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Transition US

Transition US

Re-earthing the Cities Home Page Our Home Planet is in trouble, so what can we do? See You CAN live lightly on the Earth! Why the Cities? Last Updated 1st.February 2014 | Site Map Lughnasad 2014, New Year, and News Seasons and Calendars En Bienvenue sur le site des Initiatives de Transition bruxelloises, qui font partie du réseau Transition de Bruxelles et de Wallonie, en Belgique. Ces initiatives se rattachent au mouvement mondial des Initiatives de Transition, initié à Totnes (Angleterre) pour mettre en œuvre collectivement et avec une vision positive un avenir préférable au présent pour votre quartier, votre village, votre ville. Ce mouvement mondial connaît une expansion extraordinaire, avec plus de 900 initiatives créées et inscrites en seulement six ans. On estime qu'en réalité, fin 2011, on comptait au moins 2000 initiatives de transition dans plus de 34 pays. Sur les pages de ce site, auquel vous pouvez participer, vous trouverez des informations sur la transition à Bruxelles, l'agenda des activités, des informations au sujet du film ”Cultures en transition”, des personnes de contact, et des idées de ce que vous pouvez faire de votre coté… Les listes de discussion sont ouvertes à tous: inscription ici

Rob Hopkins of Transition Town Totnes and Transition Culture As Lester Brown recently noted on this site, the coming decline of oil will be ‘a seismic economic event’. So what do we do when we learn that the ’black gold’ will soon start running out? Do we grab a gun and head for the hills, or do we redouble our efforts to build strong, resilient communities and economies that are not dependent on fossil fuels? Rob Hopkins is at the forefront of the latter approach. New Web Platform Launched to Accelerate Green Economy Transition Geneva, 22 January 2014 - A robust, state-of-the-art knowledge-sharing platform was launched today by the newly established Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP), a diverse consortium of leading institutions and organizations working in areas related to green growth and green economy. The website is in response to increasing demand from both policy makers and the public for information on ways to achieve sustainable economic growth. Like the GGKP itself, the website - which features a searchable e-library with over 600 technical and policy resources, as well as dashboards with data and policies for 193 countries - transcends the traditional divide between economy and the environment. It mobilizes knowledge, experience and support from disparate partners in both the global economic and environmental arenas, all of which share the common goal of accelerating green growth. "A transformation towards a green economy is not just about the environment.

Healing Biotope I Ecology Center Territoires en Transition France Transition scenario Transition scenarios are descriptions of future states which combine a future image with an account of the changes that would need to occur to reach that future. These two elements are often created in a two-step process where the future image is created first (envisioning) followed by an exploration of the alternative pathways available to reach the future goal (backcasting). Both these processes can use participatory techniques (Raskin et al., 2002[1]) where participants of varying backgrounds and interests are provided with an open and supportive group environment to discuss different contributing elements and actions. Transition scenarios are unique in type not only in terms of how they are created (process) but also their content.

Je découvre Shamengo est un néologisme constitué des mots Shaman (celui qui passe d’un monde à un autre monde) Men (la communauté humaine qui nous caractérise) Go (allons de l’avant). Sa sonorité chante agréablement à l’oreille de tous les habitants de la planète que nous avons rencontrés. Qu’ils se trouvent dans les grandes mégalopoles des pays développés ou émergents, dans les forêts les plus reculées d’Amazonie ou d’Afrique, les villages du toit du monde, les îles paradisiaques des mers du Sud. Shamengo évoque l’ailleurs, le voyage, la promesse d’un monde meilleur. Shamengo s’utilise comme un prénom et signe l’appartenance à une communauté. Je suis Shamengo parce que je suis né dans un village qu’on appelle la planète bleue.

The Ghosts of Shoppers Past: why assumptions matter 12 Mar 2013 The Ghosts of Shoppers Past: why assumptions matter Berry Pomeroy Castle near Totnes is famed for supposedly being one of the most haunted castles in Britain. The inspiring response of a place when told it probably won’t exist in 20 years This is a guest post from Filipa Pimentel, the Transition Network national hubs co-ordinator and she’s from Portugal. This is based on an email that she recently sent, and which I found moving and inspiring – so Filipa kindly agreed to share it with you… Hi all, I am going through a very intense process of change and I feel sometimes that I do not have all the time the space or opportunity to sit and share what I hold inside with you all, in a real space, not virtually.

Five Easy Repairs to Extend the Lifespan of Your Things I have a dilemma—a New Year’s dilemma. At a time when resolutions dominate the season, resolutions are the one thing I dread. Every January, I make promises: Eat better; exercise more; save money. About Worldchanging "Architecture or Revolution. Revolution can be avoided." Le Corbusier, Vers une Architecture, 1923 Le Corbusier had it wrong. One billion people live in abject poverty. Future Earth Future Earth Blog launched Future Earth has launched a new online presence at Intended to be a home for innovative new ideas and essential reading for everyone engaged in global sustainability, this online magazine will be a showcase and discussion forum for the latest ideas and developments in research in this area, both in the projects that form part of Future Earth's network and beyond. Future Earth will be a global platform to deliver: Integrating existing endeavours Future Earth will build on the success of existing global environmental change programmes (Diversitas, IGBP, IHDP, WCRP and ESSP), to help develop a stronger and broader community. Contact
