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Twitter Apps

Pulse & Signal 10 things you can tweet about on Twitter Don’t worry, I’ll get over this Twitter thing very soon, but for now I want to address all of the ill informed coverage that stifles use of Twitter because it can’t see beyond a) celebrities using it and b) the Facebook-style status update thing . If you’re struggling to think of what to talk about on Twitter, here are some suggestions: – clearly the most obvious one, and the easiest one, but also the least interesting. Let’s move on… - more useful, as people may be interested in the results, or want to meet where you’re going. – easy and useful. – again, pretty easy – and in fact many Twitter clients like Tweetdeck and Twhirl allow you to retweet with one click. – many people use Twitter as a way to alert people to their latest blog post. – upload your pictures to Flickr and post a link, or use a service like Twitpic which will do it for you. – Twitter is a social medium, not a broadcast one, so conversation is part of the deal. - by someone else, or one of your own

12 ways to use Twitter to increase your productivity - Simplehelp A very common criticism of Twitter (other than its uptime) is that it’s just a distraction, “noise” that doesn’t actually help you in any way. Well, here are 12 ways you can use Twitter productively. MultiMap The MultiMap twitter bot helps you to access maps, directions and local information by simply sending direct messages via Twitter. You can send a message to fetch local information such as the closest ATM, tourist attraction, park, cinema, theatre or even find entries on wikipedia about what is nearby. Add @multimap as a friend and start sending it commands. Fuelfrog Fuelfrog is a service that allows you to track your gas mileage by letting them know the miles you traveled on your last tank, the price you paid, and how many gallons you added to your car. Usage: after you sign up for the Fuelfrog service, add @fuelfrog as a Twitter friend. miles price gallons Example: d fuelfrog 342 3.239 10.293 Commuter Feed Add @commuter to your Twitter list. which is: Group Tweet timer Example: trackthis

The Anatomy of a Tweet: Twitter Gets a Style Guide - Bits Blog They’re no Strunk and White, but Dom Sagolla and Adam Jackson are aiming to do for Twitter what “The Elements of Style” did for good writing on paper: outline elementary rules of usage, composition and grammar. The bulk of the book, titled “140 Characters, A Style Guide for the Short Form,” will revolve around eight key lessons from the Twitter universe, such as the importance of simplicity, honesty and humor. The project will also highlight notable figures worth following on Twitter, anecdotes from the community and even examples of the few occasions Twitterers have gone overboard: For example, Mr. Sagolla points to “bathroom tweets,” or messages about bodily functions, as falling into the category of things not to post to Twitter. “This is a new genre of writing,” said Mr. A portion of the book will also double as a memoir from the perspective of Mr.

The guide to corporate Twittering FrontPage We Travel in Tribes The rumor that Twitter is abandoning Ruby on Rails comes as no surprise to those familiar with Twitter’s shaky uptime record and its tendency to lose its mind in increasingly impressive and creative ways. So, new platform. Fine. Saw that coming. The answer comes down to value. “Rands, you mean, just like an RSS reader?” Yeah yeah yeah, that’s not the key value. Don’t Give Me What I Asked For, Give Me What I Want When I ask a question, I’m looking for an answer in one of three ways: Specifics. Affinity is the opposite of Infinity Twitter is a social network, yes, but it’s a social network without the superpoke scrabtaculous zombie noise and, for that, I’m thankful, because I’ve got work to do. I want to see how they see the world. I’ve already described how I maintain a healthy Twitter equilibrium. There are two immediate networks that I care equally about. The second list is the folks who are following me. The act of one human being choosing to follow another is a big deal.

10 Twitter Tools that Help You Work Smarter by Web Designer, Copywriter and Author Sherice Jacob from iElectrify and Get Niche Quick (follow her at @sherice). Who would’ve thought that a service like Twitter could help you not only reach more potential clients, but also help make your day more organized? Here are 10 “must have” Twitter applications and plugins to add to your marketing arsenal. Start using any one of these Twitter tools and watch your productivity (and your customer list) grow by leaps and bounds!

TwitterWhere Twitter Guide: How To Do Things With Twitter The complete guide to the best Twitter apps and tools that will help you get the most out of Twitter. The first tweet was published almost 8 years ago and Twitter has come a long way since then. There’s a whole ecosystem of apps and services available now that allow us to use Twitter in more ways than ever before. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Software and Opinions » Blog Archive » Twitter Translation My friend Britt mentioned today that he was about to launch How exciting! But I don’t understand Japanese. If only I could easily translate all those tweets in languages I don’t understand. I played around with Google’s new AJAX Translation API before and I wondered how hard it would be to use that from a GreaseMonkey script. The answer: hard. My script is now up on twitlator.user.js To use it simply go to a page listing a bunch of tweets, like the public timeline and find a tweet in a language you don’t under stand. Click the translate! Yep. I’m pretty sure my script will only work on Firefox 3.

The Bamboo Project Blog: Twitter Hating I've tried to love Twitter. I really have. Everyone's Twittering and I keep thinking I'm missing out on something. I just can't do it, though. I understand that some people get a lot out of it, but I find it distracting and often trivial. There's a lot of crap to wade through to get to the gems. I know there's this whole idea of the "ambient awareness" that I can develop by letting these tweets flow over me, but that just doesn't happen. I also struggle with what to tweet. Finally, on a more philosophical and serious note, I have this sneaking suspicion that people reducing their thoughts to 140 characters on a regular basis is less "zen" and more an invitation to excessive simplification in a complex world.

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