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25 Font Management Tools Reviewed - Smashing Magazine

25 Font Management Tools Reviewed - Smashing Magazine
If you are one of those people who work with fonts on regular basis, then choosing, comparing and analyzing fonts is a serious business for you. Font management is not always as easy as a walk on the cake. Font management issues like installing and uninstalling fonts, handling missing fonts, taking care of font conflicts always keep graphic designers and typographers on their toes. Also hundreds or thousands of fonts activated on the system can use up considerable amount of system resources which in turn reduces efficiency and productivity. Mac, Windows and Linux platforms have their own font management utilities, but these utilities are not sufficient in a specialized or professional environment. Below we have reviewed 25 free/commercial font managers for Mac, Windows and Linux. Suitcase (Win) / Suitcase Fusion (Mac) Link Suitcase Fusion2 (Mac) and Suitcase3 (Win) are powerful, quick and clever font managers which have a simple and an intuitive user interface. Main features:

Creating a Logotype Depends More on the Means Than the End The process of designing a type-based logo is similar to that of designing a shape-based logo. Both logos need to convey a message, do it quickly and appease the client’s taste. All of these objectives can be accomplished by defining goals, favoring message over convention and questioning our assumptions as designers—even to the point of considering Arial or Helvetica. Anyone who designs a logo faces many questions. What should it look like? Graphic design is a process of solving problems through visual communication. What’s the Project? Smalls, Middleton & Bigman, a fictional law firm, hires a professional design company to develop its company logo. It must be easily recognizable. These could apply to any logo for any company. In what specialties does it excel? Smalls, Middleton & Bigman is an aggressive new firm specializing in regional real estate deals. The designer immediately sets out to create a logotype. The Importance of Shape The examples above aren’t logotypes. Text Informs. Fonts - using them in web design This gives information about fonts in web pages. Note : this page uses the word font for what is more correctly termed a font family. E.g., this page uses “Arial font” to refer to all members of the Arial font family, in all its sizes, weights, and variations; and this page uses “generic font” for the term “generic font family” which appears in CSS specifications. User Default Fonts Browsers typically let users pick fonts to be used when pages do not suggest fonts using either CSS or <font>, or when the user has set an option not to use fonts suggested by the page. E.g. With many browsers these fonts may be different from the 5 CSS generic fonts. Generic Fonts When using the CSS font-family property to style text, there are five generic fonts: serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, and monospace. There are three important issues to consider about these fonts. Let’s consider each of these issues. Selecting Installed Fonts as Generic Fonts CSS List of Fonts Suggesting Fonts Common Fonts Mobile Fonts

fonts, typefaces and all things typographical — I love Typography (ILT) So you want to create a font. Part 1 | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog By Alec Julien So you’re a brilliant designer, a master calligrapher, and you’ve learned all about serifs, side-bearings, and kerning. Now you want to create your own font. The Crux: Font Editing Software All the brilliant design, precise calligraphic work, and deep knowledge of kerning won’t mean anything if you can’t translate your work into a computer-friendly format, which is why you’ll need a good piece of font editing software at your disposal. Font Editing Programs FontLab Studio is what I use to make my fonts. All of these programs operate on the same principles, differing in specifics, interface, and levels of options and power. Once you have a good font editing program, there are three basic routes to creating a font. Method 1: Draw it on paper Tools You’ll Need Good PenGood PaperRuler (Optional)ScannerAdobe PhotoShop or Adobe Photoshop Elements (or similar image editing software)ScanFontFont Editing software of your choice Are you artistic? Almost there. Coming Up Next…

@font-face and 15 Free Fonts You Can Use Today Fonts are a huge part of design (as we all know). Text on the web needs to be much more dynamic than in any other media. We have solutions like Cufón, sIFR, etc. but perhaps one of the better options is using @font-face in CSS. We’ll take a quick look at using @font-face in CSS and 15 great free fonts you can start using today. What is @font-face? @font-face is a CSS rule that lets web designers link to a font that visitors may not have installed. Once the font is linked, it is used just like you would use any other font in your CSS. You MUST be sure the font you intend on using is appropriately licensed for @font-face linking/embedding. Why Use @font-face? @font-face doesn’t rely on any technologies other than good’ol CSS, the font file you want to use and a capable browser. Browser compatibility is getting much better too. While that still leaves a lot of web users without @font-face support, it’s okay because they will just get another font in your font stack. Here’s what we get. ttf2eot

10 Typography Tips to Bring your Skills to the Next Level An often overlooked aspect of web design, by those just starting out, is typography. In fact, web designers that have been around for a couple years even have a tendency to overlook and undervalue the power of typography. Don’t be mistaken though, it’s one of the most powerful tools web designers have. In this article, we’ll review ten web typography tips that will bring your typographic design skills to the next level. 1. Leading Leading is the space between lines of text and probably one of the more commonly known elements of typography. I generally stick with about 2-5pt’s larger leading than font size depending on the type face, size, etc. and how it feels reading it. 2. Measure seems to be overlooked quite often in many of the templates I review. Measure is the width of your text. This will be a little harder to show you at a normal font size so I’ve reduced the font sizes for the example below. 3. On the web it’s not a good idea to use justified text alignment. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

10 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know When someone visits a website you’ve designed, the odds are that they don’t care much about the colors, images or sounds, they’re immediately looking at the text. No matter how many bells and whistles you’ve built into a website, everyone relies on text to accomplish whatever they’re visiting the site to do. That alone should make typography, the art of arranging type, a priority for any web designer. In this article we take a look at 10 easy rules to keep in mind when designing your next web project. 1. With a design like JonesingFor a designer without a great grasp of the text would have struggled to put together the typography that makes this site really work. Some web designers think that just copying and pasting out of a text file constitutes the total of their textual duties. You can kick your typography up yet another notch, if you can read through the text once it’s in place in your design. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. It’s not possible to entirely avoid serifs, of course.

font-family - font's available for CSS (most common) This is a legacy document, and retained on the site in order to avoid link rot. The content is likely no longer (a) accurate, (b) representative of the views and philosophies of current site management, or (c) up to date. Font-family A question often asked is for a definitive list of fonts available on either Mac or pc. * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Arial;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Arial Black;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Comic Sans MS;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Courier;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Courier New;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Georgia;" (found after screen shot) > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Helvetica;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Impact;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Palatino;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Times New Roman;" > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Trebuchet MS;" (found after screen shot) > * < SPAN STYLE="font-family: Verdana;" > Sue Sims

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