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TetraBox Light by Ed Chew Liquid to Light Designer Ed Chew takes a green step in the right direction with the TetraBox lamp, a light object made from discarded drink packets that would have otherwise ended up in landfills already packed to the brim. The design is achieved by unfolding the packets and refolding them into hexagonal and pentagonal sections that are then pieced together to form a geodesic sphere or any other desired shape. Here, the Epcot-like ball makes an attractive overhead light and casts an impressive web of shadows and shapes on the surrounding space. Designer: Ed Chew Procmail Homepage

Web Sémantique:PagePrincipale Weapons Of The Special Forces Colt M4A1 SOPMOD Special operations forces can personalize their fully automatic M4A1s with a broad range of SOPMOD accessories. Few weapons provide today's special "operators" with the tactical flexibility offered by the M16/M4 series' Special Operations Peculiar Modification (SOPMOD) hardware. Under the coordination of the SOPMOD Program Management Office at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Ind., the SOPMOD is a kit concept designed to provide standardized, versatile weapons accessories to meet needs across special operations mission scenarios. Marine Corps M14 DMR The enhanced 7.62 x 51mm DMR re-entered service during Operation Enduring Freedom. In addition to these components, there are rumors of a 10.5-in. barrel "upper receiver" component option as well as ongoing plans to add an enhanced grenade launcher module (EGLM) to replace the aging bottom-loading M203 attachment. Within the pure special operations world, the 7.62 x 51mm has been fielded as the U.S.

Python Programming Language – Official Website [Parti Pirate] Derniers articles [Politique] Le Parti Pirate va faire reconnaître l'inconstitutionnalité du vote électronique L'élection des députés des Français de l'étranger a relancé le débat du vote électronique. + Lire la suite [International] Victoire des citoyens contre le traité ACTA au Parlement européen Ce mercredi 4 juillet, le Parlement Européen a rejeté en séance plénière le traité ACTA à une large majorité. + Lire la suite [Contribution] ACTA et son impact sur les droits fondamentaux À la veille d’une nouvelle manifestation contre le traité ACTA, il nous a paru utile de faire le point sur certains des plus graves reproches que l’on peut adresser à ce projet international mis en place sans concertation démocratique. Récemment, de nombreuses rumeurs et des semi-vérités sur ACTA (ou ACAC) ont été répandues par des militants de tout bord. + Lire la suite [International] ACTA : Le combat européen du Parti Pirate n'attend pas la fin des législatives + Lire la suite [Et à p'art ça ?] + Lire la suite Object Oriented Jedi Luke: "You used to program." Ben: "I was once a software engineer the same as your father." Luke: "My father wasn't a software engineer. He was a custodian at Lockheed-Martin." Ben: "That's what your Uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals.

The Universal Operating System Pas Sage en Seine Best Windows Software The best PC software won't bog your Windows computer down. It's clean, free, and gets the job done. Consult this list for ideas and discover apps you didn't know existed. We're continuously seeking out the best Windows software, and places to download them, for all your needs. Most applications recommended here are free and you can quickly find what you need by browsing the listed programs by category. Note that some installers pack bloatware, useless adware that's pre-selected to install. Jump Ahead: Antivirus | Audio Tools | Backup and Sync | Browsers | Communication Tools | Defragging | Download Tools | Email Clients | Files Management | File Recovery | File Storage | Image Editors | Image Viewers | Maintenance | Miscellaneous | Optical and Disc Image Tools | PDF Tools | Productivity | Reading | Text Editing | Uninstallers | Video Tools Antivirus, Malware, and Firewalls Antivirus software is a cornerstone in protecting your computer from external attacks. Audio Tools foobar2000 MusicBee

Kerberos authentication explained | Authentication and authorisation are often thought of as a single process but the two are actually distinct operations that may even use separate storage locations for the authentication and authorisation data. Authentication is about verifying identity, based on one or more factors, for example something that someone knows (e.g. a password), something that someone holds (e.g. a smart card), something that someone is (e.g. biometric information). Obviously the use of multiple-factor identification increases security. Authorisation is about controlling access to a resource based on access control lists and other policies; however secure authorisation is dependant on authentication in order to ensure that the security principle requesting access is who they say they are. Even though it is not a Microsoft standard, Kerberos is the default authentication protocol in Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003, although these all support NTLM for legacy clients. So that’s how Kerberos works. Like this:

cypherspace Quick Screen Share BIND An authoritative DNS server answers requests from resolvers, using information about the domain names it is authoritative for. You can provide DNS services on the Internet by installing this software on a server and giving it information about your domain names. The BIND 9 documentation includes a description of the Primary/Secondary/Stealth Secondary roles for authoritative servers. Response Rate Limiting (RRL) is an enhancement to named to reduce the problem of “amplification attacks” by rate-limiting DNS responses. This feature is on by default because it has proven to be so effective; it’s now even more effective with DNS Cookies, which focus rate-limiting on unknown clients. DNS cookies, per RFC 7873, are exchanged between client and server to provide IP address identity, helping to prevent attacks using forged IP addresses. Minimal ANY Responses Queries for ANY records are a possible abuse mechanism because they typically extract a response much larger than the query. HSM Support
