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Organisez_vos_donnees un véritable kit de surviepour le monde numériquede précieux conseils etdes astucespour gagnerdu temps C o d e é d i t e u r : G 5 4 8 4 2 • I S B N : 9 7 8 - 2 - 2 1 2 - 5 4 8 4 2 - 6 h t t p : / / l o m o n a c o  l i v e g a l e r i e  c o m Livres Outils Gérer l’infobésité Internet,e-mails,réseaux sociaux : aujourd’hui,les nouvellestechnologies occupent de plus en plus de place dans notre vie.Unvéritable tsunami d’informations nous assaille chaque jour.Comment ne pas se laisser submerger par ce flot de données ? Personal Knowledge Management Xavier DELENGAIGNE est directeur des systèmes d’information d’une grande ville de la métropole lilloise.Il est également formateur en veille et en cartographie de l’information.Il anime par ailleurs le blog CollectivitéNumérique. Pierre MONGIN est consultant conférencier,auteur et co-auteur de dix ouvrages sur le management de l'information,dont Organisez vos idéesavec le mind mapping (Dunod,2004), Organisez votre vie avec le mindmapping

Communities, Collaboration, Curation | Learning and sharing in a virtual world by Steve Dale Fiches Pratiques PKM - C. Deschamps Arnaud Velten , concepteur des logos du modèle TIICC Gestion du Temps Le chronographe symbolise la mesure du temps. Gestion de l'Identité numérique Notre signal numérique se caractérise par nos traits de caractères et ce quel que soit le médium/vecteur numérique. Gestion de l'Information L'information stratégique est parcellaire, la combinaison logique de signaux émis par le domaine permet defaire apparaître des tendances, des besoins, des attentes, des signes.J'ai voulu faire un clin d'oeil à Tetris qui vulgarisa bien avant son temps l'idée suivante : « bien ordonner lechaos prend du sens et fait marquer des points... ». Gestion du Capital relationnel Le capital humain a été, reste et restera le meilleur des investissements. Gestion des Compétences *,,

The new EU Data Protection Regulation The text of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation has now been finalised. When it comes into force it will replace all data protection legislation in EU member states (including the UK's Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA)) without the need for further national legislation. The Regulation will apply to any entity offering goods or services (regardless of payment being taken) and any entity monitoring the behaviours of citizens residing within the EU. Companies are now directly responsible for DP compliance wherever they are based (and not just their EU based offices) as long as they are processing EU citizens' personal data. No one can afford to ignore it. Here are the key provisions. Increased Fines Currently the Information Commissioner’s office (ICO) can issue a Monetary Penalty Notice of up to £500,000 for serious breaches of the DPA. Consent and Children's Data Like the DPA, the Regulation will require Data Controllers to have a legitimate reason for processing personal data.

KnowledgeManagement Next generation information management The next-gen Information Manager Key findings When asked about the Information Management (IM) skills their organisation would value over the next 3-5 years, participants identified 'risk management, security and data privacy' at the top of the list, followed by 'Content/records management', 'Analytics' and 'Taxonomy/metadata management'When asked about the IM capabilities that would be most in demand, organisations placed 'Information accessibility' - including social and mobile integration - at the top of the listSoft skills that will be highly valued in Information Managers include Innovative thinking (cited by 70% of respondents) followed by change management and relationship management and corporate communications.Other technical IM capabilities that are going to be in demand include:Data quality management and migrationInformation security and access controlContent and records managementECM/RM/DM (document management) systems knowledge How do Information Managers rate their skills?

Knowledge Management Tools i-KM Management des connaissances Le portail du KM Se procurer MindManager Sur le BLOG du KM2.0 La carte du portail Le KM en images Depuis 1998, i-KM participe à la conception et à la diffusion d'un Knowledge Management adapté à la culture économique et organisationnelle française et francophone. - Le facteur humain, et le désir de partager la connaissance pour agir, innover, construire... - Les méthodologies pour concevoir et diffuser des approches adaptées à toutes les singularités et environnements... - L'usage, enfin, des outils, plus encore que les technologies elles-mêmes... Guident notre approche, notre investissement actif et enthousiaste dans tous ces domaines qui peuvent transformer le travail, la relation, la compétitivité des entreprises, contribuer fortement à la modernisation de l'État : pourvu qu'on leur donne du sens, que l'on forme et informe, que l'on développe une véritable culture de partage et d'innovation.

Knowledge Management or Experience Management? One of our clients has contracted us to provide them with guidance into "Experience Management". The term "Experience Management is not a commonly defined term, so I was very interested to understand what they meant by the term (and they weren't talking about managing customer experience, which is a different field). It seems they have already investigated Knowledge Management, and have been provided with Knowledge Management solutions that deal with content management and the management of information. I think they are wisely navigating their way through the confusion around Knowledge Management; the confusion between knowledge and information, and between Knowledge Management and content management. On the one hand, according to Einstein, Knowledge is experience; everything else is information. On the other hand, there is a common model known as the DIKW model, which builds up through data and information, to knowledge, and then on to Wisdom. What does Experience Management look like?
