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10 Fun-Filled Formative Assessment Ideas

10 Fun-Filled Formative Assessment Ideas
Related:  Idées pour la classe inversée

La classe autogérée : Scrum pour l'Education - Expériences d'eduScrum et Blueprint Education Certaines écoles utilisent Scrum pour aider les équipes d'étudiants à apprendre plus efficacement et à se développer de façon amusante. Les équipes d'étudiants auto-organisées travaillent en sprints pour apprendre sur des sujets et faire évoluer le processus d'apprentissage. Les résultats de la méthode de travail agile sont une qualité d'éducation améliorée, de meilleures notes et des étudiants motivés. Les équipes d'étudiants et les professeurs utilisent des rétrospectives pour évaluer le processus d'apprentissage, et améliorent la manière dont Scrum peut être utilisé pour enseigner. Scrum est utilisé par les étudiants comme un moyen d'engagement et d'auto-organisation pour travailler dynamiquement en collaboration à la Blueprint High School, située à Chandler, en Arizona. InfoQ : Qu'est-ce qui vous a décidé à utiliser Scrum dans un but pédagogique ? InfoQ : Comment utilisez-vous Scrum pour l'apprentissage, par quelles pratiques ? eduScrum : Les sprints durent deux semaines. eduScrum :

Concept Cartoons | Assessment | The Inquiry Project Grade 5 Concept Cartoon About Condensation Concept Cartoons® were created by Brenda Keogh and Stuart Naylor in 1991. Each cartoon is designed to probe students' ideas about a science concept they have been exploring or investigating. Cartoon style assessment items benefit from information presented visually with minimal text or language load. Each curriculum unit includes a set of concept cartoons. Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Marzano's 9 Instructional Strategies In Infographic Form Marzano’s 9 Instructional Strategies In Infographic Form by TeachThought Staff In education, louder than the call for innovation, engagement, thought, or self-direction is the call to be research-based. In fact, being research-based may even trump being data-based, the two twins of modern ed reform. The former stems, in part, from deserved skepticism of trends that have little evidence of performance, and the latter comes from a similar place. To be clear, being data or research-based isn’t anywhere close to fool-proof. But this is all way, way beside the point–a long-winded contextualizing for Robert Marzano’s work. And so Dr. Marzano’s 9 Instructional Strategies Identifying similarities and differencesSummarizing and note takingReinforcing effort and providing recognitionHomework and practiceNon-linguistic representationsCooperative learningSetting objectives and providing feedbackGenerating and testing hypothesesCues, questions, and advance organizers

Clipmine: une excellente solution pour chapitrer vos vidéos en ligne Partager des vidéos en ligne, c’est bien mais les partager en signifiant les meilleures moments voire ne partager directement que les meilleures moments, c’est mieux. Clipmine est un service en ligne qui permet de « taguer » vos vidéos, ou même celles des autres, de façon en les organisant en chapitre. Nous préférerons donc le terme chapitrer qui rend bien compte de ce que peut faire le service. Le rendu est très sympa comme le montre l’exemple suivant. Le chapitrage est extrêmement simple et accessible à tous. le fonctionnement est on ne peut plus intuitif puisqu’il suffit de fournir l’adresse de votre vidéo. Une fois la vidéo fournir, il ne reste qu’à travailler sur le chapitrage proprement dit. L’ajout de tags sur la vidéo est alors simplissime puisqu’il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton « add tag » pour que l’on puisse marquer le moment de la vidéo et lui donner une description. La solution est gratuite mais nécessite une inscription. Lien: Clipmine

Old Maid Dialogue Defibrillators: Jump-Start Classroom Discussions! During a 12th-grade English discussion years ago, I asked a question that nobody answered. Wanting students to do more heavy academic lifting, I decided to wait until someone spoke before saying another word. A minute crept by. 8 Issues and Remedies We've all experienced whole-class discussions where students don't play along. 1. Sometimes students don't respond to a prompt because it's either too complex, ill-structured, or inaudible. To begin, I describe all the things I don't understand: Why do electrons change behaviors when they are observed? Nobody, I say, is expected to know everything. "Would you please. . . . . . state the question in a different way?" If they comprehend the question, but their answer is tentative, I suggest that they say: "Let me answer the part that I know." 2. There’s a 25-minute Psychology Today test that determines if students in your class are introverts or extroverts. 3. 4. Talk about and model trustworthiness in class. 5. Celebrate contributions. 6. 7. 8.

