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The Baloney Detection Kit: Carl Sagan’s Rules for Bullshit-Busting and Critical Thinking

The Baloney Detection Kit: Carl Sagan’s Rules for Bullshit-Busting and Critical Thinking
Carl Sagan (November 9, 1934–December 20, 1996) was many things — a cosmic sage, voracious reader, hopeless romantic, and brilliant philosopher. But above all, he endures as our era’s greatest patron saint of reason and critical thinking, a master of the vital balance between skepticism and openness. In The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (public library) — the same indispensable volume that gave us Sagan’s timeless meditation on science and spirituality, published mere months before his death in 1996 — Sagan shares his secret to upholding the rites of reason, even in the face of society’s most shameless untruths and outrageous propaganda. Through their training, scientists are equipped with what Sagan calls a “baloney detection kit” — a set of cognitive tools and techniques that fortify the mind against penetration by falsehoods: The kit is brought out as a matter of course whenever new ideas are offered for consideration.

lpq_charlie Friends of Science Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources. Overall, they are not Friends of Science and we rate them a Strong Pseudoscience site for the promotion of alternative global warming information. Detailed Report Factual Reporting: MIXEDCountry: CanadaWorld Press Freedom Rank: Canada 16/180 History Founded in 2002, Friends of Science (FoS) is a Canadian non-profit advocacy organization based in Calgary, Alberta. Read our profile on Canadian government influence on media. Funded by / Ownership Friends of Science is a non-profit organization that does not disclose donors, however, Sourcewatch claims they are primarily funded by the Fossil Fuel Industry. Analysis / Bias

Fusillade au siège de Charlie Hebdo Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La fusillade au siège de Charlie Hebdo est une attaque perpétrée le 7 janvier 2015 par deux individus armés contre le siège de l'hebdomadaire satirique Charlie Hebdo, 10 rue Nicolas-Appert, à Paris, en France. Elle fait douze morts (dont deux policiers) et onze blessés dont quatre grièvement. Cette fusillade a été qualifiée d'« attentat »[2] par le président de la République François Hollande. Les dessinateurs Charb, Cabu, Tignous, Wolinski, Honoré et l'économiste Bernard Maris sont assassinés[3],[4] dans ce qui est l'attentat le plus meurtrier en France depuis celui du train Strasbourg-Paris le 18 juin 1961[5]. Contexte Charlie Hebdo fait régulièrement l'objet de menaces d'extrémistes de tous bords. En 2006, l'hebdomadaire fait polémique en publiant douze caricatures du prophète Mahomet déjà parues dans le journal danois Jyllands-Posten. Déroulement Le bilan est de douze morts[22], dont deux policiers, et onze blessés[33]. Personnes ciblées

(22) Flattening the Misinformation Curve – some thoughts Einstein Vs Quantum Mechanics ... And Why He’d Be A Convert Today Albert Einstein may be most famous for his mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2, but his work also laid down the foundation for modern quantum mechanics. His analysis of the “spookiness” of quantum mechanics opened up a whole range of applications including quantum teleportation and quantum cryptography, but he wasn’t completely convinced by the theory of quantum mechanics – and that story is as fascinating as the theory he attempted to nail down. Quantum mechanics is downright bizarre. It implies that a particle, such as an electron, can pass through two holes at the same time. More famously, German physicist Erwin Schrödinger’s equations proved that a cat could end up in a peculiar sort of quantum state, being neither dead nor alive. None of this impressed Einstein. At the time, most quantum physicists adopted the “shut up and calculate” philosophy: get on with the job, and don’t worry about philosophical issues – just get the predictions. Gaining momentum (and position) Then Eureka!

NoTricksZone Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per-article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources. Overall, we rate NoTricksZone a pseudoscience blog based on the publication of climate change disinformation opposing the consensus of science. Detailed Report Bias Rating: RIGHT PSEUDOSCIENCEFactual Reporting: LOWCountry: GermanyPress Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREEMedia Type: WebsiteTraffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY History Founded in 2010 by Pierre Gosselin, NoTricksZone is a blog that is skeptical of human-influenced climate change. Read our profile on Germany’s media and government Funded by / Ownership NoTricksZone is owned by Pierre Gosselin. Analysis / Bias Failed Fact Checks

sans titre Ready to level up your working knowledge of math? Here’s what to read now — and next. Math 101, with Jennifer Ouellette First, start with these 5 books… 1. “First published in 1930, this classic text traces the evolution of the concept of a number in clear, accessible prose. 2. “This bestselling book originally published in 1988 remains one of the best introductions to the basics of large numbers, statistics and probabilities with illustrations drawn from everyday life: sports, the stock market, the lottery and dubious medical claims, to name a few.” 3. “Pair Paulos with the just-released How Not to Be Wrong. 4. “Most of us take zero for granted, but there was a time when it simply didn’t exist, until some enterprising Babylonian soul inserted it as a placeholder in Eastern counting methods. 5. “The prose gets a bit turgid at times, and some readers might be deterred by the proofs and equations scattered throughout, but Berlinski has some lovely descriptions and turns of phrases. 1. 2. 3.

