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Le Journal du Siècle Quantum memory 'world record' smashed A fragile quantum memory state has been held stable at room temperature for a "world record" 39 minutes - overcoming a key barrier to ultrafast computers. "Qubits" of information encoded in a silicon system persisted for almost 100 times longer than ever before. Quantum systems are notoriously fickle to measure and manipulate, but if harnessed could transform computing. The new benchmark was set by an international team led by Mike Thewalt of Simon Fraser University, Canada. "This opens the possibility of truly long-term storage of quantum information at room temperature," said Prof Thewalt, whose achievement is detailed in the journal Science. In conventional computers, "bits" of data are stored as a string of 1s and 0s. But in a quantum system, "qubits" are stored in a so-called "superposition state" in which they can be both 1s and 0 at the same time - enabling them to perform multiple calculations simultaneously. There is no Guinness Book of quantum records.

Le « salarié caméléon », un profil très convoité | Personnalité Le « salarié caméléon », un profil très convoité publié le Ernst and Young (EY) en partenariat avec LinkedIn et CSA ont récemment publié une étude sur le profil du salarié idéal. Pour Jean-Pierre Letartre (Président d’EY- France), les entreprises doivent repenser leur organisation et garantir une cohérence entre les besoins en termes de management et la définition du rôle de chaque salarié et les compétences qu’il doit procéder. Le « salarié caméléon » de plus en plus convoité Les compétences comportementales prennent une place de plus en plus importante au sein des entreprises. La capacité à travailler en équipe va désormais au-delà du simple coup de main donné à un collègue mais correspond à un projet managérial (avec des objectifs concrets et mesurables) . 1. Le salarié doit s’adapter à son équipe et s’ouvrir à des profils ayant des métiers différents, des mentalités différentes et des statuts différents. 2. 3. La formation développe les compétences comportementales des salariés

Terretv - La télé web des générations futures Investig’Action Relive and share your adventures using Stories - Google+ Help After you create albums in Google Photos, you can share them with other people. You can allow people to: Just view them Add photos Comment on them You can change the level of access any time. Let people view an album Open an album you made. Turning this off If you turn off "Share": All comments and any photos that were added by other people will be removed. Let people add photos to an album When you share an album, this will be on by default. Open an album you made. Turning this on When this setting is on, anyone who has the link will be able to add to and see your album. Let people comment on an album Open an album you made. Turning this off If you turn this off, existing comments will stay there unless you delete them. Delete comments On the comment, click More , then Delete comment. To review all the comments you've made, go to the Activity Log. Related pages Andrea is a Google Photos expert and wrote this page. Was this article helpful?

Why Thinking Logically Imprisons You We often come across phrases in everyday life, “statistics show…”, “odds are….” or the medical field’s favorite, “research has shown…” Many times, phrases like these are used as a precursor to a statement to imply that because something has happened a certain way to a majority of people, that it will also happen to you that exact way. When we make assumptions about the way things will go for us based on things like statistics, polls, or comparison to others, it is safe to say that we are thinking “logically”. But what if we chose to start approaching our life less from a logical viewpoint and more from a creative standpoint? How would looking at our life less from an “I’m a realist. I know what the research has shown” perspective and more from an “I am creating my life as I go along through my thoughts, beliefs and attitudes” perspective, change our life for the better? “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant.

SideWays - La web-série documentaire qui vous tient hack-coeur Les moutons enragés Quantum Computing: Will It Be a Leap in Human Evolution? Quantum computers have the potential to solve problems that would take a classical computer longer than the age of the universe. Oxford Professor David Deutsch, quantum-computing pioneer, who wrote in his controversial masterpiece, Fabric of Reality says: "quantum computers can efficiently render every physically possible quantum environment, even when vast numbers of universes are interacting. Quantum computers can also efficiently solve certain mathematical problems, such as factorization, which are classically intractable, and can implement types of cryptography which are classically impossible. Quantum computing sounds like science fiction -as satellites, moon shots, and the original microprocessor once were. To leapfrog the silicon wall, we have to figure out how to manipulate the brain-bending rules of the quantum realm - an Alice in Wonderland world of subatomic particles that can be in two places at once. Casey Kazan via University College London

L’ésotérisme contemporain et ses lecteurs - La conspiration du Verseau - Éditions de la Bibliothèque publique d’information p. 97-126 Texte intégral « Le Pendule de Foucault reste immobile avec la terre qui tourne sous lui en quelque endroit qu’il se trouve. 1 Voir à ce propos Kemp (Daren), New Age : a Guide, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2004, trè (...) 2 Voir essentiellement les travaux de Françoise Champion et Danièle Hervieu-Léger, dans la bibliogra (...) 3 D’où également l’insistance du site sur le parcours atypique de Joseph-Marie Verlind (...) 1Si la littérature scientifique sur le Nouvel Âge abonde dans les pays anglo-saxons1, c’est loin d’être le cas en France où le phénomène, si tant est qu’on le reconnaisse, ne semble soulever que peu d’intérêt, hormis chez les sociologues des religions2. 4 Voir Hanegraaf (Wouter J.), « The New Age Movement and the Esoteric Tradition », dans Broek (Roelo (...) 10 Jean Sendy, traducteur de nombreux romans policiers et livres de science-fiction, est surtout conn (...) 8L’ouvrage est impossible à résumer.

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