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Brandon Crook

Brandon Crook
Related:  speakingAround the worldEnglish Erika

Ask a question and tell two things - Kittys engelskoppgaver NB! Her har jeg lastet opp flere spill og maler som kan brukes både i engelsk og i andre fag. Mer info lenger ned på siden :-) Dette er et spill hvor elevene skal lage et spørsmål til-, og fortelle to ting om det emnet spillebrikken havner på. Det er morsomt og engasjerende, og elevene får god trening i å snakke engelsk. I tillegg blir elevene drillet i å bruke de engelske spørreordene. Avhengig av elevenes ferdigheter, kan man legge inn begrensninger på hvor enkle setninger de kan lage når de skal si noe om emnet. For eksempel kan man si at "I like"-setninger ikke er lov. Sånn sett kan den engelske varianten av dette spillet brukes på elever fra 9-19 år, og sikkert også på voksne :-) Tips: Det kan være lurt at den som har sin tur først forteller to ting om emnet, så stiller vedkommende et spørsmål som nestemann skal svare på. NB! Siden dette spillet funket såpass bra har jeg laget flere maler på engelsk + 2 generelle maler som kan brukes i mange fag. Her kan man definere hvilke regler man vil.

Where did English come from? - Claire Bowern There are two other TED-Ed lessons related to this topic: How languages evolve and How did English evolve? (a lesson that fills in some of the details that we omit here due to the fact that the focus of this lesson was further in the past). There is still a great deal of debate about Indo-European, most importantly about the location of the homeland. To read more about this debate, there are classic books by Mallory and Renfrew, as well more recent works by Anthony. To learn more about the distribution of languages across the world, see LL-map or The Ethnologue. Activities for correcting writing in the language classroom How can teachers encourage learners to correct their own writing? Second-time winner of TeachingEnglish blog award, Cristina Cabal, offers a few tried and tested error-correction activities. Does every single writing error need to be corrected? In the learning of a second language, this is a question that stirs up great controversy. In the following collection of error-correction activities for writing, the main aim is to get students to identify and correct writing errors taken from their own essays. The activities are fun and highly motivating, and because they are fast-paced, I would suggest going through the errors with the whole class a second time at the end to reinforce learning. Use 'grass skirts' This activity is a lot of fun. Now stick the grass skirts on the walls of the class and assign a colour to each group. Use sticky notes This is a great activity to get students out of their seats and interacting with other classmates to discuss errors. Use slips of paper Tic-tac-toe

British Life and Culture in the UK - Woodlands Junior School United Kingdom country profile - Overview 12 November 2014Last updated at 07:38 ET The United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It has a long history as a major player in international affairs and fulfils an important role in the EU, UN and Nato. The twentieth century saw Britain having to redefine its place in the world. Two world wars and the end of empire diminished its role, but the UK remains an economic and military power, with considerable political and cultural influence around the world. Britain was the world's first industrialised country. The Palace of Westminster is home to one of the world's oldest parliaments Continue reading the main story At a glance Politics: Prime Minister David Cameron, from the centre-right Conservative Party, heads a coalition with the UK's third party, the Liberal Democrats. Country profiles compiled by BBC Monitoring Special Report: United Kingdom Direct But this did not stop the centrifugal trend. Diversity There has also been a debate about immigration.

discussion-game.pdf Test Your Ear | IDEA International Dialects of English Archive For all you dialecticians, actors, linguists, and just plain language enthusiasts, let’s see if you can identify the home country (or, for the United States, Canada, and China, the state/province) of the following subjects from their accent or dialect. Take a listen, make your best guess, and then click the link under each audio clip to be taken to the sample you just heard. On that sample page, you will be able to read the biography of the subject, hear the person’s unscripted speech, and read the transcription. Audio Player Click here for the answer Audio Player Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer Click here for the answer

Why is English so weirdly different from other langu... English speakers know that their language is odd. So do people saddled with learning it non-natively. The oddity that we all perceive most readily is its spelling, which is indeed a nightmare. In countries where English isn’t spoken, there is no such thing as a ‘spelling bee’ competition. Spelling is a matter of writing, of course, whereas language is fundamentally about speaking. There is no other language, for example, that is close enough to English that we can get about half of what people are saying without training and the rest with only modest effort. We think it’s a nuisance that so many European languages assign gender to nouns for no reason, with French having female moons and male boats and such. More weirdness? Why is our language so eccentric? Sign up for Aeon’s Newsletter English started out as, essentially, a kind of German. Crucially, their languages were quite unlike English. As long as the invaders got their meaning across, that was fine. What’s the difference?

