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Social Media Measurement

Social Media Measurement

GROU.PS :: connects obsessively! Create your own social network 35 social media KPIs to help measure engagement | Blog Social media measurement is something that I think should be undertaken with a sense of perspective, by standing back and looking at the big picture. A widescreen approach to social media measurement ultimately looks at the things that really matter: sales, profits, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Besides, honing in on the detail might not be the best use of your time, given the obvious difficulties that arise, particularly with attribution. But standing back and looking at the bigger picture is not going to be enough for your data-mad boss, is it? If that’s the case, then don’t worry: there are lots of things you can measure... It’s all about engagement When we talk about social optimisation (a term I prefer to 'social media') we're really talking about driving engagement and interaction. Here’s what you want to happen: You want people to make a noise. Engaged customers and prospects are far more likely to do some or all of the above. Give people the right tools Making interaction a game

The Future of Social Media Monitoring - ReadWriteWeb Ten years ago the ClueTrain manifesto said that "markets are conversations" but today a more pertinent statement could be that conversations are becoming markets - or that there's a market for monitoring conversations. A whole class of technologies are emerging to help companies keep track of the conversations exploding online. The web moves fast enough that we may as well start looking at what comes next. Easy to use and affordable tools like Radian6 and ScoutLabs that track blog and twitter mentions are a given - but what kinds of crazy innovations can we hope for in the future? To be sure some of the future will be frighteningly intrusive and creepy; we've argued that the present state of the art in social media monitoring already is. Here's what we're thinking that might look like. None of our predictions for the future are terribly shocking; to some degree they are just further developments of the same core value propositions these services already focus on. Source Analysis

Social Media Measurement 101 USING SOCIAL MEDIA IS JUST not optional anymore for many marketing, communications, PR, and web professionals working at colleges and universities. While Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and LinkedIn as well as other social networking websites were only used by a small group of institutions just two years ago, they have now become default communication platforms for the majority in trying to reach and engage students, alums, and other constituents on their terms and at a minimum cost. Things go fast with the social web?so fast that only a minority of institutions have taken the time to set proper measurement systems to assess the results of their new communication tool set. Yet tracking results has never been so important. Whether or not they include stats on your page or channel, most social media platforms won't provide a full picture. Using social media doesn’t require big budgets. So how do you make sure you don’t waste your time? 1. 2. Determine how you will measure success? 3.

Social Media Policies Database | Compliance Building Here is my collection social media policies. I initially gathered a big collection while trying to formulate my own policy. That collection grew over the years to include a variety of industries, types of companies (public or private), industry and approach to social media (proactive, prohibitive or neutral). The collection began to get overwhelming so I decided to get it organized. I figured I would just share it and make it available. There are 238 policies currently in the database. Please let me know of other policies that are not in the list. Most of these policies pre-date some of the recent rules from the National Labor Relations Board. Those rules call into question some aspects of the policies listed in the database.

WE launches Twendz upgrade for professionals 51 Herramientas Social Media. Estaba preparando un post sobre una (1) herramienta de Social Media y decidi que es mas facil y util para vosotros tenerlas concentradas en un solo post. Entonces aqui va este post de 51 herramientas que te ayudaran a trabajar en Social Media. Las dividire por entornos para que os sea mucho mas facil y de ayuda. Otro dia escribire un post sobre como usarlas, entenderlas y aplicarlas adecuadamente. Aqui van: Facebook 1.- Faceboostic: herramienta de diagnostico publicitario de aplicaciones en Facebook. 2.- Facebook Lexicon: te da los resultados por palabras claves en conversaciones en Facebook. Facebook y Twitter 3.- TweetDeck y Seesmic: Software de gestion de cuentas de Twitter y Facebook. 4.- Tinker: sigue las conversaciones en Twitter y Facebook Twitter 5.- Twitter Search: motor de busqueda de Twitter en tiempo real para busqueda de conversaciones. 6.- Twitstat : te muestra las keywords mas utilizadas en los ultimos 500 tweets. 8.- Twit(url)y : mira lo que la gente habla en Twitter. Blogs

Social Media Measurement Hot on the heels of last week’s Altimeter Open Research Report on Converged Media, today, analyst Susan Etlinger, Researcher Andrew Jones, (I served as editor) have published a report answering the absolute top asked question in the social space: “How do companies measure ROI of social?” In this definitive report, Altimeter found that there are half a dozen methods being deployed, each with flaws and strengths. It’s key that the business knows which method to deploy, when, and then line up the right process, teams, software, and partners to help. Despite a thorough look into leading case samples and speaking with dozens of members of the ecosystem, we found there is no single solution that is fool proof. In this Open Research report, you will find: A through set of industry findings with 16 brands, 38 vendors, 3 agencies and 4 ecosystem contributors, and surveyed 71 social media and analytics practitioners. Key Finding: There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Take Action Now

Las redes sociales en la práctica (UNIA) Los pasados 3 y 4 de julio se celebró en Sevilla, en la UNIA (Universidad Internacional de Andalucía), dentro del Espacio-Red de Prácticas Digitales, el encuentro “Las redes sociales en la práctica“, coordinado por Francis Pisani y Tíscar Lara. El evento fue transmitido en directo a través de la plataforma de e-learning Sclipo, donde mediante un simple registro previo se podían seguir las distintas charlas de los conferenciantes. El viernes no pude seguir a Alejandro Piscitelli ni a Genís Roca, ni tampoco la posterior mesa redonda con Andrés Ortiz (Bestiario), Ícaro Moyano (Tuenti) y Gregor Gimmy (Sclipo), aunque Nieves González, que estuvo allí, ha hecho un excelente y amplio resumen en su blog. También he podido ver en Blip, los vídeos que grabó Antonio. El sábado sí pude conectarme a Sclipo y seguir cómodamente sentada, desde casa, las charlas de Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí y de Isidro Maya. Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí, en su charla “Las redes sociales en la esfera política“: Me gusta:
