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Tower of Heaven

Tower of Heaven

Reimagine :The Game: Description Reimagine first greets you with faceless celebrity caricatures hopping around the sides of a square, as you realize the GRAVITY of the situation. Everything around you... is part of the game. From Super Meat Dress, to Double Rainbow Double Jumps, to The Bieber Booty Call, to iPad iGravity, to Groundbreaking Earthquakes, to Apple-ture Science ... ... ... Everything about the game... is part of you. Dreamlines Dreamlines was an interactive net-art work created in 2005. It lived a long (in Internet-era time, anyway) and happy life, but it is no longer functional: the technologies it was based on became obsolete, especially the Java browser plugin. It could be recreated with current web technologies, but until I get round to doing that, I decided to take it down to avoid frustration for visitors who might still come here. While you can’t have the first-hand experience at the moment, you can look at some documentation to get an idea of what was it like. You can see: The original description of the work Some screen captures on Flickr Video captures of different search strings on Vimeo: plum, raspberry, vacation A more documentary video uploaded by Tomás Rawski that shows the user interaction with the work You can also download the original source code [ZIP] (beware, it was made with Processing 1.0 and it is not going to run without significant updates).

Apples in the Tree Otomata 16 Jul 2011 Click on the grid below to add cells, click on cells to change their direction, and press play to listen to your music. Update: Click here to get Otomata for your iPhone / iPod / iPad! Official facebook page: Also this reddit page has many examples: And there is a subreddit for Otomata: Otomata is a generative sequencer. Each alive cell has 4 states: Up, right, down, left. at each cycle, the cells move themselves in the direction of their internal states. This set of rules produces chaotic results in some settings, therefore you can end up with never repeating, gradually evolving sequences. If you encounter something you like, just press “Copy Piece Link” and save it somewhere, or better, share it! Here is something from me to start with: And here is an action video: Here are replies to some common questions: Q: MIDI Output?

Aether Description Venture into space! Exploring distant planets and solving their puzzles to change the way the world views you, become a hero! Each planet has a puzzle to solve, when you figure out what it is and solve it the planet will regain color and the screen will flash. Aether is an "Art Game" about personal childhood feelings and experiences. If the game is running slow for you, there is a link on the title screen to a standalone PC/Mac version that will run a lot faster on slower computers. Edmund McMillen = Design/ArtTyler Glaiel = Programing/Design/Music Visit for other games by Glaiel! Controls Controls: ASDW = Move and jump.

Westerado Description: When a dastardly bandit kills your family, you saddle up with your six-guns to bring the murderer to justice. There's a new mystery to solve every time you play. Instructions: Move your cowboy with the WASD keys Press E to talk to people (what the cowboys call a 'gunversation)' To leave a conversation you can use A or D to simply walk away Draw your gun with the J key. To fire your gun you must first cock it with the K key. Reload with the R key. Tips: Take notes. You can kill anyone. The cowboys say that sometimes losing at cards can be as useful as winning... If you're down to your last hat you can buy more from the haberdasher. Remember you can fast travel by hopping on your horse!

Lunerun Lunerun Here is a little one button game I’m working on. Instructions Hold SPACE to run Release SPACE to jump Hold SPACE while in air to land quicker Land in slopes and hold space to gain speed (for looong jumps) If you sign up access online high scores with TAB while playing Press F11 for fullscreen. Please leave feedback in comments or send an email to playchilla AT playchilla DOT com Music by 7OOP3D song called Triggernometry. Support me I create this game in my spare time and even though it’s fun it takes a lot of effort. Todo for 1.00 (in a somewhat orderly fashion) - Polish + bug fixes - Add part 2 - Infinite “marathon” level - Infinite “survival” level Anything else? Done 5/6/2012: – Bug fixes & polish 31/5/2012: – Smoother transition when game is completed 30/5/2012: – Added a loader – Fixed so save state is restored – Some minor bug fixes - Small islands segment, long jump segment - Simple single player plot - Decide on a name (Lunerun) - Added survivors highscore (complete all 32 levels)

Alter Ego Cactus McCoy [REVIVE] WAIT
