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CG Daily News

Architectural Rendering, Automotive and Product Illustration Community - 3DAllusions - Home V-Ray shop, Tutorials, News, Reviews, Artist interviews 3D Total - The cg artists home page - 2D and 3D graphics resource site // ScriptSpot | Your community resource for 3ds MAXScript or SketchUp Rubyscript

VISCORBEL / Support for 3D Artists Britney Spears Big Fat Bass Backdrop Making Of Here is the full version with more images. Last year we did some background animations for Britney Spears Femme Fatale Tour, the first number we worked on was for the song Big Fat Bass. Here is a quick explanation of the methods i used to get animations and renders done in a very short deadline time frame required by the client without loosing the quality and look expected for the show. We used 3ds Max 2011 with Mental Ray and After Effects CS5 through the whole process. Modeling Probably the most straightforward part of the process was the model assets creation. Environment, Lights, Materials and Rendering After the models were approved and ready, the look development process started. We didn't aim for Hyper Photorealistic images, but we also didn't want it to look like it was from 1980. Probably the most useful trick to get fast renders was the ambient approach. The technique is not known by many people but it is used by some. Animation and Layout Post Production Here is the final result.

3D Bar - Free 3D Scenes, 3D Models & 3D Collections - DAILY Update! World's Computer Graphics Community Allan McKay Readtime: 20 minutes I’ve been hesitant to publish this, on many levels, and even writing it in a lot of ways has been difficult to look back at everything. My intent for this article is not to make a “my life” story, but more to point out certain pivotal moments that changed my life, and trickle in key bits of advice that can be applied to anyone’s career. Also. to demonstrate times of failure, self doubt, and pushing through it to success. My intention’s not to make this article “braggy” or “look at me now”. Mastering anything, doesn’t come overnight – we all reach our tipping point where we can begin to doubt ourselves. Going after the unattainable February 1996. This scared the CRAP out of me.Even that young, I knew I needed to take action, and I needed to do something with my life. Age 7, I wanted to be a Writer. Back then I was inspired by Terminator 2, Jurassic Park and dozens of other films starting to come out at that time. Allan at 5 years old Growing up I always loved art.
