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The Top 10 Javascript MVC Frameworks Reviewed - CodeBrief UPDATE 1/14/2012: Added Batman.js and Angular.js due to popular demand and because they looked impressive. Over the last several months I have been in a constant search for the perfect javascript MVC framework. Driven by a dire need for the right level of abstraction and features, I have tried out - some more cursorily than others - every framework I could get my hands on. Here lies a brief synopsis of each framework. Using TextExpander to conquer email Posted on 11 May 2011 • 34 comments Let me get this out there right away: I hate email. Seriously, I can’t stand it. It’s not that I have any particular problem with the medium; in fact, I’m not even one of those people that believes it should be replaced with a radical alternative.

holmes.css - CSS Markup Detective What does it do? The holmes.css file will display either an error (red outline), a warning (yellow outline), or a deprecated style (dark grey outline) for flags such as: Missing required attributes on tags, such as name attributes on inputs (lots of these) Potentially improvable markup, such as links with href="#" Deprecated and Non-W3C Elements - see's article on obselete tags Non-W3C Attributes - as above, just the most important ones since there are MANY Thanks to Anthony Mann, holmes now displays an informative error message when you hover over the element. Support for :after/::after on images is non-existent however in most browsers. How do I use it?

JavaScript Filtering with JSON and Filter Management Download source - 18.55 KB Introduction This article will explain a simple client-side filtering framework that can be implemented in any page to obtain easy-to-use filters. Background identification - How do you identify a plant? - Gardening & Landscaping Stack Exchange Plant identification IS tough! What you have to remember is to not get overwhelmed, learn the botanical names, not common names. The plant world is a whole new college they have big classes that teach you how to use a plant key...a big thick book pertinent to whatever area you live. Plant Key to the Pacific Northwest for example. To be able to use this key you will have to understand a lot of plant terminology.

Google JavaScript Style Guide We follow the C++ formatting rules in spirit, with the following additional clarifications. Curly Braces Because of implicit semicolon insertion, always start your curly braces on the same line as whatever they're opening. When judging visualizations, intent matters The field of data visualization all too often is viewed as having the single role of attaching data to an image, regardless of whether it’s for analysis or journalism or entertainment. In a recent interview, Ben Fry, principal at Fathom, said this is a tendency that needs to be overcome. Visualizations have far more nuance, and varied intent, than many people realize:

About PLANTS The PLANTS Database The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. It includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distributional data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, crop information, automated tools, onward Web links, and references. This information primarily promotes land conservation in the United States and its territories, but academic, educational, and general use is encouraged.

Introduction to RequireJS In this tutorial we are going to take a look at RequireJS, an AMD compatible asynchronous script loader that is incredibly powerful. In my experiments with RequireJS I've hugely enjoyed working with it and will be using it heavily in my future development. This is a fairly heavy post as far as complexity goes, but please do stick with it. I struggled to get my head around RequireJS and AMD for a long time but once it "clicks" it is really awesome. Software articles some semi-formal writings on a limited range of subjects Software development Software Architecture For A New Economic System identification - Does anyone know of a somewhat comprehensive plant database available online? - Gardening & Landscaping Stack Exchange As a gardener I've found that doing some paperwork while gardening really assists in keeping things organized and on schedule. It occured to me the other day as I stopped to check my beeping phone that it'd be REALLY handy to have a software application to assist in some of the paperwork items that I do every year. I've got the knowledge and the gumption to make it happen, but what I really need is a lot of common data about the type of plants we, as gardeners, find ourselves planting.

11 Multi-touch and Touch events Javascript libraries Touch screen devices are ruling the mobile platform nowadays. Most of the smart phones have it, tablet and based on the trend, it's slowly come to our desktop as well. To develop a touch screen compatible web applications or website, you can use the existing touch events of the browsers or the platforms. There are two ways to create a touch support app - native or using the web development technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript). It's possible to develop an app for mobile devices using web technologies, for example, we can use third party development tools such as PhoneGap to compile a web app and make it available in different web apps. Good thing about web technology is - almost all of them support the same standard.

Smartsheet and Google Apps: Crowdsourcing Made Easy - ReadWriteEnterprise Let's say you want a list of every Fortune 1,000 CEO in the United States, along with a picture and contact information. You can look through Google. Top page results may help a bit. But to get the granularity you need, top page results can only go so far. What's the best way to go about discovering and collecting information that is so often scattered and fragmented? Open Garden - Hydroponics & Garden Plants Monitoring for Arduino Difficulty Level: Expert - The Open Garden platform consist of three different kits, each ready for a specific kind of growing plant scenario: indoor (houses and greenhouses), outdoor (gardens and fields) and hydroponics (plants in water installations). The platform allows to control the state of the plants by sensing several parameters:

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