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The Usable Library

The Usable Library

Encuestas online - Software encuesta - Crea y envia cuestionarios ... Las más solicitadas ha diseñado un sistema que permite identificar y llevar un control sobre los participantes de una encuesta cuando el envío de la misma se realiza por medio del método "Desde mi propio correo". Para eso se han creado dos nuevos parámetros (ShipID y CustID) que se deben incorporar en el enlace de la encuesta que se envía a los participantes. Haz click aquí para ver un documento explicativo para el uso de este sistema. Puedes consultar el documento explicativo de ayuda para trabajar con los resultados de tus encuestas en Excel. Existen varias posibilidades para recoger las respuestas de una encuesta. Exportación de Outlook a Mis Listas. Una de las cuestiones más valoradas por las empresas y organizaciones a la hora de realizar una encuesta online es poder personalizar la misma para adaptarse a sus necesidades de imagen corporativa. Generales es una solución completa para hacer encuestas por Internet. No. Sobre metodología Recuerda:

5 Simple Social Design Tips From the Masters This series is supported by, an online design tool that enables you to create your own Flash websites, social network layouts, and more, for free. Learn more about Wix here. With so much content competing for users' attention, it's important for content creators to have websites or applications that are accessible, clean and interactive. For sites with a social media focus, a solid user experience is even more important because if users can't easily navigate a site or connect with their existing networks, chances are, those users won't return. Joshua Porter, author of Designing for the Social Web defines social design as "designing for the social interactions between people using software." The methodologies and science behind user interface and user experience can be overwhelming for professionals, not to mention the content creator that just wants to have a site that can encourage interactivity with its audience. 1. Hess writes: 2. Nik tells us: 3. 4. Benjamin tells us: 5.

Flash/PHP poll with a text file 3.3 Third frame: the chart component Before continue you should install the Chart Component extension from the macromedia exchange site. From the component panel drag 'n drop the BarChart element on your stage in the 3rd frame and give to the movieclip istance name: results. 3.4 Third frame: the script In the 3rd frame we put this code at first, in order to remove all duplicate movieclips of the second frame: stop();// -------------------// remove radio button// -------------------function removeRadio(){ var a = 2; while(_root['myRadio' + a] ! Then setup the script to add the items to the bar component: What the component does is to get the value and create the bar chart in according to the values passed. The last step: Create a new button (also a component button), with goBack istance name and prevFrame as clickHandler. // ----------------------------// if cookie value is FALSE// set the back button disabled// ----------------------------if(myVar.allow=='false'){ goBack.setEnabled(false);}

The Current State of Web Design: Trends 2010 - Smashing Magazine Ver Peliculas Online Gratis, Cine en casa, carteleras | SIPELICULAS.COM A Design Is Only As Deep As It Is Usable Advertisement There are well-known proverbs that imply (or state outright) that beauty is superficial and limited in what it can accomplish. “It’s what’s inside that counts” and “Beauty is only skin deep” are a few simple examples. Because the Web design industry is now flooded with a lot of raw talent, and because virtually anyone can create a “beautiful” website, recognizing a truly beautiful website experience is becoming increasingly difficult. In this article, I hope to provide a clear demarcation between what is perceived by most to be beautiful in Web design and what is truly beautiful, along with some guiding principles to help designers today create websites whose beauty is not superficial, but rather improves and enhances the user experience. Gradients, Drop-Shadows, Reflections, Oh My! A lot of things could fall in the category of “beautiful” or “attractive” in the context of Web design. has everything a client could ask for in a “Web 2.0 design”. The Dribbble Syndrome

47 Amazing CSS3 Animation Demos Here is a compilation of 47 jaw-dropping CSS3 animation demos. They demonstrate the possibilities of the CSS3 transform and transition property. Some are very useful and can be used as Javascript alternatives. Most of them are simply to look cool. In order to veiw these effects, you need a webkit browser such as Safari and Chrome (sorry to the Internet Explorer users). Enjoy! CSS3 Clock With jQuery Analogue Clock 3D Cube That Rotates Using Arrow Keys Multiple 3D Cubes (Slide In/Out) CSS3 Accordion Auto-Scrolling Parallax Isocube Image Gallery Matrix 7 Javascript-effect Alternatives Using CSS3 Image Hover Effects Turning Coke Can (Control With Scrollbar) 3D Meninas Polaroid Gallery Space Note: this one is graphic intense and takes a while to load, but the result is crazy! Mac Dock Drop-In Modals Sliding Vinyl Zooming Polaroids Animated Rocket Poster Circle Morphing Cubes Falling Leaves Animated Polaroid Gallery Spotlight Cast Shadow Colorful Clock Lightbox Gallery (Draggable) Elastic Thumbnail Menu Coverflow

