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Need more writing ideas for this year? Bookmark this blog series.

Need more writing ideas for this year? Bookmark this blog series.
Check out the six blog posts filled with teaching ideas and resources—written by teachers—in our Teaching Young Writers blog series. We partnered with WeAreTeachers to bring this quick-to-read, inspiring series to life. As you lesson plan and gather ideas for the year, you'll find • 5 peer conferencing strategies for revising and editing. • 10 grammar lessons to fix some mistakes that drive us crazy. • 25 anchor charts for teaching writing and more! Need more support with writing instruction? Request a sample of Strategies for Writers to see how this program develops these critical writing skills and strategies. Related:  writingengelskaWriting

Vi skapar #BlackOutPoetry Vi har tjuvstartat skapandet av BlackOutPoetry, ett tema som jag tänkte ha till hösten egentligen. Jag har tre nior som ville göra något kreativt sista veckorna. De som är klara med sina uppgifter har fått några exempel i korridoren att inspireras av: Elevexemplena är gjorda i förra veckan av några elever (och en av mig) och nu sitter där även en faktatext bredvid om vad BlackOutPoetry är för något. Eleverna kan läsa följande: BlackOutPoetry – ett kreativt sätt att få igång skapandet av egna dikter BlackOutPoetry innebär att man använder redan skrivna ord och gör dikter av dem. När man skapar BlackOut Poetry börjar man med att ringa in de ord man vill ha kvar så de bildar en dikt. Den som sägs ha startat dikterna är en man vid namn Austin Kleon. Idag finns hashtagen #blackoutpoetry för att samla de dikter som delas i sociala medier. Vill du veta mer?

English Worksheets Skrivmall saga Hur skriver man en sagal? Titta på skrivmallen nedan. Du kan även titta i fliken stödstrukturer för att få hjälp att bygga upp texten. Bilder: Rasmus Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Excellent Story Writing Apps for ... July 31, 2015 Below is a short collection of some interesting iPad apps students can use to help them with their writing and more specifically, outlining, drafting and writing stories. Some of these apps are featured here for the first time but for more options on digital storytelling apps check out this page. 1- The Brainstormer ‘The Brainstormer is kindling for creative minds. A tactile tool to randomly combine a plot, a subject and a setting or style, the Brainstormer provides a moment of inspiration for writers, painters, or any creative mind. Combat creative block, spark new ideas and summon up quick subjects for doodling, sketching or journaling.’ 2- Story Liner ‘Whether you are writing for film, television, the stage, the next great novel or the next non-fiction bestseller, organizing your story is key. 3- StorySkeleton ‘Ideas strike wherever you are. 4- A Novel Idea ‘A Novel Idea is the premier tool for plotting your story and recording bursts of inspiration. 5- Character

untitled Trading Cards ReadWriteThink’s Trading Cards app allows kids and teens a unique way to share their understanding of various topics, to build study aids for school, or to create their own fictional world of characters. Create trading cards for any number of categories, including: Fictional personReal personFictional placeReal placeObjectEventVocabulary word Each category has specific guiding questions for creating a dynamic, information-rich trading card. Part of the appeal of trading cards is being able to sort them into collections. Trading Cards is an educational app for all ages that adds creativity and fun to the learning process. Privacy: Your trading cards are private unless you decide to share them by e-mail. Grades 6 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Highlighting Out-of-School Language Expertise with Pop Culture Dictionaries Grades 7 – 12 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Picture This: Student Created Online Vocabulary Flashcards Let the students be the vocabulary experts! Trading Card Creator

More Free Graphic Organizers for Teaching Writing More Free Graphic Organizers for Teaching Writing Introduction The free graphic organizers that I offer on this page come from the collection of 50 More WRITERizers, the successor of 50 WRITERizers, which has generated loads of interest over the last couple of years—thanks to you and our colleagues. I truly believe that this newer collection breaks completely new ground. I just simply haven’t seen anything ANYWHERE that is anything like what you are about to see here. These graphic organizers feature… 4 structured sets of numbered, sequential pages.tagged information that students reference and transfer to related organizers.a series of manipulatives used to construct 7 individual, common-core-based, writing projects. Whether or not they are truly ground-breaking makes no difference to me. What WILL make a difference is how they will impact your kids. Quick Links for THIS Pagefree graphic organizers You may use the following quick links to go directly to what interests you on this page.

