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48 Social Media KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

48 Social Media KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
There are a lot of things you can measure about you social media efforts. I have compiled a list of KPIs (key performance indicators) that you can consider for you specific activities. One thing to remember is to remember that you should set at least some metrics that indicate if you are turning profit. Otherwise you can reach your KPIs and still loose money. Now, before you begin be sure to set the baseline. Look at the set of your chosen social media KPIs and and record the current value. Concentrate on the rate of change of your chosen key performance indicators. You can combine several KPIs into one that is more meaningful for you. Distribution What social media channels are you using, how can people reach you, are you visible? FollowersFansNumber of mentionsReachSocial bookmarks (SumbleUpon, Delicious)Inbound linksBlog subscribers Interaction How likely are followers going to engage, spread your message and interact with eachother? Influence Action and ROI Internal

Tracking the KPIs of Social Media Social media receives a massive amount of attention on the web and attracts a great deal of interest from marketers, too. The primary complaint of those who invest seems to be consistent: it's hard to measure the impact to the bottom line. On this point, I must concede - while social's an exciting new area for online marketers, its value isn't always commensurate with the effort required and even when it is, it's tough to prove that point to clients or executives asking for justification. This post is here to help. In it, I'll try to take a brief look at the topics surrounding this problem and offer some solutions, tools and methodologies to make things easier. Why + Where Social Matters Social media has an analytics problem. I'll try to explain the problem, and the reason why social still matters, despite these poor metrics, in visual form: On the web, visitors are rarely buyers (or "conversion action" takers of any kind) on a first visit. Which Social Metrics to Track Facebook Twitter

14 Ways To Make Money Online From a Website - Flock In 2015, making money online has never been easier! This blog makes money by selling our own online courses, software and other peoples products as an affiliate. However, there are a lot more than two ways to make money online. Every site needs to be treated different. It can take a while to work out how to best make money from a website. If something doesn’t work, try something else. Here are the 14 ways you can monetize your website: We first added a popup opt-in box to IncomeDiary back in 2010. Email Marketing This is one of my favorite things to talk about because it’s just so powerful. Building an email list can make you a lot of money, help you build a solid brand and of course help readers come back to your site, time after time. Email marketing can be seen to make you money in a few different ways, such as direct email promotions, to deliver free reports that are monetized and my favorite, to drive traffic back to your site where you make money from other methods. Benefits: Drawbacks: 1.

Calculer le ROI des médias sociaux est une perte de temps Les semaines se suivent et se ressemblent : pas une conversation sans que l’on me parle du ROI des médias sociaux. Je veux bien comprendre que les directions générales ou autres donneurs d’ordre ont besoin de données chiffrées avant de prendre de lourdes décisions, mais n’avions-nous pas dit qu’une présence sur les médias sociaux se construit dans la durée et ne nécessite pas de gros budgets mais une implication ? Avant de me lancer dans mon argumentation, laissez-moi vous rappeler plusieurs choses : Les médias sociaux sont des territoires d’expression et d’interaction formidables qui offrent d’innombrables possibilités. Booster votre audience ou votre C.A. sont des objectifs louables, mais il existe d’autres outils qui le font bien mieux (respectivement les AdWords et les promotions).Le ROI est un indicateur chiffré qui se nourrit et produit des données numériques. Ceci étant dit, intéressons-nous maintenant aux effets pervers du ROI : Je vous laisse méditer là-dessus…

Think Social Media ROI = ZERO? This Video Will Shut You Up | Pen The debate of whether social media is really bringing in the moolah for companies is now more intense than ever. We have heard you through comments and tweets and while most of you get it, some people are still stuck on the idea that social media is a fad. Like what we have said in our replies and posts, social media ROI is not wholly about the tangibles. In fact, I hate the word ROI. If you really want to build genuine relationships and gain valuable feedback, you shouldn’t be thinking about the returns all the time. But for those people who need to see the $$ to be convinced, this video by Socialnomics (I’m a fan) will serve that purpose:

3 approches différentes des social media analytics J’ai déjà eu l’occasion de vous parler de social scoring et des indicateurs-clés des médias sociaux que l’IAB tente de standardiser. Hasard du calendrier, ce ne sont pas deux mais trois approches différentes qui viennent d’être proposées ces derniers jours. Du très quantitatif au très qualitatif, la diversité de ces approches nous permet d’y voir un peu plus clair dans cette pratique encore méconnue. Tiens d’ailleurs, puisque j’y suis, voici comment je pourrais définir les social media analytics : “La mesure, la collecte et l’analyse de données d’usages et de comportements des internautes au sein des médias sociaux dans le but d’optimiser une stratégie ou une présence”. Approche Altimeter : Beaucoup de chiffres et d’outils La première méthodologie que je vous propose d’étudier est celle de l’Altimeter Group (dont la réputation n’est plus à faire) associé à l’auteur de Web analytics Demystified (une référence dans la profession) : Social Marketing Analytics. Approche McKinsey : Quoi ?

