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Plateforme Sociale d’Entreprise Open Source et Portail d'Entreprise

PeerIndex — We Value Social openCRX - Enterprise Open Source CRM 5 Reasons You Should Go with Open Source Social Intranet Freedom, openness, knowledge sharing, and user empowerment are some of the important values that are common to a collaborative intranet initiative and to open source software. I’ve been musing about this for a long time and wondering if both could actually converge to deliver common benefits. The advantages of open source have been widely recognized already. I can’t help but think that these benefits are also great criteria when it comes to choosing an intranet solution. Reliability and Security Enable Adoption The quality of open source software is often advanced as one of its key advantages. Naturally, for an intranet to be successful, it must be adopted by employees. Security is also a no brainer. Customizability Enables Business Agility A lot of software can be altered through plug-in modules. We live in an era of rapid change, where business agility has become an imperative. Social collaboration and digital transformation can be the two pillars of an organization’s agility.

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Document Management System | Open Source Software 5 of the Biggest Information Technology Failures and Scares IT has become an essential part of our lives nowadays. IT allows us to complete most of our daily tasks, and most jobs require software and a computer. However, these tools we use daily are not without flaws, often leading to costly and painful failures. Here are 5 of the biggest Information Technology failures and scares: 1. On March 13, 2015, the Paderborn Baskets, a second division German basketball team, was relegated to a lower division for starting a game late, due to a necessary 17-minute Windows update to the scoreboard’s laptop. The game between the Chemnitz Niners and the Paderborn Baskets was set to begin as normal, when Paderborn connected its laptop to the scoreboard. Paderborn won the game 69 to 62. “You can’t blame Chemnitz,” added Seidel. 2. In the early 90s, FoxMeyer, a healthcare service company, was the fifth largest drug wholesaler in the United States, with $5 billion in annual sales and around 500,000 items shipped daily. The budget included: Planning: Implementation:

Intelligence scientifique & Veille Document Management System | Open Source DMS - Open Source Document Management GrexIt | Email Collaboration SpagoBI After researching a lot for a BI tool for one of our client's project, we finally selected SpagoBI for its breath of features. It is the most-comprehensive amongst all open-source BI tools. CEO of leading Software Consulting Company Since 2010 we have been using SpagoBI suite in the research and scientific domain, to improve our data quality and key performance indicator management. We're using it regularly and dynamically, even in new BI domains to get cross-domain analysis (e.g. scientific activities, financing, demography) providing an increasing number of users with self-service BI. INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique), France It's great to see such a massive application in the open source arena. Software architect for a global provider of integrated software solutions Thanks to SpagoBI, we have enhanced our decisional processes and managed our production process effectively. spagobi's Italian customer in the Industry & Services domain

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