement over Pages and, in the end, likely more users. If you’re a business owners now heading to Facebook to claim your territory or even if you’re one who’s been there for a while, below are some common Facebook mistakes you’d be wise to avoid. Mistake: Creating a Profile Page instead of a Brand Page Because Facebook was created on personal profiles, many business owners still think a profile is what they need to promote their business. Mistake: Cutting Off Wall Interaction Mistake: Interacting Without A Plan

HOW TO: Create a Facebook Engagement Policy As Facebook has become a primary customer interaction point for businesses, many companies have established formal policies for how community managers and employees should engage with fans. These engagement policies run the gamut from a brief checklist of best practices to a multi-page legal document with detailed instructions on how to handle issues. Since every company's goals, style and tone are different, it's important to develop policies that fit your business. Here are six steps to get you started. Categorize Posts The first step in creating engagement guidelines is to categorize the different types of posts you're likely to see on your page. Ben Foster, VP - Digital Strategist at PR agency Ketchum, recommends going a step further and creating a detailed decision tree for posts. Establish Acceptable Response Times Your response times should also be driven by the type of post you're responding to, with complaints and questions taking priority over praise and general conversation.

4 Rules of Engagement for Mobile Marketing Carla Paschke is Director of Mobile Innovation at Engauge where she is responsible for providing best-in-class mobile strategies for clients, including Coca-Cola and Chick-fil-A. Follow her on Twitter @carlapaschke. Smartphones, the most powerful data-collection tools ever created, don’t just tell brands what consumers want but where consumers are. Sometimes they even tell brands what consumers are doing at different times of the day. Location, activity and time are a powerful combination, however, many companies, in a rush to seize a toehold in the exploding mobile market, mistakenly focus on the technology instead of the people using it. Their messages lack relevancy and consumers filter them out the mobile equivalent of telemarketing. Consumers no longer passively participate in campaigns. Brands need real-time information monitoring from mobile apps and social media to get a broad perspective. Further, brands must build these new mobile capabilities atop a solid strategic foundation.

Les révélations sur le bouton « partage » de Facebook Cet article a été publié il y a 3 ans 1 mois 15 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Voilà une info qui risque d’en étonner plus d’un… N’en déplaise à beaucoup, les chiffres de Facebook, c’est beaucoup plus subtil qu’on ne le pense… Et oui, p renez garde chers amis : le compteur de partage facebook, c’est tout simplement de la poudre aux yeux. Vous pensez sans doute, et il y a peu, je pensais encore comme vous, que le nombre de “share” représente le nombre de partages réel sur facebook : j’ai en effet réalisé un petit sondage et la plupart des sondés pensent que le chiffre indiqué représente le nombre de fois où l’article a été partagé sur Facebook. Et bien, la réalité est toute autre. • Le nombre de partages affichés dans le fil d’actualité • Le nombre de likes sur les profils • Le nombre de commentaires sur les partages Voici un exemple sur la page de Kriisiis Heureusement, il est possible de décortiquer ce chiffre.

The Social Network’s Screenplay Writer Quits Facebook [Headlines] This article titled “The Social Network’s Aaron Sorkin quits Facebook” was written by Catherine Shoard, for on Wednesday 22nd June 2011 16.34 UTC Aaron Sorkin, who won an Oscar in February for his screenplay for Facebook drama The Social Network, has quit Facebook, it was revealed today. Sorkin, 50, was speaking at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity at a session alongside David Simon, creator of The Wire and Treme. “I have a lot of opinions on social media that make me sound like a grumpy old man sitting on the porch yelling at kids,” he said. The Social Network chronicled the ascent of Mark Zuckerberg, who created the website while studying at Harvard, then battled two lawsuits from aggrieved former colleagues. Sorkin’s scepticism of social media was shared by the film’s star, Jesse Eisenberg, who joined Facebook under a false name while in production but left soon afterwards, unnerved by the experience. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010