Paper that claimed the Sun caused global warming gets retracted A paper published last June was catnip for those who are desperate to explain climate change with anything but human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. It was also apparently wrong enough to be retracted this week by the journal that published it, even though its authors objected. The paper’s headline conclusion was that it described a newly discovered cycle in the motion of the Sun, one that put us 300 years into what would be a thousand-year warming period for the Earth. Those obvious issues didn't stop some people from taking this study as proof that past warming was natural, and only mild and unavoidable warming lies in our future. What goes up must come down… in a cycle? The lead author of the paper was Valentina Zharkova, a mathematician and astrophysicist at Northumbria University who has a bit of a track record. The objections started with Ken Rice, a University of Edinburgh astrophysicist and climate blogger. Correlation is not cause for celebration

Preuves Mathematiques de l'Inspiration divine de la Bible Commentaires sur œuvre de Panin et autres par le Dr. Keith L. Brooks (TRADUIT DE L'ANGLAIS). Pour chaque beauté, il y a quelque part un oeil pour la voir. Démonstration scientifique de l'inspiration de la Bible Ce chapitre vient compléter le chapitre dédié au phénomène des codes numériques dans lequel Yvan Panin est cité en référence. "Ouvre mes yeux pour que je contemple les merveilles de ta loi". Yvan Nikolayevitsh Panin par Naum Aronson - 1916 - Soiurces: Cliquer sur l'image pour obtenir un agrandissement "La parole de Dieu est remplie de merveilles", nous dit le psalmiste. Yvan Panin Néanmoins il reste que le Dr. LE CHIFFRE DIVIN C'est un fait bien connu que le chiffre 7 se retrouve d'un bout à l'autre de l'univers. " Voici de quelle manière arriva la naissance de Jésus-Christ. Ces versets contiennent dans la langue originale, le Grec, 161 mots, soit 23 fois 7.

Post | Feed NOUVELLE THÉORIE DE L'UNIVERS : NASSIM HARAMEIN Exposé documentaire du scientifique Nassim Haramein (1h41) qui nous explique sa théorie des champs unifiés, la géométrie et dynamique de l'espace, et la science physique en relation avec la spiritualité. Une passionnante vision de notre monde et de l'Univers qui boulverse les acquis d'une grande partie de la communauté scientifique... Nassim Haramein est un scientifique multidisciplinaire et un historien. Il est connu pour la recherche et la construction d’une théorie unifiée de la structure de l’Univers, la théorie des champs unifiés. Sa théorie donne une nouvelle solution aux équations d’Einstein qui intègre le couple et les effets de Coriolis. Nassim Haramein n'avait que 9 ans quand il a commencé à asseoir les fondements d'une théorie de la matière et de l'énergie unifiée et hyperdimensionnelle. Nous baignons, explique Nassim Haramein, dans une énergie fondamentale qui est à la source de la création du monde physique. - Conférence en relation : - Voir aussi : QU'EST-CE QUE L'UNIVERS ?

The 'imminent mini ice age' myth is back, and it's still wrong | Climate crisis Roughly every two years we’re treated to headlines repeating the myth that Earth is headed for an imminent “mini ice age.” It happened in 2013, 2015, and again just recently at the tail end of 2017. This time around, the myth appears to have been sparked by a Sky News interview with Northumbria University mathematics professor Valentina Zharkova. The story was quickly echoed by the Daily Mail, International Business Times, Sputnik News, Metro, Tru News, and others. Zharkova was also behind the ‘mini ice age’ stories in 2015, based on her research predicting that the sun will soon enter a quiet phase. The most important takeaway point is that the scientific research is clear – were one to occur, a grand solar minimum would temporarily reduce global temperatures by less than 0.3°C, while humans are already causing 0.2°C warming per decade. The ‘mini ice age’ misnomer The myth ultimately stems from a period climate scientists have coined “The Little Ice Age” (LIA). Why won’t this myth die?