Webbresurs från vårt grannland - London Walk Finska Utbildningsstyrelsen är en myndighet som ungefär motsvarar Skolverket (även om jag inte ska svära på de exakta detaljerna rent politiskt). De har också en hel del lärresurser på sin hemsida, och där har jag hittat en guldklimp, via ett tips på Facebook. Mina 9or ska i engelskan arbeta med olika ämnesområden kopplade till Great Britain och vi inleder med att fokusera på London. För att få en bild av sammanhanget tittade vi först på en film från med den självförklarande titeln GREAT BRITAIN, artikel V4258. Efter introduktionen fick eleverna ge sig ut för att själva upptäcka London. Bild: skärmdump från

English Lesson on Guy Fawkes Night Try the online quiz, reading, listening, and activities on grammar, spelling and vocabulary for this lesson on Guy Fawkes Night. Click on the links above or see the activities below this article: Guy Fawkes Night is a very British celebration. It celebrates a failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament (that’s where Big Ben is) in London. Bonfire Night is perhaps the biggest outdoor celebration in Britain. Sources: and assorted sites. Mail this lesson to friends and teachers. Match the following phrases from the article. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Guy Fawkes Night _______________ celebration. Bonfire Night is perhaps _______________ celebration in Britain. Put the words into the gaps in the text. Delete the wrong word in each of the pairs of italics. Guy Fawkes Night is a too / very British celebration. Bonfire Night is perhaps the biggest outdoor celebrate / celebration in Britain. Guy Fawkes Night is a (1) ____ British celebration. 1. 2. 3. 4.

5 of My Favorite English Games for ESL Students I saved the best for last. My students requested this game more often than any other game we ever played. It's based on the old drinking game "Ring of Fire," modified for the classroom. Materials needed:A standard deck of playing cards, a whiteboard, 20-30 small slips of blank paper, and a bowl. The setup:Almost none! Place the bowl in the center of a table and spread the cards out, face down, in a circle around the bowl. The activity:Before you start the game, hand every student two small slips of paper. The students will take turns pulling a card. Here are the actions I assign to cards and the penalties involved: K: Ask anyone. Q: Ask a girl. J: Ask a boy. 10: Ask your teacher! 9: Bunny ears! 8: Words. 7: Pick again. 6: Touch your nose! 5: Answer one question. 4: Ask the person on your left. 3: Ask the person on your right. 2: Answer two questions. A: Free card. Note: This is just an example of a setup I use for intermediate university level classes.

This Is What A World Map Looks Like When Scaled According To Population Size Where in the world did Australia go?! A new cartogram by Redditer TeaDranks rescales the world’s countries according to population size instead of geographic area. Reconstructing maps based on different variables can be a powerful tool for understanding the world we live in. Other interesting tidbits: North Korea has a larger population than Australia, with 25.1 million people compared to 23.7 million, respectively. “I was inspired by this map which is now ten years old,” said TeaDranks. It is important to note that even modern world maps distort the Earth. To check out a high-resolution version of the map, click here. Credit: TeaDranks / Reddit Read this next: Improved Anti-HIV Antibodies Created Through Genetic Engineering

The full transcript of Michelle Obama's powerful New Hampshire speech | US news My goodness! You guys are fired up! Well, let me just say hello everyone. Let me start by thanking your fabulous governor, your next US senator, Maggie Hassan. And, of course, thanks to all of you for taking the time to be here today. Audience member: We love you! Thanks so much. So I’m going to get a little serious here, because I think we can all agree that this has been a rough week in an already rough election. See, on Tuesday, at the White House, we celebrated the International Day of the Girl and Let Girls Learn, and it was a wonderful celebration. So I thought it would be important to remind these young women how valuable and precious they are. The fact is that in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United States who, over the course of his lifetime and the course of this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning that I simply will not repeat anything here today. And I have to tell you that I can’t stop thinking about this.

Irland - den delade ön (engelskt tal) Irland - den delade ön (engelskt tal) Logga in för att se, lyssna eller boka produkten Om Det här programmet sammanfattar Irlands historia. Solfilm, 2013, Från 13 år, 4 min. Solfilm, 2013, Från 12 år, 13 min. Cinebox, 2016, Från 11 år, 18 min.
