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Distance Education and Online Courses - Open Universities Australia

Distance Education and Online Courses - Open Universities Australia

Zaloguj Learnable - online learning for web designers and developers - Home page Portale, dzięki którym możesz się za darmo, on-line rozwijać | Agilob in the Net Kliknij w ten link, jeśli szukasz większej ilości zbiorów IT do nauki online. Przygotowałem małą listę dostępnych on-line kursów do nauki, samodoskonalenia, z różnych dziedzin, na wielu poziomach. Oczywiście, nie znalazłem wszystkich dostępnych w sieci ani nie wymieniłem wszystkich najpopularniejszych; zawarłem tutaj listę tych, które wg mnie są najciekawsze. Jeśli macie swoje propozycje, wrzucajcie je w komentarzach! Kursy wielotematyczne HowStuffWorks – [eng] strona, na której dowiesz się, jak wiele rzeczy działa, jak są tworzone, jakie prawa rządzą pieniędzmi, technologią, futurologią oraz dziesiątkami różnych dziedzin nauki. OpenCulture – [eng] jak będzie wyglądał świat, gdy otwarta kultura przejmie nad nim kontrolę? Livemocha – [eng] portal podobny do OC, również open-source. Quizlet – portal do szybkiej nauki słownictwa w wielu językach. – [pl] nie wiem, przez kogo stworzona ani z jakiej idei czerpie. coursera – [eng] kilkadziesiąt kursów z wielu dziedzin. Kursy IT

AQF > Home VETinfoNet - Home Register now for Training Providers Forum Thu 09:26AM 27/3/14 Training Providers Forum 2014 will host a selection of keynote speakers and presenters at Crown Perth on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 May 2014. Be sure to take advantage of the early bird discount which will only be available until Thursday 17 April… Professional Learning Workshops 2014

Australian E-Learning Association Core Skills for Work Framework On this page In August 2013, the Australian Government released the Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework (CSfW). It provides a mechanism for training package developers, curriculum writers and those who develop standards and learning and assessment resources to more clearly articulate the employability skills needed for work. Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework Overview | Core Skills for Work Developmental Framework | [Return to top] Skill Clusters and Areas The CSfW describes a set of non-technical skills, knowledge and understandings that underpin successful participation in work. Within the three Skill Clusters are ten Skill Areas, which are a combination of: Knowledge – what someone knows about in a theoretical or abstract sense,Understanding – how they link it to their personal experience, andSkills – how they put their knowledge and understanding into practice in work settings. You can access the ten Skill Areas through the Skill Clusters links above. Contact Us

E-standards for Training DERN DERN provides access to quality assured and current information resources around the use of digital technologies and digital media in education. These resources are annotated and linked to relevant categories to enable access to collections of similar resources under specific topics. DER mid-program review - assessing progress of the DER and potential future directions: final report This review sought to ascertain whether the DER has been a catalyst for positive change that establishes the foundations for improved use of ICT in education. The review involved analysis of reports provided by education authorities; interviews, workshops and focus groups with more than 200 stakeholders; and a literature review. Subscribe to read the rest of the article » Log in Using research to inform learning technology practice and policy: a qualitative analysis of student perspectives Increasing access through mobile learning Posted on 08 Apr 2014 with 0 comments

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