
Welcome to the School of Mathematics! The Lorenz attractor is a chaotic map, noted for its butterfly shape. The map shows how the state of a dynamical system evolves over time in a complex, non-repeating pattern. The attractor itself, and the equations from which it is derived, were introduced by Edward Lorenz in 1963, who derived it from the simplified equations of convection rolls arising in the equations of the atmosphere. Since you're here, you either are someone wishing to share your knowledge of Mathematics, or you are someone who wishes to gain knowledge about Mathematics. Mathematics has many facets; though it has a wealth of applications, Mathematics is also a science, and an art, in its own right. The School of Mathematics is a work in progress. The School of Mathematics wishes you a very warm welcome. Divisions and departments[edit] Divisions and Departments of the School exist on pages in "topic" name space. Mathematics curriculum[edit] School news and current events[edit]
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