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Down at the end of the garden ...

Down at the end of the garden ...
... is a very special place. Where fantasy and folly meet greenery and stone. Old sits with new made old and cool breezes ruffle scented foliage. In the heat of the day blue water beckons and secret garden rooms are filled with forgotten treasures. Michael Trapp travels the world to find antiques and architectural fragments to weave his magic at the bottom of a very special garden.

Steve Smith I don’t know what’s the deal with these hyperrealist artists, once again, great work, but absolutely no information…so I’ll just tell you to look at Steve Smith’s pretty paintings, who apparently dreams of sunny days, holidays and sunglasses. Can’t say I blame him! VERTICAL HERB GARDENS - gardening, planting, nature, garden, sustainable lifestyle, do-it-yourself, creative environmental options, craft, organics, gardening, planting, flower pots, reusing, old and vintage, nature, environmenta - Stu comments on 04/22 at 01:35 AM Oh wow, I like this too. I'll have to research how do they get the plants to stay in the box?! I also like the boxes themselves. on 04/22 at 12:56 PM Hey! I want to build one too! on 04/22 at 01:00 PM My question would be how to water it. on 04/22 at 01:02 PM Inside the house environment. on 04/29 at 12:33 PM Wow, that's pretty awesome (not really a word I use that often!). on 05/26 at 03:40 AM Idon't know if you can do vertical planting, but I am doing an art project in which I give out seeds of trees that survived the atomic bombing to the people of US and the world. on 05/28 at 01:14 PM Saw this article and it made me think of your post...

Big Doodle Big sharpie doodle! Big Doodle - sharpie on mat board - 40" x 32" Artwork © Lawrence Yang 2009 my blog | my site | purchase inquiries Build a PVC Greenhouse - StumbleUpon How to build a PVC greenhouse to extend growing seasons. Free plans and projects out of PVC pipe. DIY green house to raise or grow plants at home. PVC Greenhouse Built by Michael Arnold. Return to pictures of PVC projects My Photography Tutorials - 360 Degree Reverse Photography - featured, Gallery In order to create a , you do not need to be an expert photographer or own expensive photography equipment. You just need to have a standard SLR camera, tripod and a 360-degree panorama software package and of course a good panorama to shoot. Follow these successfully achieving professional results in . First, pick a spot that is equidistant from every point in your photo. Second, pick a lightly overcast day, to achieve consistent lighting across the entire photo. Thirdly, ensure that your camera is affixed to the tripod, which is sitting on a flat surface. Shoot the first frame, and with the use of the tripod, rotate the camera in a clockwise direction so that the first and second frames overlap by 30 to 50 per cent, otherwise your photos will have lines, distortion or missing portions. Continue to rotate the camera clockwise in approximately 25-degree increments, overlapping each photo as before. There are so many different photos that you can take with your SLR camera.

No dig gardens - how to do no dig gardening by gardening the no dig way! - StumbleUpon Sprout a Couch Cool Copper Projects Warm metallic hues are easy to love but often pricey. When you create the look... Easy Doily Bowl Craft a decorative bowl from a doily picked up from a flea market, antique... Camper Birdhouse Encourage birds to stay awhile with an adorable vintage birdhouse. fairies Fairy Gardening by Amber S. "Seating Area in the Daily Mirror Garden" by Eric Chrichton "Garden Statue at Crook Hall" Michael Boys Learn a Little More About the Fey: Living With Fairies - by AmberSkyfire The Realm of the Fae - learn about the faery folk Lavendise - an incredible website dedicated to fae of all types

Cool Garden Paths That Are Off The Beaten Path While you might think that all garden paths are created equal, you’d be wrong. In fact, we’ve found a collection of 10 cool, unique and creative garden paths that are simply cooler than the rest and featured them in the gallery below. Enjoy! Wood Slabs Kicking off the list as one of our personal favorites, this backyard garden has taken wood slabs of all diameters and tiled them in a way that creates full, sturdy ground coverage. For as great as this looks, it’s a really cheap way to achieve a rustic and unique garden path that will be remembered. Daisy Mosaic If you have more elaborate tastes than the simple wood slabs above, this mosaic themed path offers a grand alternative for the more detail-oriented individuals. Wave Mosaic Continuing with the trend of intricate garden paths, here is another mosaic pathway that absolutely pops amongst the surrounding ground cover. Glow in the Dark Pebbles We’re willing to bet that you’ve never seen anything like this next garden path. Glass Bottles

Totally Wacky and Unique Garden Shrubs, Bushes, and Hedges We’ve all seen our fair share of standard-cut garden hedges lining our lawns but what happens when you apply a little imagination? Well, below is a gallery of uniquely crafted garden hedges that have taken a seemingly mundane landscaping staple and transformed them into wacky pieces of eye candy. Stained glass shrubs Leading this gallery in grand fashion is this most amazing spread of garden hedges. Aside from the fact that these hedges are so intricately shaped, the colorful flowers planted within the garden mosaic nearly creates the illusion of a stained glass window. Pie crust hedges While these particular garden hedges are an obvious landscaping work of art, they look more like a culinary triumph than anything else. Arborist arches Resembling something similar to overgrown insect legs or the natural wonders at Arches National Park near Moab, UT, these large shrubs span all the way overhead to create a 180º garden hedge tunnel like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Garden hedge amoebas