ROI of Blogging? 27 Resources for Evaluating Blogging ROI - KoMa Related Content: Corporate Blogging Strategy Services | 12 Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts Why 27? Because, after hours and hours of searching, and using Google Alerts for months, that is how many worthwhile articles I have found regarding Blogging ROI so far. I’m sure there are more out there, and I hope that if you know of an additional resource that you will provide that as a comment to this post. Why have I looked so hard for resources about this topic? Because getting marketers and C-level executives to put corporate blogging on the front burner is so darn difficult. I used to say that I believe that 95% of all companies can benefit from establishing and maintaining a corporate blog. The bottom line is that I know that blogging can have an incredible ROI (when done properly). I provided a few tangible examples of corporate blogging benefits in a previous post titled How to Convert a CEO Into a Blogging Evangelist. Here they are: 7) Sarah E. Selected Quote: Synergize.

John Lovett's Blog at Web Analytics Demystified Calculating the ROI of blogging - Flock One issue that keeps coming up over and over again is how to measure the ROI of blogs. I’ve written about this in the past and have been stewing over how to go beyond the intangible “blogging is good for your business” exhortations to quantify blogging’s benefit to organizations. Well, we’re getting close but we could use some help. My colleague, Chloe Stromberg, and I have been interviewing companies about how they measure ROI and realized that we needed to throw the net wider – this is where you come in! The working idea is to create a framework for measuring the ROI of external blogging efforts for medium- and large-sized companies. Below is an outline of ingredients for the framework. In turn, we’ll cite significant contributors in the upcoming report and will also send the contributors a copy when it is published. The ROI Of External Blogging Framework The ROI of blogs can be broken down into three components: 1) Benefits; 2) Costs; 3) Risks Potential Benefits & Measurement

Forget Social Media ROI Heidi Cohen | June 27, 2011 | 22 Comments inShare427 Five other social media metrics that matter. Are you tracking social media ROI? If so, you're part of a small minority. While social media ROI attracts a lot of discussion and stands for fancy names like return on interaction, the reality is that only one out of three companies tracks social media ROI after three years! Problems Measuring Social Media ROI Here are three reasons that explain the difficulty in tracking and calculating social media ROI. Social media starts as a small test on the side. Given these internal challenges for tracking social media ROI, it makes sense to use other metrics to monitor your social media campaign's performance. 5 Social Media Metrics That Matter From a business perspective, what's important, at least in the short term, is showing that your social media marketing is effective at achieving your business goals. Reach. Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen

Framework: The Social Media ROI Pyramid Often, our industry can appear complicated, and yearns for simplicity. One such technique to glean simplicity is to develop frameworks which the corporate social strategist can then apply to achieve their business goals. I’ve been working on this “ROI Pyramid” framework for a few months now, and am ready to share in greater detail than on my keynote at LeWeb (slides and video) where I introduced this to the public for the first time. [The novice provide executives with engagement data --causing themselves to be stuck in the churn of obtaining more followers and fans --without a clear business goal] 140 social strategists around the globe at enterprise class size companies indicated their top internal objectives for 2011 is to “Create ROI Measurements” Experimental mediums require proof they work. [The seasoned professional provides executives with business metrics first. Excess variety of data options, and disparate platforms. Matrix: Understand the Social Media ROI Pyramid

HOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI Olivier Blanchard Basics Of Social Media Roi Defining Clear Goals As a standard formula, ROI is pretty basic, ROI = (X - Y) / Y, where X is your final value and Y is your starting value. In other words, if you invest $5 and get back $20, your ROI is (20 - 5) / 5 = 3 times your initial investment. In the financial sense, ROI is measured purely in the context of dollars and cents, however, the principles can really apply to any type of investment — monetary or not. Having concrete goals and concrete baselines is crucial to calculating your return on investment. Once you have your goals defined, you need to gauge the baseline for your levels before starting or changing your social media strategy. Metrics Tools Although ROI ≠ metrics, traditional web metrics like traffic counts, number of comments, Twitter followers, Facebook fans, etc. are an important component when calculating your ROI. The trick is to not rely solely on the numbers, but on what the numbers end up leading to.
