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To see or download images please visit MusicBrainz . The Cover Art Archive is a joint project between the Internet Archive and MusicBrainz , whose goal is to make cover art images available to everyone on the Internet in an organised and convenient way. Images in the archive are curated by the MusicBrainz community and go through a peer review process to ensure that they are correct, free of spam and of the best quality. If you would like to contribute cover art, create a MusicBrainz account... Images contributed by Internet Archive users and community members. These images are available for free download. graphics favorite ( 3 reviews ) Topic: graphics Download USGS DRG maps of the 50 states. image eye favorite 8 comment 1 images used for items in collection favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite ( 1 reviews ) Topic: librivox NASA eClips™ are short, relevant educational video segments. favorite 2 mx favoritefavoritefavorite ( 1 reviews ) Topic: mx favorite 6 comment 2 favorite 1 comment 0

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CRDP Strasbourg : Images à usage pédagogique Coccinelle communePhoto Pierre Kessler, mai 2011 Coordination Mathias Treffot Les documents qui vous sont proposés ici sont regroupés en séries thématiques cohérentes, comportant habituellement de 12 à 48 photos. Contrairement à une banque d'images traditionnelle, ils ne sont donc pas accessibles individuellement. Ces albums sont les héritiers de nos anciennes planches de diapositives. Une large partie des albums figure dans la Base Numérique du patrimoine d'Alsace, que nous vous recommandons de consulter.

1,150 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns Advertisment Watch 1,150 movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors. The collection is divided into the following categories: Comedy & Drama; Film Noir, Horror & Hitchcock; Westerns (many with John Wayne); Martial Arts Movies; Silent Films; Documentaries, and Animation. We also have special collections of Oscar Winning Movies and Films by Andrei Tarkovsky and Charlie Chaplin. - 20th aniversary edition
