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Paul Gavarni, Le Flâneur, 1842. Flâneur (pronounced: [flɑnœʁ]), from the French noun flâneur, means "stroller", "lounger", "saunterer", or "loafer". Flânerie refers to the act of strolling, with all of its accompanying associations. The flâneur was, first of all, a literary type from 19th century France, essential to any picture of the streets of Paris. Etymology[edit] Charles Baudelaire The terms of flânerie date to the 16th or 17th century, denoting strolling, idling, often with the connotation of wasting time. The flâneur was defined in a long article in Larousse’s Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle (in the 8th volume, from 1872). By then, the term had already developed a rich set of associations. In the 1860s, in the midst of the rebuilding of Paris under Napoleon III and the Baron Haussmann, Charles Baudelaire presented a memorable portrait of the flâneur as the artist-poet of the modern metropolis: The crowd is his element, as the air is that of birds and water of fishes. Related:  Read, Write, Reflect

Harold Bloom Creates a Massive List of Works in The "Western Canon": Read Many of the Books Free Online I have little desire to rehash the politics, but the facts are plain: by the time I arrived in college as an undergraduate English major in the mid-90s, the idea of the “Western Canon” as a container of—in the words of a famous hymn—“all that’s good, and great, and true” was seriously on the wane, to put it mildly. And in many quarters of academia, mention of the name of Yale literary critic Harold Bloom provoked, at the very least, a raised eyebrow and pointed silence. Bloom’s reputation perhaps unfairly fell victim to the so-called “Canon Wars,” likely at times because of a misidentification with political philosopher Allan Bloom. That Bloom was himself no ideologue, writes Jim Sleeper; he was a close friend of Saul Bellow and “an eccentric interpreter of Enlightenment thought who led an Epicurean, quietly gay life.” Nonetheless, his fiery attack on changing academic values, The Closing of the American Mind, became a textbook of the neoconservative right. A: “The Theocratic Age” Italy

de l'action à l'exposition Il a fallu une époque de profonde décadence de la vie sociale pour que l’art soit enfermé dans les cages des musées. Maintenant, il a pour champ d’action la vie entière.Taraboukine, Moscou, 1922 Introduction Un jour, en 1991, un homme, sans âge distinct, habillé de manière sobre, portant un sac à l’épaule gauche, déambule dans les rues de Mexico en tirant un petit objet cubique sur roulettes. Qui est cet homme ? Dès l’aube du XXème siècle, les avants gardes ont rejeté l’art académique en faveur de l’expérience réelle, voulant rapprocher l’art et la vie. L’homme anonyme tirant l’objet à roulettes dans les rues de Mexico en 1991 est Francis Alÿs. La légende indique « boule-de-neige, Mexico City, 1995 ». L’œuvre de Francis Alÿs étant prolifique et protéiforme, j’ai choisi de me concentrer sur les travaux qui soulèvent le plus d’interrogations : ceux fondés sur une prestation physique de l’artiste marchant (ses actions). I) Les déambulations b) En suivant des protocoles auto imposés 2. 3.

Grey hat In the search engine optimisation community, the term greyhat refers to the “questionable” category in search engine optimisation. While these actions may be against search engine guidelines or may not generally be considered an ethical way to SEO a website, it is not yet considered search engine spam. While Grey Hat tactics may work for SEO and may avoid search engine penalties, members of the web community may realise what the Grey Hat hacker is doing, negatively affecting the online reputation of both website and hacker. Black Hat SEO refers to illegitimate (against search engine guidelines) and illegal optimization tactics, while White Hat SEO refers to legitimate and proper ways to optimize a website. History[edit] Following the rise and eventual decline of the full disclosure vs. anti-sec "golden era"—and the subsequent growth of an "ethical hacking" philosophy—the term grey hat began to take on all sorts of diverse meanings. Summary[edit] Examples[edit] See also[edit] References[edit]

Nude in your hot tub, facing the abyss (A literary manifesto after the end of Literature and Manifestos) Down from the Mountain Once upon a time, writers were like gods, and lived in the mountains. They were either destitute hermits or aristocratic lunatics, and they wrote only to communicate with the already dead or the unborn, or for no one at all. They had never heard of the marketplace, they were arcane and antisocial. Later, there came another wave of writers, who lived in the forests below the mountains, and while they still dreamt of the heights, they needed to live closer to the towns at the edge of the forest, into which they ventured every now and again to do a turn in the public square. Soon, writers began to take flats in the town, and took jobs—indeed, whole cities were settled and occupied by writers. Now you sit at your desk, dreaming of Literature, skimming the Wikipedia page about the ‘Novel’ as you snack on salty treats and watch cat and dog videos on your phone. The Puppet Corpse To say that Literature is dead is both empirically false and intuitively true.

