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Related:  Minecraft

Introduction to ComputerCraftEdu Introduction to ComputerCraftEdu This wiki article covers the basic concepts of the software, using the robots, and programming. You may also find the following pages helpful: ComputerCraftEdu is a new way to learn computational thinking inside Minecraft. Players take control of powerful but clueless turtle robots in the game. Whether you are completely new to programming or you already have some experience, ComputerCraftEdu is an easy and fun way to learn important real world skills and get creative on a whole new level. ComputerCraftEdu is a collaboration between TeacherGaming, Dan200 and E-Line Media. Installing ComputerCraftEdu ComputerCraftEdu is a free modification to Minecraft that requires either MinecraftEdu (1.7.10) or regular Minecraft (1.7.10) to work. If you are using MinecraftEdu ComputerCraftEdu can be downloaded from online mods directly from the launcher. If you are using regular Minecraft You can download ComputerCraftEdu here. Installation checklist for regular Minecraft:

Agile Methodology 15 Incredible Architectural Feats Made in Minecraft With more than 70 million copies sold worldwide, it would be unfair to refer to Minecraft as just a simple game of textured boxes in a pixelated 3D world. After acquiring the makers of the game (Mojang) in 2014, Microsoft announced on Tuesday, January 19 that it also acquired MinecraftEdu, the official educational version of Minecraft, which is used as a creative tool in more than 10,000 classrooms in 45 countries around the world. The infinite possibilities that the game offers have led millions of people around the world to make and share their greatest creations: cities, buildings and even the reinterpretation of historical structures. Minecraft's impact was recognized in 2015 when the Centre Pompidou dedicated an exhibition to its creative potential for children and adolescents. We've rounded up 15 of the best models created on the platform. Beijing in 1751 The project is already available on MinecraftEDU to teach history, language and geography, according to its creators. Adamantis

Zaption Minecraft: Researchers urge teachers to embrace game as tool to teach maths, art, geography Updated Teachers should use the hugely popular children's digital game Minecraft to help teach maths, design, art and geography, research from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) shows. For years studies have warned of the dangers of letting children have too much time on electronic devices. But researchers at QUT have urged educators to embrace the game, which is hugely popular with primary school children, to assist their learning. Associate Professor Michael Dezuanni said his research has shown that Minecraft should not be limited to children's playtime. "I've had the opportunity over the last couple of years to work with a couple of schools using Minecraft in the classroom," he said. "We've seen some real success with engagement, problem solving students, with design and their creative work. "The teachers working with those students have been quite impressed by the way students work with the game as well." Media player: "Space" to play, "M" to mute, "left" and "right" to seek.

Carnegie Mellon University - ETC Press ETC Press Home Current Titles ETC Press - a publishing imprint with a twist. | Entertainment Technology Center | Carnegie Mellon University | In affiliation with:Lulu | ocreations | The Game Crafter | Institute for the Future of the Book | MediaCommons | ACM Digital Library | Creative Commons

For the Hesitant Teacher: Leveraging the Power of Minecraft If there’s any video game that has successfully made its way into the classroom, it’s Minecraft. There’s a small subset of teachers using all kinds of digital games in interesting ways, but the blockbuster hit Minecraft and its educational counterpart MinecraftEDU have reached much wider audiences. But getting started with MinecraftEDU can be intimidating for teachers who don’t consider themselves “gamers” and aren’t sure how to harness the engagement and excitement of Minecraft. Luckily, there’s a robust and global Minecraft teacher community to supply tips, support and even lesson plans. Teachers who already use Minecraft in the classroom love it because of the flexibility it offers — almost any subject can be taught with a little creativity. Zimmer and other experienced Minecraft teachers say it’s important to manage expectations when using Minecraft in the classroom. Each vignettes tells a loose story about some aspect of Dark Ages history. Use MinecraftEDU.

Scrum training series Lesson Plans | GETTING STARTED WITH MINECRAFTEDU ISTE NETS - Digital Age Skills 1. Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes Create original works as a means of personal or group expression Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues Identify trends and forecast possibilities 2. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems 3. Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. 4. 5. 6.

Educazione 21 Secolo La ricerca The European House – Ambrosetti per conto di HP Italia, sull’innovazione dei modelli educativi nel mondo propone di: promuovere una nuova architettura per gli spazi educativi;avviare una sperimentazione nelle scuole italiane per testare i nuovi modelli didattici e le nuove tecnologie (progetto “EduSTART”);istituire un premio nazionale annuale per le migliori scuole, insegnanti e presidi. L’educazione è un investimento per la competitività e l’Italia è arretrata rispetto ai benchmark più avanzati nei risultati sui test internazionali per gli studenti. Un sistema educativo moderno deve infatti puntare a garantire la “democratizzazione” dell’educazione, fornire gli strumenti per l’occupabilità nell’epoca digitale e formare cittadini consapevoli.

Feed The Beast Wiki Le cause dell’analfabetismo digitale italiano | Agenda Digitale La recente indagine Istat Noi-Italia ha confermato che l’arretratezza sull’utilizzo del digitale in Italia è da considerarsi un fenomeno niente affatto temporaneo, ma ormai patologico, che richiede, per ottenere una inversione di tendenza efficace, un intervento su più piani e aree, un vero e proprio sistema di interventi che sia in grado di affrontare le molteplici cause che sono alla base. Per quanto strano possa sembrare, la ricerca delle cause dell’analfabetismo digitale italiano è stata poco frequentata da studiosi e commentatori del tema, quasi presupponendo (implicitamente) che la terapia potesse basarsi esclusivamente sui dati stessi dell’arretratezza (infrastrutture digitali carenti, bassa diffusione di computer e tablet) e che non fosse da caratterizzare sulle specificità del sistema sociale italiano. Tentiamo pertanto di dare un contributo su questo fronte, con la consapevolezza che, dato lo spazio, questa non può che essere la proposta di un percorso di analisi.

Minecraft is finally fixing its huge gender problem Children play Minecraft at a Microsoft store in Bellevue, Wash. (David Ryder/Bloomberg News) When Pauline Stanley's 6-year-old daughter, Isabell, started playing Minecraft, she was excited to join her fellow first-grade players, who'd become obsessed with adventuring around the game's vast digital universe and building with Lego-like blocks. But there was one problem: In the boundlessly creative world of one of the most popular video games, the only character she could play was Steve, a bulky man with short, dark hair and a 5 o'clock shadow. "Only having boys is telling everybody this is a boy game only," said Isabell, who knew girls in her class who had quit playing the game. It's a shortcoming that has long plagued the Minecraft franchise, which Microsoft bought last year for $2.5 billion after it sold more than 50 million copies and become a massively popular children's game and in-class teaching tool. [What is Minecraft and why did Microsoft just spend $2.5 billion on it?]

Minecraft Teacher Back to school. Long time no post. So one day I had this idea to use Minecraft in my class. And I couldn’t figure out why no one else was doing the same thing. But one thing led to another and I ended up leaving a perfectly respectable teaching career to play a lot more Minecraft. I got to interact with amazingly talented people from all over the world. All that plus getting to work with some wonderfully Finnish geniuses who I now consider family. But I am leaving TeacherGaming and sailing away from Minecraft’s blocky shores for a while. I am going back to the classroom. It’s been an absolute honor to work with Minecraft. I feel quite lucky to have been involved during this unbelievably cool time period in Minecraft’s development. There are SOOOOOOO many amazing people doing inspiring work with Minecraft, both in and out of schools. I think I will be playing Minecraft forever. What would you like to hear/see from me? Peace out, kids. ~JoelP.S. My Tumblr turned five today. minecraftedu: ~Joel
