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Las empresas tienen que diferenciarse innovar en comunicacion y generar informacion propia Mucho se está hablando sobre el marketing de contenido o Inbound. Y es que parece que hasta que no existe una palabra anglosajona que defina una hecho parece que éste no existe. Mucho habéis oído que el contenido es el rey, y así es. Google lo ha decidido para colocar en las primeras posiciones los contenidos más relevantes y originales. Pero no es que Google impone, sino que la sociedad, la comunicación entre las personas está cambiando, así como la forma de consumir y sus las necesidades y la forma de buscar y encontrar información. Google, como empresa, sólo se ha adaptado. No es nada nuevo afirmar que el consumo está en standby y que actualmente cuesta mucho invertir en algo nuevo. Las personas deseamos información, comunicación, ya sea entre nosotras o con empresas. Sabemos que las marcas las formamos todos: empleados y consumidores. Ya no vamos a buscar un producto en concreto “de la marca tal”, sino información sobre una idea de compra o de servicio que tenemos en la cabeza.

Innovation Is About Arguing, Not Brainstorming. Here's How To Argue Productively Turns out that brainstorming--that go-to approach to generating new ideas since the 1940s--isn’t the golden ticket to innovation after all. Both Jonah Lehrer, in a recent article in The New Yorker , and Susan Cain, in her new book Quiet , have asserted as much. Science shows that brainstorms can activate a neurological fear of rejection and that groups are not necessarily more creative than individuals. But the idea behind brainstorming is right. So if not from brainstorming, where do good ideas come from? At Continuum, we use deliberative discourse--or what we fondly call “Argue. So we argue. Breaking down hierarchy is critical for deliberative discourse. It’s widely evangelized that successful brainstorms rely on acceptance of all ideas and judgment of none. But I’m also a fan of “no, BECAUSE.” We conduct ethnographic research to inform our intuition, so we can understand people’s needs, problems, and values. We’ve all heard of T-shaped people and of multidisciplinary teams.

Work Together: 60+ Collaborative Tools for Groups With businesses and families spread out more and more, we've dug up 60+ sites that will help everyone be on the same page. Business Productivity - Maker of collaboration tools including Basecamp (others listed below). - A mixture of social network and productivity applications. - Online collaboration directed towards small and medium sized businesses. - Centralized cash flow, documents, calendars and more for a team or small business. - A full work suite for project teams including spreadsheets, file sharing, calendar and more. - Allows you to work on projects off-line and then sync them when you can login. - Share concept designs and allow invited workers to mark-up, comment, and give feedback. Confluence - An enterprise-class wiki with features such as PDF exporting. - Allows groups to share documents, calandars, contacts, and files. Creative Collaboration Mindmapping

Girl Scout cookie controversy: Kids saddled with financial risk? - OC Watchdog : The Orange County Register Gabriella and her mother may love the new "Cookies Now" program, but Misty Perry Isaacson does not share their ardor. Isaacson, an attorney in Santa Ana during non-Girl Scout hours, is also the "cookie manager" for her daughter's troop. Used to be that the girls (and/or their parents) toted around a multi-colored grid sheet; recorded orders for boxes of Caramel deLites, Thin Mints et al on that multi-colored grid sheet; and then delivered the cookies a month or so later. Now, there's another way. The new way of selling Girl Scout cookies -- which is supposed to be easier, faster and more fun -- asks troops to pre-order cookies based on last year's sales, and then go out and sell them. This streamlines the whole process, eliminates the cumbersome order sheet and has been enormously popular where it's been tested, the Scouts say. The problem, according to Isaacson, is that it leaves girls and their parents on the hook for paying for the cookies they pre-order, whether they sell them or not.

L’humiliation tue l’innovation La question de l’innovation est récurrente dans les grandes entreprises. C’est une tarte à la crème: tous les dirigeants souhaitent que leurs collaborateurs fassent preuve d’imagination et d’initiative pour inventer des solutions originales permettant de conquérir des marchés et de fidéliser les clients. Mais le concept d’innovation est difficile à cerner, souvent incantatoire, et les managers ont du mal à imaginer ce que cela signifie concrètement que de «développer l’innovation». Les nombreuses conversations que j’aie eues à ce sujet chez AREVA et ailleurs ont fini par clarifier un peu les choses dans mon esprit, à la lumière de ma compréhension de la dynamique des communautés professionnelles décrite dans mon livre en 2007. Dans ce contexte, l’ennemi absolu de l’innovation, c’est l’humiliation. Que de managers cèdent à cette tentation impardonnable de laisser naître au sein de leurs équipes « un sentiment d’ignorance mêlé à un sentiment d’impuissance » (Zygmunt Bauman).

Shaping the Future: Pathways to 2020 The 2014 CECP Summit will take place in New York City May 20-21. Each year at this event, CECP shares cutting-edge research, provides the opportunity to hear the CEO perspective in panel discussions, and features keynote speakers such as President Bill Clinton, General Colin L. Powell (Ret.), Ambassador Melanne Verveer, Professor Michael Porter of Harvard Business School, and Anthony Wilder Miller, U.S. CECP releases the first look at the Corporate Giving Standard (CGS) data at the Summit and honors the winners of the Excellence Awards. Register for the 2014 CECP Summit » View a video about the CECP Summit (4 minutes)

Innovación Social - Blogs Obra Social Caja Madrid. How to choose the good chart ? - Information Management - Thoughts & Tools The next time you face this question, the following chart can help you find your way. It shows the logical steps to find an appropriate chart. Whether you want to show a composition, a distribution, some relationship or if you want to compare some item, you will pick up a specific chart. All in all, an awesome summary. PDF version Now why would we need this guide ? Too few people in companies use the power of charts, even if People are more than happy to see a chart (Yes, it produces as much endorphine as a chocolate-coated marshmallow) … So what the hell is going on ?? Maybe there is this sensation / belief that charts is not real work (in comparison to the manipulation of the numbers). So here is my little thought : try to take 30 min to chart all kinds of stuff you work on, and you will surely come up with one or two charts you will be willing to improve and connect with other data. And just have a look to this categorisation to make sure you are choosing the best way to put things in…
