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Open Anthropology Cooperative

Open Anthropology Cooperative

ASA Wikipedia Initiative ASA Wikipedia Initiative ASA is calling on its members to support the Association’s mission to deploy the power of Wikipedia to represent the discipline of sociology as fully and as accurately as possible. In addition, we seek to promote the free teaching of sociology worldwide. The broad goals of the ASA Wikipedia Initiative (ASAWI) are: Ensure that articles about sociological research, terminology, and theory are accurate, up-to-date, complete, and written in a style appropriate for the general public, Ensure that articles are based on independent reliable secondary sources To represent scientific controversies from a social science perspective, writing articles in a neutral style Improve and review articles to Good Article and Featured Article quality Assess sociology-related articles and tag them appropriately when there are problems Such work can teach students: To get you started and guide you through the editing process, the ASAWI portal includes:

Imponderabilia - the international student anthropology journal Projet Textométrie Anthropology Matters We think History | Collaborative Digital History Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Home Page Pour une sociologie du #troll Hello folks ! Si vous êtes arrivés ici après avoir écouté l’émission Place de la Toile « Psycho-politique du troll » du 24 mars 2011, vous trouverez dans ce billet un utile complément d’information. Si vous êtes des lecteurs habituels de ce blog ou de celui consacré à la réception de mon livre Les liaisons numériques (Ed. du Seuil), vous y trouverez une bonne synthèse des contenus que vous connaissez sans doute déjà. Typologie du troll Quatre catégories principales de trolls sont identifiables : 1) le troll « pur » : le modèle de base, utilisateur bête et méchant des listes de diffusion ou des médias sociaux qu’il pourrit de commentaires désobligeants et mal adaptés au contexte d’interaction (ex. reconduire tout au sexe dans un forum de discussion sur la religion ou reconduire tout à la religion dans un forum de discussion sur la psychanalyse…). 2) le troll « hybride » : un utilisateur qui combine son activité de troll avec des habiletés d’autre type. Le trolling : un processus social

Home: SSOAR Search our database of 28022 full texts: Welcome to the Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR)! On our website you will find a steadily growing collection of full-text social-science documents which you can access freely. To search for documents, you can use either the simple or advanced search option or the browse and search function. If you, as an author, wish to make your texts available, please click here to find out about the benefits to be gained from archiving your work in SSOAR and the steps to be observed when doing so. - Revue en ligne de sciences humaines et sociales The Military Nation and the Militarized University Some rare, sober notes from the halls of power in Washington D.C.--from four decades ago, and because so many have learned so little, with the only change witnessed being one of magnitude, the words retain their resonance today: "When the university turns away from its central purpose and makes itself an appendage to the Government, concerning itself with techniques rather than purposes, with expedients rather than ideas, dispensing conventional orthodoxy rather than new ideas, it is not only failing to meet its responsibilities to students; it is betraying a public trust."--Senator J. And, from Senator Fulbright's book, The Pentagon Propaganda Machine (1971), page 11, some observations on the transformation of a nation into a military nation, where war is an end in itself: "It seems to me we have grown distressingly used to war. "Violence is our most important product. "The military has been operating for years in that Elysium of the public relations man, a seller's market.
