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Learning Tools - Multimedia Learning Object Authoring Tool

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Discussion » Invent a Story 13f364dd-1d7e-42f0-b523-91a31e176486 elfina 1 min 18 sec 108 mths ago Please choose the best story and the best performance of the story. Cast your vote. 5d3915fd-a848-4d3f-8571-1d4191f8aa6d norman12 1 min 59 sec 108 mths ago 6c0fbbbd-5fdd-4b48-a66a-0e25cd6030a7 Vargus 3 min 25 sec 108 mths ago 036ca46c-1ed9-4596-9965-b9ff2b3f5893 Vyacheslav 2 min 6 sec 108 mths ago fc5bfaec-3308-4cb1-a371-519f67689574 flu2k 2 min 5 sec 108 mths ago 3afbfce2-c963-4ce3-b3c7-75cb4d2e319e meeshkol 1 min 38 sec 108 mths ago a941d560-523c-45af-b8e2-2eadcf5dac1a 1 min 13 sec 108 mths ago We need your voices and your votes! f559a377-4d0c-4057-a8ea-1f95850c202a Faby & Jack 0 min 42 sec 108 mths ago Hello Elfina. 27a44876-27ae-4b46-81c2-2ad1b206047c Hera 1 min 8 sec 100 mths ago ce6200e4-f5e3-45c6-be8a-ede6ae94d40d Annie B

CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software Online Collaborative Course Authoring Why is the Udutu™ Online Course Authoring Tool free? Udutu is not a software company, it is a service company. We recognized that budgets, personnel resources and shifting priorities can stall a worthwhile online course project for months or even years. Licensed Desktop tools get limited to a few "technical" experts, and leave subject matter experts, project managers, and other stakeholders out of the loop. So we make the authoring tool available to anyone and everyone, and because it is online, stakeholders can collaborate from anywhere, on any platform or operating system, so long as they have a browser. Whether you are a large corporation offering constant learning and training opportunities for managers and employees or you are a small business, you will find that Udutu’s WSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) online learning software makes it easy to produce media rich, engaging online courseware at minimal cost and without having to rely on programmers or multimedia experts. - Public Domain Clip Art لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله LearningApps - interactive and multimedia learning blocks Browse Apps Create App Create collection What is supports learning and teaching processes with small, interactive, multimedia exercises. Ausgewählte Beispiele für den Einsatz von Swisseduc - Geschichte Sammlung von Learning Apps, welche den Zeitraum von der Renaissance bis heute abdecken. SRF Multimediale Expedition Mit dem iBook zum Beitrag «Die Karten der Grossen Entdecker» können Lernende in die Fussstapfen der mutigen Seefahrer treten - multimedial, interaktiv und lehrreich. segu Geschichte | Lernplattform für Offenen Geschichtsunterricht Die Sammlung von Lernmaterialien, die vom Historischen Institut der Universität zu Köln bereitgestellt wird, richtet sich direkt an Schüler/innen der Sekundarstufe I. Papamobile Learningapps Das Projekt “Papamobile Learningapps” wurde Sieger in der nationalen Kategorie “Jugendgruppen und Schulklassen” des „Best Content for Kids Award 2014“ der Europäische Kommission. Imprint Privacy / Terms

LAMS Foundation PowToon : Online business presentation software to create free, cool, animated, powerpoint video alternatives Letterpop للتجربة E-ditor 3. Cuentas de usuario Para poder utilizar el Servicio usted deberá crear una cuenta de usuario introduciendo su información personal, que deberá ser correcta y completa.En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD) le informamos de que los datos de carácter personal que usted nos proporcione (a través del formulario web de registro o por cualquier otro medio), serán incorporados a un fichero titularidad de ENXENIO S.L., debidamente inscrito en la Agencia de Protección de Datos, con la exclusiva finalidad de gestionar los servicios solicitados y el mantenimiento de la relación contractual que en su caso se establezca.
