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Creative Web 2.0 Learning

Creative Web 2.0 Learning

Florence Meichel BLOG Do I just Google that? Tools for Teaching Search Skills in the Primary Classroom Nowadays many pupils, when given a research task, immediately might think to themselves, “I’ll just Google that.” Internet search engines (of which Google is only one of many) are powerful tools but many pupils use only a fraction of the power of them, and then can also have difficulty finding the information specific to the task. There are many resources now available to help in developing pupil skills in searching more effectively using online search engines. And, of course, when they do find information how do pupils know it is appropriate for the task? Tools to Help Teach Research Skills The Big 6 One method of teaching information skills for investigating sources of information from databases, encyclopedias and the Internet is that known as “the Big Six.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Kentucky Virtual Library How to Do Research Finding Duclinea Ergo – Teaching Research Skills Common Sense Media Digital Curriculum All About Explorers Ten Tips for Teaching How to Research and Filter Information

Twenty Everyday Ways to Model Technology Use for Students I wanted to post a list that talked about how to "use" technology in the classroom, but I found myself revising that word "use" to the more general word, "model." The reason I did this is because so many teachers believe that if students aren't actively sitting in front of the computer screen themselves, then clearly technology is not being used in the classroom. This myth can be a gatekeeper of sorts for many teachers, and I wanted to create a list that both gives advice on how to "use" but also acknowledges that in simply modeling the use the of technology, the students are also learning to use it in an indirect way. It's all about Think Aloud, that age-old trick of simply narrating everything you are doing as the wiser, more experienced brain in the room. #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. #6. #7. #8. #9. #10. #11. #12. #13. #14. #15. #16. #17. #18. #19. #20.

everything elearning. Core changes rarely come easy to existing systems. Change builds incrementally. First it builds on what exists – using existing models, approaches, language, and habits. Video was initially used as a tool to record stage productions. Like video assumed to do the work of stage productions, or the web to do the work of books, or elearning to duplicate the activities of classrooms, we stand at a point of transformation. And so, we build for a world that no longer exists. We are building for a world that no longer exists. Knowledge Trends There are simple and trite things that we can say about knowledge: it’s growing rapidly, it’s becoming more complex, it’s global, and that it’s connected. …and learning: it’s social, it’s informal, it’s continuous, it’s embedded in the daily activities of life. I assume these to be evident, and won’t tire you with extensive proclamations of these changes. A few key changes are worth highlight, however. Co-creation and participation. Social Complexification 1.

5 Awesome Things You Can Do With an IPad and an LCD Projector Panorama des médias sociaux Aviez-vous remarqué que le terme « web 2.0 » n’est plus à la mode ? Il faut dire qu’à force de nous survendre du « 2.0 » à toutes les occasions, le concept fini par lasser. Maintenant, on parle de médias sociaux. Car avec un nombre de services en ligne toujours plus important, des concepts tous plus sophistiqués, des copies, des mashups dans tous les sens… il devenait difficile de s’y retrouve. De ce morcellement sont nés le social shopping, l’entreprise 2.0, les médias sociaux et bien d’autres encore. Publions, partageons, sociabilisons ! Dans « médias sociaux » il y a « média« , ce qui veut dire que les médias sociaux sont des supports numériques à une prise de parole ou une publication. Dans « médias sociaux » il y a « social« , ce qui implique des échanges (fichiers, goûts, points de vus…) mais aussi des interactions sociales (structuration de groupes d’individus en réseaux, acquisition de notoriété, influence…). Une infinité d’outils et de services Ouf ! Quels KPIs ?

ICT: Assessment tools Many tools now exist for measuring the impact of ICT in Education, in the forms of online questionnaires, printable forms, charts and frameworks. Respondents are similarly diverse: teachers, administrative staff, educational leaders or even the students themselves. Often self-assessment based tools assess staff skills in technology, levels of ICT integration into lessons, student improvement due to ICT use and attitudes, amongst other issues. In summary and to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each tool, the following chart has been taken from the article Take a Varied Approach to Assessment by Barbara Bray. Here are some useful examples of the types of assessment other organizations have used:

Le blog comme outil de développement personnel Au nombre des problématiques concernant de nombreux managers, voire dirigeants, on trouve souvent “apprendre à être plus proche”, “être transparent”, “apprendre à écouter”, “savoir collaborer”, …et pour nombre de jeunes pousses à potentiel “prendre la parole”, “défendre ses projets”, “s’affirmer et exister dans un groupe”…et j’en passe. Nombre d’interventions de type Teambuilding ont d’ailleur dans leur intitulé “ensemble”…”mieux travailler ensemble”, “communiquer ensemble”…ce qui n’est que logique étant donné que l’objectif est justement de souder une équipe. A ce stade je vous livre les premiers éléments d’une réflexion encore embryonnaire: - Il est plus aisé d’écrire que prendre la parole en assemblée…un collaborateur qui commence à coucher ses idées sur son blog et s’expose ainsi peu a peu ne fait il pas ses premiers pas vers un “plus d’assurance”. - de la même manière, un tel outil peut il aider un dirigeant à faire les premiers pas vers “plus de proximité”? Google+
