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20 heroic librarians who save the world

20 heroic librarians who save the world

Diversität in der Videospielbranche - Brauchen wir wirklich mehr Frauen und Minderheiten? Es gilt als eines der größten Probleme der Videospielbranche: Die Leute, die tatsächlich Videospiele spielen, werden weder in den Spielen noch in den Entwicklungsteams ausreichend repräsentiert, zugunsten eines Fokus auf junge, weiße Männer. Frauen und Minderheiten kommen dagegen zu kurz. Die Zahlen sprechen da doch eine deutliche Sprache, wie man am Exempel des Frauenanteils sehen kann. Und wenn man viele Meinungen und Editorials zu diesem Thema liest, könnte man meinen, dahinter stecke eine kolossale Ungerechtigkeit, ein System, das Frauen prinzipiell zurückhält. Frauen in der Entwicklung Das Problem, wenn man hier einfach nur laut "Ungerechtigkeit" schreit, ist aber, dass man dies kaum anhand der Zahl ausmachen kann, weil zu viele Aspekte zusammenkommen. Wie sieht es mit den Arbeitsbedingungen aus und wie vertragen sich diese zum Beispiel mit dem Konstrukt der Familie? Auch der Faktor Sexismus muss immer aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachtet werden. Gut für's Geschäft...

Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog Offbeat Tips for Being More Productive and Efficient at Work Productivity and efficiency are important to our work life. We want to be able to produce things well in as little time as possible. We also want to reduce things that detract us from reaching a task’s completion. We need to try to avoid making mistakes, reduce our stress sources and, in general, manage our contentment in order to maintain our ability to get stuff done well and on time. This article discusses a handful of interesting ideas for improving productivity and efficiency. Remove the Negatives One assumption many people make is that eliminating negative aspects in our work environment is the direct opposite of fostering and incubating the positives. In reality, you need to perform a whole range of activities for eliminating the negatives that would be completely different if you focused on the positives. Focusing on the positive aspects in a team may involve helping people discover their talents, working on what they’re good at, or praising them if they’ve done a good job.

4 Great iPad Apps for Creating Educational Videos If you’re a teacher or a librarian who creates instructional materials regularly, you’ll want to have a look at these great apps for the iPad that let you easily create educational videos with your tablet. 1) Knowmia Teach iPad App This is a free lesson planning and recording tool for teachers and their students. It helps you create short video lessons on any subject and publish them on so students, other teachers and the public can find them. 2) ShowMe This is an interactive whiteboard app that allows you to record voice-over whiteboard tutorials and share them online. 3) iMovie This is a professional quality video application that lets you create beautiful HD movies and Hollywood trailers. 4) Adobe Voice I recently wrote an article about Adobe’s new free app for the iPad called Adobe Voice. And before you get started recording these educational flicks, you may want to consider investing in a device mount to make filming less shaky.

Amity Middle School-Bethany Book Blog 5 Ways You Can Improve Your Freelancing Work and Life with Minimalism Want a simple way to improve your freelancing work and life? To have fewer headaches, more fun, more effective and purposeful work with your clients and projects, more freedom, and more time to do what you want? Seems too good to be true? It's not a magic pill, of course - such a thing doesn't exist. What Minimalism Is? Minimalism is eliminating the unnecessary. That can apply to getting rid of junk from your life, trimming down your business and freelance work to the essential tasks that actually get you desired results, and not worrying about all those little things that bug you and keep you up at night. How Minimalism Assists You, the Freelancer Minimalism can help you trim down the amount of hours you spend working while still keeping the same level of quality and output. And it can help you free up time, space, and energy to do more of what you enjoy outside of freelancing, although you should be doing what you love in the first place, right?. Yeah yeah. 1. Image credit: longo 2. 3. 4.

Videoguide - lerne filmen! - Themen - SRF mySchool Mona Vetsch und Videojournalisten von SRF vermitteln im interaktiven Videokurs Profi-Knowhow für Einsteiger. Erfahren Sie alles über die Grundlagen zum Thema Bild und Ton, Geschichtenerzählen und die Technik der 5-Shot-Coverage. Das Einmaleins des Videohandwerks – praktisch, witzig und lehrreich. 0:23 min, aus SRF WISSEN vom 24.12.2008 Herzlich Willkommen zum interaktiven Videoguide von SRF Der Videoguide behandelt spannende Themen rund um den Videojournalismus und liefert wichtige Erklärungen, die das eigenständige Filmen möglich machen. Bild in Lightbox öffnen. Bildlegende: Ob Schnitt, Dramaturgie oder Ton: In diesem Videoguide lernen Sie von den Profis. Betrachtet wird zum Beispiel der Aussagewunsch meines Videos. Zum Filmen gehört natürlich auch die Technik. Diese und viele weitere Themen behandelt der Videoguide. Viel Spass beim Entdecken! Ist der Videoguide auf DVD erhältlich? Der Videoguide wird nicht auf DVD vertrieben. Welcher Kameratyp wird bei SRF verwendet?

Happy Birthday Author David Lynch picks five films for AFI Fest | 24 Frames | Los Angeles Times What do Ingmar Bergman's "Hour of the Wolf," Stanley Kubrick's "Lolita," Jacques Tati's "Mon Oncle," Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window" and Billy Wilder's "Sunset Boulevard" have in common? They're the films chosen by filmmaker David Lynch for a special sidebar of AFI Fest 2010, which runs from Nov. 4 to 11. Lynch, director of "Blue Velvet, "Mulholland Drive" and "Inland Empire," is the festival's first-ever guest artistic director and himself an American Film Institute alumnus. In addition to the eclectic and unusual group of titles unveiled by Lynch on Monday, the sidebar also will include his debut feature, "Eraserhead," begun while he was at AFI and first released in 1976. "I love AFI. I owe them a lot, so much I can't tell you," Lynch said in a phone interview from his office in Los Angeles. Speaking about his selections, Lynch said, "When I was at AFI, they ran a lot of great pictures, and I got a chance to see some things that I probably wouldn't have been able to see. -- Mark Olsen

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