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Random Writing Prompt Generators

Random Writing Prompt Generators

Fiction Writer Character Chart If you're a fiction writer -- whether you're working on a novel, short story, screenplay, television series, play, web series, webserial, or blog-based fiction -- your characters should come alive for your reader or audience. The highly detailed chart below will help writers develop fictional characters who are believable, captivating, and unique. Print this page to complete the form for each main character you create. IMPORTANT: Note that all fields are optional and should be used simply as a guide; character charts should inspire you to think about your character in new ways, rather than constrain your writing. Fill in only as much info as you choose. If this character chart is helpful, please let us know! Looking for more character questionnaires / charts?

English 50 Exercises for Story Writers English 50 – Intro to Creative Writing: Exercises for Story Writers Basic Theory: What is a short story? As soon as someone delivers a definition, some good writer will write a story that proves the theory wrong. Short stories have a narrator; that is, someone tells the story; have at least one character in them; have some action occur (or perhaps fails to occur); take place somewhere; that is, there is a setting for the action; and someone either learns something or fails to learn something (theme).With these five characteristics in mind, we can create an almost endless supply of exercises to help sharpen our techniques of story telling. Narrative Voice Twenty or so years ago, voice was the "rite of passage" into a successful writing career. Nevertheless, a narrative voice that sounds like it could be anyone's voice or is bland and boring, or riddled with pointless clichés will fail to capture and hold the reader's attention. If you've written a story in third person, try it in first.

Writing Prompts How to Write Without Colour As writers, we rely on our unique ability to convey the visual world in words. We conjure images in the minds of readers about lush green fields, grey, decaying buildings, or velvety red berries ripe for picking. But how do you describe green when you’ve never actually seen green? You think you’re writing project is hard? I’m Steff, a legally blind writer and blogger. Rod cells are extremely sensitive to light, so on bright days or when surrounded by white, I see the world like an over-exposed black and white film. People frequently tell me they feel sorry for me – they couldn’t imagine a world without color. We’re all presented with unique challenges, and we define ourselves by how we choose to meet them. As I write this, my nose is about 1cm from the computer screen (that’s 2/5 of an inch, for those of you who are imperially inclined). With any challenge, I think the best thing to do is acknowledge it, make it hilarious, and find some way to use it in your writing.

Online - Thirty Tools for Writers [Author’s note: Of the many things I’ve written for the Poynter website, none has been as popular as my "Twenty Tools for Writers." This list has been quoted, cited, praised, debated, and repurposed by writers, editors, teachers, and other professionals who care about the craft. That folks find these tools useful gives me courage. So I’m adding ten more to my workbench, and sharpening up several others. As you can see, I’m very impressed with myself. Thirty writing tools requires a big workbench. At times it helps to think of writing as carpentry. Below is a list of 30 writing and revising tools. Sentences and Paragraphs 1. 2. 3. 4. Language 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Effects 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Structure 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The Writing Life 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. This list contains tools, not rules. Tags: Writing tips and techniques

Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge — Curing Writer's Block One Fun Challenge at a Time Creative Writing Exercises -- Creative Writing Exercises for Craft No matter what stage you're at with your writing, it's always beneficial to work on craft and technique. These creative writing exercises target common problems and weaknesses. Switch Point of View Both first person and third person have their strengths and weaknesses; what works for one story may not work for another. This creative writing exercise will help you observe the effect of writing in the point of view that's less familiar to you. A Day Without Modifiers While modifiers -- adjectives and adverbs -- can add to a story, too many, or the wrong ones, can bog down your prose and lead to weaker nouns and verbs. Avoid Back Story Unlike the other creative writing exercises on this list, this one asks you to work in another genre. Listening for Dialogue Not everyone starts out with an ear for dialogue, but fortunately it can be developed, like any other skill. Description Creative Writing Exercise Who's the most memorable person you've ever met?

Serendipity Refutation Paragraphs 2 Sample Refutation Paragraphs (Each these samples have 2-paragraph refutation; some essays may only have a 1 paragraph refutation while other essays, like research papers, may require a much longer refutation) Charter Schools Vs. Public Schools (School Choice) By Mark Liles Thesis: School choice turns out to not only be a bad idea; it’s also a violation of our constitution. Refutation: ... [Counter Arguments] One of the biggest dangers of school choice is the power behind large corporations specializing in opening and operating charter schools. What I liked about this refutation: The writer calmly and clearly outlines the true concerns and reasons why people oppose the opinion. Also, towards the end of the first paragraph, and throughout the second paragraph, the writer spends time clearly attacking these opposing views. Finally, at the end of the refutation, there is a clear conclusion. Safe Traveler Cards Taken from College Writers pg. 733-734 ........

6 Ways to Hook Your Readers Although I consider myself an avid reader, I must admit I have a short attention span when it comes to getting into books. If you fail to grab my attention in the first few lines, I start spacing out. Most readers are like me. Most people don’t want to spend the first 50 pages trying to get into a book. Here are a few things I find annoying in the first lines of a story: Dialogue. The last thing you want to do as a writer is annoy or bore people. (N.B. 1. Put a question in your readers’ minds. “Those old cows knew trouble was coming before we did.” 2. By starting at an important moment in the story, your reader is more likely to want to continue so he or she can discover what will happen next. “It was dark where she was crouched but the little girl did as she’d been told.” 3. Description is good when it encourages people to paint a picture in their minds. “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” 4. 5. “They had flown from England to Minneapolis to look at a toilet.” 6.

Full screen distraction free text editor, increase your creativi Picking Your Topic IS Research! When you pick your topic, it's not set in stone. Picking and adjusting your topic is an integral part of the research process! Anne Burke: Project Lead, Scripting, StoryboardsKim Duckett: Team LeadDaria Dorafshar: Graphics and AnimationMara Mathews: NarrationJason Evans Groth: Audio ProductionAndreas Orphanides: Writing, Editing, Technical InfrastructureSarah Craig, Jennifer Garrett, Adrienne Lai: Additional Writing and Editing This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States license. 30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation Apple sold more than 1 million copies of iPads in the first 3 months. This gadget is definitely more than just a larger version of iPhone or iPod touch. With 4x the screen of an iPhone, the iPad’s display is ideal for reading and for presentations. In today’s post, we’d like to highlight some really useful iPad applications that might replace the things you do daily with your laptop or netbook. With a piece of iPad and these applications, you probably don’t need to carry a laptop around. Full list after jump. Presentations KeynoteKeynote is the most powerful presentation app ever designed for a mobile device. CorkulousCorkulous is incredible idea board for iPad to collect, organize, and share your ideas that feel completely natural. Power Presenter This application is used for Presentation. Sadun’s WhiteboardTransform your iPad into a presentation screen with Whiteboard. Graph, Charts, Diagram & Statistic Idea BoardsA simple easy way to put your ideas somewhere. Planning Page & Documents

this is definately for the beginning writer. If you are having trouble coming up with a plot, setting, characters, this is an easy way to help organize your thoughts! by ginamichelle1123 Feb 22
