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Google Play Soit elle craque, soit elle l’étrangle. Il préfère l’option 1. Journaliste pour un grand magazine londonien, Galiane vient de recevoir une super promotion : sa propre rubrique ! Seul souci : elle doit rédiger des articles sur le sexe et le plaisir… sauf qu’elle est toujours vierge ! Quand Sedge, le meilleur ami de son frère, l’apprend, il commence par éclater de rire… avant de lui proposer de l’initier. Au désir, à la frustration, aux différents types d’orgasmes, aux sextoys… Galiane est réticente au début, mais elle n’a pas le choix : c’est ça ou elle perd sa place si chèrement acquise au sein du journal. Elle le déteste depuis toujours et pourtant elle se rend compte que son corps lui envoie un tout autre message. Et ça, ce n’était vraiment pas prévu… – Tu veux quoi ?! Son petit air diabolique a le don de me mettre hors de moi. – Je veux te rendre folle, Lia. – Tu m’emmerdes, Sedge ! – Et me priver de nos joutes verbales ? Je hais ce mec !!! – Tu en es où avec ta nouvelle chronique ?

My 5 Biggest Twitter Tips Before you read the rest of this, let me say a few words. I am by no means an expert in Twitter ( @edudemic ) and do not claim to be. Twitter, like every other social media tool, is just another piece to connecting you with online resources. Whether you’re a new user of Twitter or a seasoned expert, the following tips are meant to act as a refresher for anyone feeling like Twitter hasn’t been doing as much for them as they’d hoped. Twitter can be a rewarding yet cumbersome tool that requires constant supervision. Like any social network, you should dip your toe in, spend some time absorbing, and then figure out if it can fit into your life. So how should you go about using Twitter on a daily basis? Tip #1: Don’t over-tweet If you’re like me, you follow a ton of people. What is over-tweeting? While there’s no hard and fast number for over-tweeting, use your best judgement. Tip #2: Curate the list of people you follow Tip #3: Understand the lingo Tip #4: Use hashtags…but not too much

Google © 2021 - Privacy - Terms Hom kitty troop Mandelbrot Set Here's the Wikipedia summary of the M-set. " the Mandelbrot set, named after Benoît Mandelbrot, is a set of points in the complex plane, the boundary of which forms a fractal. Mathematically, the Mandelbrot set can be defined as the set of complex values of c for which the orbit of 0 under iteration of the complex quadratic polynomial zn+1 = zn2 + c remains bounded. That is, a complex number, c, is in the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with z0=0 and applying the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of zn never exceeds a certain number (that number depends on c) however large n gets. Below are a few Self-Same Julia-Sets with lines to where they correspond to Points on the boundary of the Self-Similar but never-repeating Mandelbrot Set. ( image below by Paul Bourke, Swinburne University AU) The M-set is the Master pattern to ALL 2-D curves, every possible combination is contained within it's infinitely thin boundary.

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