Serendipity Serendipity means a "fortunate happenstance" or "pleasant surprise". It was coined by Horace Walpole in 1754. In a letter he wrote to a friend Walpole explained an unexpected discovery he had made by reference to a Persian fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip. The princes, he told his correspondent, were “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. The notion of serendipity is a common occurrence throughout the history of scientific innovation such as Alexander Fleming's accidental discovery of penicillin in 1928 and the invention of the microwave oven by Percy Spencer in 1945, the invention of the Post-it note by Spencer Silver in 1968. The word has been voted one of the ten English words hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company.[1] However, due to its sociological use, the word has been exported into many other languages.[2] Etymology[edit] The structure of serendipity[edit] Business and strategy[edit] M.

פריחת מוחות 31 – אורית קרוגלנסקי, ברצלונה, קטלוניה/ספרד | ערב רב Erev Rav גיל: 39 מצב משפחתי: חיה בקהילה שיתופית גדלה והתחנכה ב: תל אביב השכלה: ספרות עברית באוניברסיטה העברית, התכנית לתקשורת אינטראקטיבית בTisch NYU. סקוואטרית, לא בטוחה אם זה מוסד – האוניברסיטה הפיראטית של ברצלונה וניסויים אחרים בהשכלה גבוהה אלטרנטיבית וחופשית אבל אלה שיוכים זמניים. אורית קרוגלנסקי מתוך המיצג "שלושה מתוך אחד עשר קצרים לאהובי הפסיכופת" תחומי עניין ועיסוק: תחום עניין שמלווה את כל הדברים המגוונים בהם עסקתי הוא אנשים והסיפורים שלהם. גם בכתיבה ובאמנות, גם באירגון ופעילות לשינוי חברתי ופוליטי וגם עכשיו כשאני עוסקת בריפוי. אמן/ית שאת מעריכה במיוחד: אני מעריכה במיוחד הרבה אנשים, ובעיקר אנשים קרובים אלי שביצירתיות שלהם ובאופן המחשבה שלהם מלמדים אותי כל הזמן. ציור של רוברטו סוטו מתוך הספר "אחד עשר קצרים לאהובי הפסיכופת, ועוד כמה לילות סתם" של אורית קרוגלנסקי ספרי על האמנות שלך: אני אמנית לשעבר וגם כך עשיתי המון דברים שונים שנשמעים לא קשורים. El Trabajo טארוט אלטרנטיבי למה אתה גרה איפה שאתה גרה? איך את חווה את הישראליות ו/או היהדות שלך שם? את מתגעגעת לישראל? Bricolaje Sexual

Aphra Behn Aphra Behn (/ˈæfrə bɛn/;[1] baptised 14 December 1640 – 16 April 1689) was a prolific dramatist of the English Restoration, one of the first English professional female literary writers.[2] Along with Delarivier Manley and Eliza Haywood, she is sometimes referred to as part of "The fair triumvirate of wit." Little is known for certain about Behn's life except for her work as an author and as a spy for the British crown. There is almost no documentary evidence of the details of her first 27 years. The bawdy topics of many of her plays led to her oeuvre being ignored or dismissed since her death. Life and work[edit] Versions of her early life[edit] Title page of the first edition of Oroonoko (1668) Information regarding her life is scant, especially regarding her early years. Career[edit] A sketch of Aphra Behn by George Scharf from a portrait believed to be lost (1873) Behn's exploits were not profitable however; the cost of living shocked her, and she was left unprepared. Last years[edit]

