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What The Fuck Should I Listen to Now?

What The Fuck Should I Listen to Now?

Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio Musicovery Fic: Blurring Lines Title: Blurring LinesAuthor: xLoveMitchiexRating: PG Length: 1937 WordsCharacters/Pairing: Chris Colfer/Darren CrissWarnings: RPF, a bit of swearingSummary: It might be a crush, or more. The problem is just that Darren doesn´t know where he stops being himself and gets into character.Author´s note: Well, this was fast. XD Especially for someone who always said "No I will not ship them!" But oh well, what can you do?I hope you guys like it and please forgive me if you find any mistakes, it´s almost midnight and English is not my first language.But now enjoy! English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - America's Space Station Fic: Be My Best Friend Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Ryan Murphy and Fox, not me. The characters Hal and Beverley Anderson are borrowed from Gilly, aka aspiringtoeloquence, with love and permission. Blaine bounced up and down in the backseat of his mother's car. "Camp! Camp!

Hearing Test We got a lot of positive feedback on our Can You Hear Like a Teenager? article, and it inspired us to take it just a little bit further. Check your hearing with a list of tones that go from 8Hz all the way up to 22,000Hz. It’s fairly common for people who are over 25 years of age to not be able to hear above 15kHz and also experience some level of hearing loss or hearing damage such as tinnitus. This online test will help you find out where your high frequency hearing cuts off.

Character Chart FAVORITES Color: Music: Food: Literature: Expressions: Book: Quote: Expletive(s) (swears): Mode of transportation: HABITS Smokes: What? How often? Drinks: What?
