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Superlist of What NOT To Do In Social Media (UPDATED)

Superlist of What NOT To Do In Social Media (UPDATED)
Are you using content marketing as part of your digital strategy to grow your business? If so, you're not alone. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the lion's share of marketers (some 92%) report using content marketing. In the fast moving world of digital strategy, things are always changing. What should you expect in 2014 to change in the world of content marketing? Hana Abaza of Uberflip has put together an infographic detailing five key content marekting trends for the coming year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

RUcore - Rutgers Community Repository - OpenETD Overview Title: OpenETD: Open Source Electronic Theses and Dissertations Managment Software Version No: 1.1.0 Version Date: May 10th, 2010 Description: OpenETD is an open source, web-based software application for managing the submission, approval, and distribution of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). Using the METS/XML export funationality, native to OpenETD, implementers can export acquired ETDs to their local institutional repositories for preservation and presentation purposes. Major Features :Multiple School Support Large universities often have several graduate schools. Operating System or Platform Dependencies: Solaris; Linux Other Application Dependencies: MySQL 5.0 or above; PHP 5.2.12 or above; Ghostscript 8.64 or above Installation: Approximately 30 minutes. Sample Scenario(s) of Use: Academic Libraries or Graduate Schools can use OpenETD to acquire and manage Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD). OpenETD is a core application developed at the Rutgers University Libraries.

Five strategies for 2009 IT gold | IT Project Failures | Let's talk about running successful IT projects in 2009. This discussion is more important than ever, because IT problems remain common, with some estimates suggesting 68% of projects fail. Despite staggering odds, follow these five strategies to reach the IT pot of gold. 1. 2. 3. Related: Denial: The secret IT killer 4. 5. These five points cover relationships between IT and its environment, which includes internal stakeholders and external partners. What do you think is the best path to achieving successful IT in 2009? [Image via iStockphoto.]

Homepage | Zigtag 'What Is an Open Repository?', Ariadne Issue 51 Printer-friendly version Send to friend 23-26 January 2007 saw the second Open RepositoriesConference [1], this year hosted at the enormous Marriott Rivercenter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, around the corner from the Alamo. The three and a half day conference was structured into two halves, with the first one and a half days being dedicated to user group meetings for the main three open-source repository software platforms: EPrints, DSpace and Fedora. The main conference rooms at Open Repositories 2007Flickr image courtesy of 'Afraid of Ducks' User Group Sessions Tuesday and Wednesday morning hosted six user group sessions. DSpace The DSpace user group opened with a session dedicated to 'Governance and Architecture' where Mackenzie Smith and John Ockerbloom talked about the status and proposed new technical architecture of the DSpace software [5]. EPrints Les Carr launching EPrints 3.0.Image courtesy of Jessie Hey Fedora Two of the Fedora Working Groups also reported. Opening Keynote Conclusion

HOW TO Sell Social Media to Cynics, Skeptics & Luddites - Tips, Resources & Advice Are you using content marketing as part of your digital strategy to grow your business? If so, you're not alone. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the lion's share of marketers (some 92%) report using content marketing. In the fast moving world of digital strategy, things are always changing. What should you expect in 2014 to change in the world of content marketing? Hana Abaza of Uberflip has put together an infographic detailing five key content marekting trends for the coming year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IntenseDebate blog » Blog Archive » ALA; Myths on the Cost of Open Source; Sharing in Positivity I went to a discussion panel at ALA where a couple of library luminaries shared their views on library innovation. It was a good discussion all around and there were some great questions and comments from the audience. One recurring theme was the “reinforcement of the negative” that pervades the library landscape. At some point in the discussion, an audience member asked the panel to share their views on the effects of open source on library innovation. I would call the vendor’s response a good example of defeatism, exactly what the panel, and this person in particular, was railing at. Assume your open source software is proprietary software and hire a vendor to install and maintain it. We have thus proven that open source software is at least as sustainable an option as proprietary software Now add the OPTION of accessing and understanding the code, contributing to the code, contributing to feature discussions, etc. Having options is better than not having options. -bill

Clay Shirky on how social media brings social change I’m at Online Information 2008, where Clay Shirky has just delivered a terrific keynote full of stories about how we can use social media to share, collaborate and act collectively. Some are drawn from his book Here Comes Everybody, some are new. However, we all know that what may be relatively easy online becomes difficult when it comes to offline organising. I asked first where we were seeing some real changes – and he cited the Obama election campaign and its use of the Net. In his keynote Clay also said that we are still at the stage of exploring … and if someone had a million dollars to invest he would suggest breaking it into small parcels rather than spending the lot on one project. I asked how he would advise anyone interested in the way that social media brings social change to explore what really makes a difference. Full interview above, short version on finding stories of failure here. Ewan McIntosh has a full blog piece on Clay’s keynote. Keynote preview video here

Anyway : Twitter Musings Tim recently pos­ted about Twit­ter, and it got me think­ing I should blog some of my own thoughts on the sub­ject of Twit­ter (and related ser­vices such as Jaiku). Tim’s not the only per­son to move from tweet­ing a bal­anced mix that includes appar­ently super­fi­cial trivia to mainly, or even only, tweet­ing work or business-related stuff. From my point of view, that’s regret­table. I fol­low only a few people, mostly people I know in per­son, because I want to know what they’re up to and main­tain some sort of con­tact with them as people, not because I see them as sources of busi­ness inform­a­tion. I’ve watched people’s blogs go from personal-with-some-work to mostly-work, now I’m watch­ing people’s twit­ter feeds go through the same trans­form­a­tion, and for me there’s a feel­ing of loss, a feel­ing that I’m just watch­ing more masks (think­ing back to Julie Leung’s talk at North­ern Voice) being put in place.

Move My Data 100+ Resources to Boost Your Social Media Savvy in 2009: Top Tips & Advice from the Experts Are you using content marketing as part of your digital strategy to grow your business? If so, you're not alone. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the lion's share of marketers (some 92%) report using content marketing. In the fast moving world of digital strategy, things are always changing. What should you expect in 2014 to change in the world of content marketing? Hana Abaza of Uberflip has put together an infographic detailing five key content marekting trends for the coming year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Google Friend Connect Is Coming Soon 21 Nov 2008 The support site of Friend Connect is now up and running with detailed information on how site owners can integrate the OpenSocial gadgets of Friend Connect in their sites. couch mode print story We know that Google is about to launch Friend Connect to public but here’s another strong hint that the service may go live very soon. The support site of Friend Connect is now up and running with detailed information on how site owners can integrate the OpenSocial gadgets of Friend Connect in their sites. If you like to further explore the features of Friend Connect, check any of these sites that are have integrated Friend Connect. MyBlogLog users can easily relate to Google Friend Connect. Once they join, their picture will show up in the Friend Connect badge.

Islandora - Islandora - Fedora Commons Wiki Added by Chris Wilper , last edited by Don Moses on Dec 04, 2010 ( view change ) The Islandora module allows Drupal users to view and manage digital objects stored in Fedora. For more information about this project, see the the Islandora Page at UPEI . Guides you through installing Islandora on an existing Fedora repository. You may also want to check the Troubleshooting page . You may download or browse the source code in our new github repository at the following locations. The main Fedora repository Drupal module is here The Drupal Filter code (this code has had imports statements updated so it will work with Fedora 3.4, will not work with earlier versions. We have created a google group to act as a mailing list for the Islandora module. Bugs and features for this project will be tracked here . Coding Standards and Commenting *draft* Configuring Drupal to work with the Islandora Scholar module. Printed by Atlassian Confluence 3.2.1_01, the Enterprise Wiki.