11 Common Web Design Mistakes (Blunders) | Web 2.0 There are tons of website on the Internet, and hundreds or probably thousands are created by day. Here’s a very interesting thing to ponder – What are the elements of a good website? Image Credit: tveskov Building a website can be daunting but the real challenge lies in making it usable. In this article, we would like to highlight 11 web design blunders that web developers and designers make and some suggestions how these mistakes can be easily avoided. 1. The web is like an archive of information. Suggestions:Google Custom Search is a neat, simple and effective way to get started. Here’s a simple form code to display Google’s search engine on your site too. More: Designing The Holy Search Box: Examples And Best Practice- This article details guidelines for designing the search box. 2. This is a crucial element of web design. Suggestions:Fortunately, there are simple ways that you can do to improve the users’ reading experience on your website. 3. 4. Suggestions: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Crear un encuesta en flash Vamos a crear una encuesta sencilla con Flash, Actionscript y PHP, usando un contador de visitas y el tutorial "Skip Intro" en Flash por SharedObjects”. Quedará como esto: Bien comenzamos La encuesta en este caso pregunta "¿Esta complicada la encuesta?" con las opciones de sí o no. En mi caso este es el codigo del php que utilizo : Código PHP : Nota: mismo nombre, misma carpeta o ubicación, recuerden habilitar en el servidor todos lo permisos y escribir un 0 en el txt y guardar (algunas veces es necesario el 0). Bien, hasta aquí lo unico que hicimos, es que nuestro php sume de uno en uno, cada vez que se le solicite.Pero nosotros, tambien queremos mostrar estos datos, osea, una vez que el señor se echo uno, un voto, debemos presentarle la cantidad de votos que lleva nuestra encuesta, asi que creamos otro php y otro txt pero con una diferencia minima en el codigo:Como ven en esta seccion del codigo anterior ,aquí se aumenta el contador //Aumentamos el contador en 1. Pasemos a flash

Keep On Learning One of the greatest qualities in most creative problem solvers is a thirst for learning. Most designers and user experience professionals I know have some level of post-graduate education. But if you were to dig a little deeper, you would likely find that many have degrees in either partially or completely unrelated fields. Andy Rutledge recently leveled a very stern, yet honest, criticism of the state of UX Design Education in the college system: “Today the appropriate path for UX design education goes around, not through, nearly all universities and colleges.” While there is undoubtedly a gap is this area of design education, thankfully people like Liz Danzico (MFA in Interaction Design program at SVA) and Christopher Murphy and Nicklas Persson—aka the Web Standardistas—are leading the way by creating cutting edge interaction design curriculum that will hopefully serve as a model for education in our field in the years to come. But what if you don’t live in New York or Belfast?

En su opinión, este proceso deben conocerlo y entenderlo todos los colaboradores o funcionarios de una organización, para garantizar la consecución de los objetivos corporativos que se reflejen en mejores índices de productividad, competitividad y rentabilidad. El experto aseguró que uno de los principales gurú de la administración moderna, co-creador de los sistemas Balanced Scorecard y Activity-Base Costing, destacó las oportunidades que tienen las empresas colombianas para aprovechar los signos de reactivación en la economía mundial y a través de estrategias competitivas ganar una mayor participación en los mercados internacionales. Kaplan presentó a los empresarios colombianos el nuevo sistema de Gestión de la estrategia denominado The Execution Premium, a través del cual las organizaciones pueden alcanzar con mayor éxito sus metas y objetivos corporativos. El experto dijo que el país debe identificar los productos con los que quiere llegar a mercados clave. Publicación

How wireframing makes your website designs better Written by Brian Cray on December 2nd, 2009 Wireframing in terms of website design means to create a basic "sketch" of your website's user interface. While many web designers jump straight from client meeting to Adobe Photoshop, or even to creating CSS and HTML prototypes, they are missing important opportunities in the website design process. Wireframing addresses extremely important issues in strategic design, client adoption, and user-centered design. The value of wireframing comes down to a simple idea: Wireframing forces you to think about your user interface design decisions in terms of user needs first, instead of in terms of what looks good. Ideal website design deliverables from start to finish Removing the wireframe from the website design process Without wireframing your website designs, you're vulnerable to these design pitfalls: Lack of focus on strategic UI design. How to start wireframing Conclusion
