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Extra en Español #01

Extra en Español #01
►A. Answer these questions in complete sentences in SPANISH. ►►01. ¿Cómo se llama el vecino de Lola y Ana?►►02. ¿Quién es Juan? ►B. ►►06.

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Mis Clases Locas: Gran Hotel in Spanish Class I finally just finished my first series on Netflix in Spanish, Gran Hotel. It was stretched over months, since I started during the school year. I only watched little chunks, sneaking in part of an episode, if baby boy decided to take an after school nap. It was worth the wait and a really great show. I picked it knowing I could continue to watch Iván from my beloved El Internado, Yon González, now as Julie Espinosa. If you are looking to work on your own Spanish or possibly use the show in class, make sure to change the subtitles to Spanish using this post.

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El Internado resources – My generation of polyglots Click here to read the most complete set of instructions that I have published for teaching a novela. While I give examples from Gran Hotel, these are easily applied to El Internado. For every episode I have created two bundles of resources. The first bundle contains the student study guides that many teachers have told me has been essential to making sure their students truly understood the episode.

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Las 7 mejores películas para aprender español real - Revista Habla Muchas veces en clase, los alumnos me piden sugerencias de películas para ver. Y, bueno, he encontrado esta lista y quiero compartirla con todos vosotros. ¿Cuál es el error más común del estudiante de español? SinoELE Detalles Visto: 27041 27041 por Javier Sabah, profesor de ELE en la Universidad de Economía y Finanzas de Guizhou

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