WORK THEME PARK LA DEFENSE - Stéphane Degoutin, Gwenola Wagon Avec la croissance sans fin de l'exclusion, la Défense sera bientôt le dernier quartier de Paris où il restera encore des travailleurs. Nous préparons sa réhabilitation prochaine en parc d'attractions pour l'éducation ludique des exclus. On viendra ici regarder les derniers employés, enfermés dans leurs bureaux, comme on regarde aujourd'hui les derniers artisans au journal de TF1. A l'âge industriel, le travail laissait peu de temps libre. A l'époque postindustrielle, les loisirs sont surabondants, mais c'est le travail qui vient à manquer. Regarding the endless growth of exclusion and unemployment, la Défense will soon be the last area in Paris where will remain workers. In the industrial age, work left little free time. In the post industrial age, leisure is overabundant, but now it's work which has become scarce. La Défense is to be explored as a pleasure garden of the 20th century, specialised in the business and finance worlds.

בלטשאצר - אופק קהילה - אינדיבוק אופק קהילה, יליד 1987, כותב ומוציא את ספריו לאור בצורה עצמאית. ספרו הראשון, אחוזי תקווה, יצא לאור ביולי 2010. ספרו השני, בלטשאצר, יצא לאור באפריל 2012. דברו אליו: צְלוֹל לָקָרְקְרָעִית אָנָה מֶחָכָּה שָם בִּטְנָהּ הָגָמְשוּשִית מָרְפָּה מִן הָאָוִיר שֶמִתְבָּעָבֶּע תְלוּלוֹת הִיא לֹא תָגְלִיד לֶךָ דָבָר מִילִים הֶן אִם שֶרָק פוֹצֶע עוֹד אָך כְּשֶמָטוֹס חוֹלֶף בֶּסִילוֹנֶי בּוּעוֹת הִיא תוֹהָה בֶּקוֹל מָתָי יָבוֹא תוֹרָהּ (מתוך "אנה" / בלטשאצר) בֶּרֶטֶט הָלָילָה בֶּחֹב הָשֶקֶט הָקוֹל אֶל אָנִי מָכְּשִיף לֶצְלִיל נֶשִימָתֶך אָנִי מָכְּשִיף, בֶּין פְּסִיעוֹתָיִך, לֶצְלִיל נֶשִימָתֶך אִם הָמִילוֹנְגָה מִתְכָּנֶרֶת אָנִי בֶּתוֹך הָעֶרֶב, אִם יָד צִבְתִית יוֹרֶדֶת מֶהָפֶּרֶק וּמָצְבִּיעָה עָל כִּיסֶא, אִם יָעָר הָעֶינָיים מִתְנָכְשֶף סְבִיבוֹנִי, אָנִי בֶּתוֹך הָעֶרֶב (מתוך "שרה" / בלטשאצר) שְלוּגָת צְלִיבְלוּבִים, מִצְטָלֶמֶת בֶּמֶקוֹמוֹת יָפִים, וֶכֹּל שָנָה הִיא תְחִילָת הָסוֹף. (מתוך "שחף II" / בלטשאצר)

Rare 1959 Audio: Flannery O’Connor Reads ‘A Good Man is Hard to Find’ Flannery O'Connor was a Southern writer who, as Joyce Carol Oates once said, had less in common with Faulkner than with Kafka and Kierkegaard. Isolated by poor health and consumed by her fervent Catholic faith, O'Connor created works of moral fiction that, according to Oates, “were not refined New Yorker stories of the era in which nothing happens except inside the characters' minds, but stories in which something happens of irreversible magnitude, often death by violent means." In imagining those events of irreversible magnitude, O'Connor could sometimes seem outlandish--even cartoonish--but she strongly rejected the notion that her perceptions of 20th century life were distorted. “Writers who see by the light of their Christian faith will have, in these times, the sharpest eye for the grotesque, for the perverse, and for the unacceptable," O'Connor said. “To the hard of hearing you shout, and for the almost-blind you draw large and startling figures." Related Content:

In public space we trust JR. CAN ART CHANGE THE WORLD?Se una casa editrice come la Phaidon decide di pubblicare un libro su un artista del calibro di JR sappiamo già che quella che ne uscirà sarà un'opera perfetta. Una delle prime immagini che vediamo aprendo JR. Art will save us all.
