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The Rules of Social Media Engagement Brian Solis

The Rules of Social Media Engagement Brian Solis
inShare1,645 A study published in 2010 surfaced a startling statistic, “75 percent of employers say their business has no formal policy instructing employees on the appropriate use of social networking sites on the job.” The report, “Employer Perspectives on Social Networking,” compiled data from 34,000 businesses in 35 countries. Does your organization have a formal policy regarding employee use of social media? Perhaps better asked, does your organization offer training, guidelines, and insights to help employees excel in new media on behalf of your business? In the same study, 63% of employers that employed social networking policies reported that those policies improved productivity. Social Media represents the democratization of information and the equalization of influence. While many businesses are attempting to figure out the potential of social media and their voices and roles within relevant networks, many confuse effective engagement with everyday chatter. Training Day 1. 2. 3.

Social Media Marketing - More Than Facebook And Twitter A lot of marketers continue an unhealthy obsession with spending time purely in Facebook and Twitter. I see it again and again. And while Facebook and Twitter absolutely should have a place within a larger digital strategy, your marketing does not start and end with them. They’re outposts but not a hub. What happens when you take a holistic approach and focus opt in at the source? You provide a valuable destination that a community of sites, networks and people can point at. 7 Social Media Lessons From Phil Collins Why Smart Marketing Is About Help, Not Hype The difference between helping and selling is just two letters. But those two letters are critically important to your company’s success.

10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy Sharlyn Lauby is the president of Internal Talent Management (ITM) which specializes in employee training and human resources consulting. She authors a blog at A few weeks ago, I wrote that your organization should have a social media policy, and one of the things I heard among all the great comments was: "Okay, but what should it say?" There are generally two approaches to social media policy making. Some organizations handle social media in an evolutionary way. Chad Houghton, the director of e-media and business development at the Society for Human Resource Management, told me that he thinks, “it might be beneficial not to create some arbitrary rules without first seeing where the opportunities and risks really are.”

HOW TO: Launch Any Product Using Social Media Guy Kawasaki is the author of Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions. On March 8, I introduced my tenth book. There are few processes that I enjoy more than a product introduction, and this one enabled me to try many social media techniques and online tools and services. After only a week, the book was on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. I have to conclude that at least some of that success was due to the promotional techniques I employed. Here, I'd like to outline the 12 things that I did to launch my new book, including information about costs and vendors I used, as well as analytics.

Which Social Sites Are Best for Which Marketing Outcomes? [INFOGRAPHIC] Is Flickr good for SEO? Can Tumblr drive traffic? If these questions are part of your day-to-day work, hold onto your hats; here's an infographic that's actually useful for a change. If you're doing any social media marketing, here's something for your to print out and hang up near your desk as a handy point of reference., together with SEO firm 97th Floor, have created this chart showing which social networks are best for various organizational, CRM and marketing goals. How a Social Media Pro Educates the “Digitally Illiterate” 2-Day Hands-On Social Media Training Sessions Scheduled in Sydney, Singapore, London, Paris, Toronto, New York, Chicago and San Francisco Eric Schwartzman (@ericschwartzman) has a message for those he refers as the “digitally illiterate.” “Digitally illiterate clients and digitally illiterate bosses have unrealistic expectations of what social media can do and cannot do,” he says. “Bringing organizations up to speed on how to use social media is really where it’s at today.”

Word-of-Mouth - How to Activate Viral Campaigns (or Why Social and Sharing Are Not the Same) By now, many marketers have dabbled in social media—launching contests, promotions, and branding campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blogs. But what many marketers fail to understand is that "social" is not the same as "sharing." Simply slapping up social media content and hoping it works to build brand awareness and drive sales is not enough. Many brands fail to get maximum exposure for their social media campaigns because they don't take the extra step to activate viral sharing of their content. And if marketers don't identify their key influencers and motivate them to share, they're missing out on the real promise of social media: Social content works best when it's shared.

Time Management in Social Media - the definitive guide Knowing how and when to manage your activity on social media channels is one of the biggest headache's a business will face. So, I have put together a comprehensive guide on how you could not only manage your time better but (as an agency) also cost it better so that getting involved in social media doesn't need to cost your business either. So as I've said, you need to put the hours in to build a sense of belonging and nurture relationships with the faithful few who are interested enough to stick around whilst content is thin on the ground, but who still want to interact with you in some form or another.

Why The New York Times eliminated its social media editor position Earlier this week, New York Times Social Media Editor Jennifer Preston tweeted that she would be returning to reporting full-time. The news made me wonder: What would this mean for social media at the Times? Preston told me by phone that the Times plans to eliminate her position in early 2011 and shift social media responsibilities to Aron Pilhofer‘s interactive news team. When her current job ends, Preston will begin covering social media as a Times reporter. How To Track Down & Scout Out Influencers You’ve heard it a lot. The key to your social dominance lies in your ability to connect with your brand influencers and get them to pass on your content and their networks just how great you are. It’s well-intentioned advice but it means nothing if you don’t know who these influencers are and how to go about identifying them. That’s the tricky part. So how do you do it?

How to Monetize Social Media Many business executives have not found sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Myspace, and Linkedin useful in making money. Building genuine online relationships that are also good for the bottom line is not so easy. There is a lot of trial and error. But while monetizing social media is difficult it is not impossible. What's Your Strategy for the Next Decade? - Umair Haque Mirror, mirror, on the wall — who’s the fairest of them all? That’s the question most economists are asking. Many answer China, a few holdouts contend: America. I’d like to tell you a very different story, that clashes with both orthodoxies.

38 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed Aaaaand...we're back! The list might seem intimidating, but this week's roundup of top Mashable features will ultimately save you loads of time otherwise spent scouring the web for tech resources. We've compiled the past week's features, how-tos and insights into a handy little package — and it's just for you. Presenting everything from geeky galleries to thoughtful think pieces, this handy guide is here to help. Editors' Picks Coherent Interactive Services - Social Media Coherent Interactive offers start-to-finish social media services. We believe that social media is just one tool, and like all tools, it must be used properly to effectively solve the right problem. We approach social media by: Defining clear goals for your social media efforts, based on your business goals.