Something To Write About Standard Grade Bitesize English - Newspaper report : Revision Bingo-writing - Kittys engelskoppgaver Velg ut det bingoskjemaet du ønsker å bruke.Del ut skjemaet til elevene.Om ønskelig kan dere snakke om ordene/setningene i rutene før elevene begynner å skrive. Det lønner seg i de fleste sammenhenger, og siden bingo pleier å motivere, opplever jeg at de faktisk pleier å følge bedre med enn vanlig :-)Elevene starter så med å skrive en tekst, og når de bruker et av ordene i bingoskjemaet, så kan de sette et kryss over ordet.Når de har brukt 5 ord på rad, enten vannrett, loddrett eller diagonalt, så kan de få BINGO!NB! Noen elever er lure, og klarer kjapt å bruke mange ord i bare 2-3 setninger. Jeg pleier derfor å si at man må ha skrevet minst en halv side (7. trinn) før man har lov til å rope bingo. Differensiering: Skjemaene kan med fordel brukes flere ganger. De som strever i engelsk kan da få det samme skjemaet på nytt, mens de det går lettere for, kan få et nytt skjema å jobbe med. Foreløpig finnes Bingo-writing i 4 utgaver: Irregular verbs 1 & 2 Denne oversikten kan du finne her :-)

Examples of Argumentative Essays, free Samples We are glad to introduce You our database of free Argumentative essay samples. These examples of Argumentative essays are to help you understanding how to write this type of essays. The leading tone in an argumentative essay is the position of proving that the presented point of view is the correct one and possesses more truthful arguments than any other opinions. The author through proper reasoning, inducting and making conclusions, must prove the assertions or the theories of the argumentative essay. If the author fails to apply the reasons and conclusions to the topic of the essay such essay is considered to be an unsubstantiated opinion. List of our examples of argumentative essays : Child Abuse Death Penalty for Children Drug Abuse negative effects of television Slavery Games and Violence Good and Bad Teachers Interracial Dating Economics and prostitution Fashion and Identity Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Is money an effective motivator at work Job Offshoring Mass Media essay Health Social issues Law

How to give feedback on a text On Friday, you will get an essay from someone in another class. You are going to give feedback. To be able to do that, please watch the film. Then take a look at the phrases below the film. (LGR 11, Kunskapskrav för A år 9: För att förtydliga och variera sin kommunikation kan eleven bearbeta och göra välgrundade förbättringar av egna framställningar) Two Stars and a Wish STARSVariation and vocabulary Your language is varied. Clarity and coherence Your text has good flow. Adaption Your writing is well adapted to your theme. Grammar and spelling Good sentence structure and descriptions. WISHES Variation and vocabulary You could vary your vocabulary more. Clarity and coherence Your text could have better flow. Grammar and spelling You can improve the grammar in your text. Sara

Att skriva filmmanus Film är ju fantastiskt roligt. Kul att spela in, roligt att titta på…. men ganska krävande att skriva manus. För att resultatet ska bli riktigt bra kan eleverna skriva Storyboards, men det är svårt och mycket tidskrävande. Dessutom är min erfarenhet att eleverna ändå gör ändringar och improvisationer när de väl filmar. Men ska filmen bli bra förutsätter det att manuset bygger på en trovärdig och genomförbar historia. Niornas filmarbete detta läsår startade redan i höstas då eleverna skrev en novell. Eleverna presenterar sina noveller i mindre grupper som jag bestämt. Varje punkt ovan motsvarar ett antal scener. Filmtekniska inslag planeras för varje scen. Anslag – olika sätt att börja filmen anslag1 (en allvetande berättare – De misstänkta)anslag2 (direkt in i handlingen – James Bond intro)anslag3 (tillbakablickar/ramberättelse – Forrest Gump)anslag4 (presentera karaktärerna i en lång dialog – The usual suspects) Hur dramaturgin i en scen byggs upp

