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Welcome to e-skills UK - e-skills UK is the Sector Skills Council for Business and Information Technology

Welcome to e-skills UK - e-skills UK is the Sector Skills Council for Business and Information Technology

e-Skills for the 21st Century - Information and communication technologies - Enterprise and Industry The competitiveness and innovation capability of the European industry as well as social cohesion are increasingly dependent on the strategic and efficient use of new information and communication technologies as well as the knowledge, skills, competences and inventiveness of the European workforce and citizens. There is broad consensus about the crucial importance of e-skills for Europe: e-skills shortages, gaps and mismatches and a digital divide will affect negatively growth, competitiveness, innovation, employment and social cohesion in Europe. As new technologies are developing rapidly, e-skills are increasingly sophisticated and need to be constantly updated. Improving the availability of e-skills and increasing our talent pool involves actions at EU and national level primarily in education, training, research, industrial and labour policies but also in domains such as immigration and taxation. Background on 22-23 November 2007. Overview Reference Documents, Evaluation and reports

Fieldstone Alliance: 4 Keys to Colllaboration by Carol Lukas and Rebecca Andrews As a consultant I'm often asked, “Why do some collaborations succeed and others fail?” As you can imagine, there are many factors involved (see Twenty Factors Influencing Collaboration Success below). However, having consulted with more than 50 collaborations in the past ten years, I've identified four keys that—while not a guarantee to success—are essential to a well-functioning collaboration. Those keys are: Clarify the purposeLet form follow functionInvolve the right peopleGet it in writing Key #1: Clarify the PurposeImagine a colleague calls and says, “Our organizations can have greater impact if we collaborate on this project.” Many people think that anytime they're working together, they're collaborating. (From Collaboration Handbook, by Michael Winer and Karen Ray.) Collaboration is a mutually beneficial and well-defined relationship entered into by two or more organizations to achieve common goals. When choosing partners consider these questions:

Information on Motorsport Careers Careers Guidance There are wide-ranging career opportunities for those wishing to be part of this exciting and rewarding industry. A career in motorsport can involve working long hours and weekends, lots of time away from home, and working whilst exposed to the elements... Still keen? Read the MIA's Motorsport Careers Guide This advice is under continuous review and will be updated regularly How to start racing The sporting side of UK motorsport is governed by the Motor Sport Association (MSA), which deals with all licence holders and competitors.

PeopleBank Benefiting your company & your candidates! PeopleBank provide a complete range of fully customised solutions to attract and recruit the best new talent, whilst significantly reducing your Cost Per Hire and Time To Hire. PeopleBank is the UK's most experienced provider of Talent Banking, e-Recruitment and Applicant Tracking Solutions, with particular strengths in Talent Attraction and Candidate Experience. Our Recruitment Management Solutions delivers significant reductions in time spent on the recruitment process, direct and indirect costs incurred, and at the same time increases the quality of candidates you are seeing. Read more About Us Our Customised Solutions

European e-Competence Framework - Home Continuum Electronics engineer: Job description Electronics is the technology associated with electronic circuits and systems, and is one of the major branches of electrical engineering. Electronics engineers use scientific knowledge of the behaviour and effects of electrons to design, develop and test components, devices, systems or equipment that use electricity as part of their source of power. These components include capacitors, diodes, resistors and transistors. Electronics engineers usually work in cross-functional project teams with colleagues in other branches of engineering. Work can be found in a variety of areas as electronics are used in many things including: acoustics; defence; medical instruments; mobile phones; nanotechnology; radio and satellite communication; robotics. Subfields of electronic engineering include: control engineering; instrumentation; signal processing; telecommunications engineering. Typical work activities Exact duties vary, depending on the industry, but tasks may include: View jobs >

Target Jobs Des métiers pour le multimédia L'AWT vous propose un guide "des métiers pour le mutimédia". 36 métiers à découvrir, notamment pour les jeunes à la recherche d'une orientation professionnelle dans un secteur d'avenir dont la Région wallonne a fait l'une de ses priorités. Ce guide est avant tout un outil destiné aux jeunes scolarisés et aux professionnels en recherche de réorientation, pour les aider à mieux comprendre les métiers et les profils de compétences dans le monde du multimédia. Le souhait de l'AWT est que ce guide soit aussi une aide pour les enseignants ou les formateurs en multimédia, comme pour les recruteurs dans la formulation des offres d’emploi. Les fiches métiers répertorient 36 métiers, soit 36 fonctions spécifiques au secteur du multimédia depuis la décision de concevoir une nouvelle oeuvre multimédia jusqu’à sa mise en valeur et sa maintenance. Dans la pratique, une même personne peut exercer simultanément plusieurs métiers.

Ireland 2012 OCTOBER 9-11 Utilisateurs d'un lecteur d'écran : cliquez ici pour accéder à la version HTML brut +Vous Recherche Images Maps Play YouTube Actualités Gmail Documents Agenda Plus Traduction Livres Shopping Blogger Reader Photos Vidéos Encore plus Account Options Connexion Itinéraire Mes adresses Satellite Trafic Météo Relief Ireland 2012 OCTOBER 9-11 Quitter Signaler un problème Données cartographiques ©2012 Google - 10 km 5 miles Enregistrer dans Mes adresses Publique · 2 consultations Créée le 7 oct. · Par mindshare2000 · Mise à jour il y a moins de 1 minute Donner votre avis sur cette carte · Rédiger un commentaire · KML · Ulsterbus Newry & Mourne Enterprise Agency The d hotel Drogheda Eastern Seaboard Bar & Grill Pour restituer le niveau de détail visible à l'écran, cliquez sur le lien Imprimer à côté de la carte.

Electronics engineer Job Information Page Content Electronics engineer Hours40 per weekStarting salary£21,000 + per year Electronics engineers design and develop the systems used by machines and equipment in lots of industries, from mobile communications and computing to aerospace. If you love electronics and like finding out how things work, this could be a perfect choice of career for you. To do this job well, you will need to be good at science, maths and IT. To become an electronics engineer, you will usually need a foundation degree, HND or degree in a relevant electronics subject. WorkDesc Work activities Electronics engineers research, design and develop electronic components and equipment in a range of industries, for example: As an electronics engineer, you would: You would often work on a project with a team of engineers, technicians and IT staff. HoursDesc Working hours and conditions You would normally work around 40 hours a week but you may work longer to meet project deadlines. IncomeDesc Income EntryRequirementsDesc LMIData