20 Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking 20 Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking by TeachThought Staff This is part 1 in our #iteachthought campaign. Part 1: Classroom Setups That Promote Thinking Part 2: Learning Profiles: What Great Teachers Know About Their Students Part 3: 50 Questions To Ask Your Students On The First Day Of School Learning Is An Ecology Can how you setup your classroom impact how students think? Desks are a staple of the ‘modern’ classroom as we know it. So what can we do? So, the bit about “classroom setups impacting thinking.” You can also setup a “Google Room” or “Maker Space” and not promote thinking at all, or have students performing stunning cognitive acrobatics sitting by themselves on a cold floor. In fact, if you think of rows and rows of desks as having pros and cons, causes and effects, you’ll see that these rows lend themselves well to certain things (organization, paper passing, etc.), while not so well to others (collaboration, movement). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 Groups + 2 Rows 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Traffic light slider, sticky bars Thousands of teachers, professional developers, and teacher educators throughout the United States and internationally are using the assessment probes and FACTs. If you have a strategy or tip for using these resources that you would be willing to share on this web site, please contact Page Keeley by clicking on the Contact button at the top of this page. Please check back regularly as new ideas are shared and added. Robert Miller, a fifth grade teacher in Florida, has created a set of video probes, based on the Uncovering Student Ideas series, that students respond to using Edmodo. Cl-Ev-R Poster for Probe Explanations- Thanks to William Rewitz, Puyallup, WA, who teaches at the Bethel School District. Traffic Light Slider- Thanks to my colleague, Cheryl Rose-Tobey, for sharing this idea. The Tricycle Demo- This demonstration was used to elicit students' ideas about motion in the direction of a net force. Is It a Model?

32 Research-Based Instructional Strategies - 32 Research-Based Instructional Strategies by TeachThought Staff You want to teach with what’s been proven to work. That makes sense. In the ‘data era’ of education that’s mean research-based instructional strategies to drive data-based teaching, and while there’s a lot to consider here we’d love to explore more deeply, for now we’re just going to take a look at the instructional strategies themselves. A post is not the best way to share this kind of information, honestly. But upside to sharing this information as a post is that it can act a starting point to research the above, which is why we’ve tried to include links, related content, and suggested reading for many of the strategies, and are trying to add citations for all of them that reference the original study that demonstrated that strategy’s effectiveness. How should you use a list like this? “In lieu of any problems, this much data has to be useful. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

La classe inversée n'a pas réponse à tout Il y a eu les Mooc, il y a désormais la classe inversée. Si la méthode n'est pas vraiment nouvelle, elle suscite l'intérêt d'une communauté enseignante de plus en plus attentive à la pédagogie dans l'enseignement supérieur. Preuve s'il en faut : les ateliers sur le sujet ont fait salle comble lors d'un colloque organisé à Brest du 15 au 17 juin 2015 sur les questions pédagogiques. À cette occasion, AgroParisTech et l'École de biologie industrielle ont présenté leurs expérimentations, soulignant des avantages mais également des limites. Des étudiants plus actifs À AgroParisTech, Valérie Camel a transformé une partie de ses cours magistraux en classe inversée, en licence 3 et master 1. Côté étudiants, c’est plutôt un succès : "Ils trouvent l’approche novatrice et formatrice, mais cela leur demande plus de temps de travail qu’un cours traditionnel", décrit Valérie Camel. Des cours difficiles à étudier seuls, en amont Une méthode pas adaptée à tous Les Mooc sont-ils "pédagogiquement pauvres" ?

Success » Chain notes as a pre-learning activity in AP Stats Today I tried something I have never done before. I used a “chain note” activity as a pre-learning exercise. In case you don’t know what a chain note is, I will explain. A chain note is a note started by one person, and continued by another. In this case, I had an envelope with an essential learning on the outside. By the last rotation, they were answering, then examining 5 other answers and seeing what they could contribute to each of the other answers. The best part is that I get to read their answers, so now I know what they really understand and what they are still struggling with. Very useful stuff! I recommend this strongly, and I will be doing it again. Define “Null Hypothesis, H0” in your own words, and give an example. Define “Alternative Hypothesis, HA” in your own words, and give an example. What is the difference between Standard Deviation and Standard Error? What does “p-value” mean? What does the “p-value” represent? What conditions do you need to check EVERY time?

