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CRÉA Sismo, le design comme solution -En

CRÉA Sismo, le design comme solution -En

CRÉA : Green Avenue (récup) -En The Greene Ave. bench collection is a project that rescues orphan chairs and upcycles them into a one-of-a-kind bench for your entrance way, dining table or backyard patio. Each bench uses three contrasting chairs from different eras to form a new contemporary piece. All benches range in size, shape and color. More information and availability at 31andchange website !

My eyes open the next set of posts... CRÉA: Stephen Burks durable -En Pen/stylus made from MAGNETS. POLAR PEN - both tool and toy by Andrew Gardner This modular pen will inspire you at work, school or home. If you enjoy tinkering with things or are fascinated with the power of magnets, then this product is for you. We have found many fun and functional ways of using the POLAR Pen and we are really excited to see what you will come up with. Polar comes in two high quality finishes: Pure Silver, purer than sterling (product will tarnish if left unused, any silver polish will restore finish) and 24 Karat Gold, an elegant deep yellow. Using the silver and gold magnets POLAR lends itself very well to the concept of modular customization; the ability to transform a standard product into something different and unique. Modular customization is often talked about in the design world but rarely executed. Magnets Components There are four unique components excluding the magnets: Cap, Clip, Tip and Stylus. Rubber Components Stylus rubber tip - The stylus tip has been sourced from a leader in stylus tip technology. Features/Tuturials

CRÉA: Jens Praet (éco-design) - En © 2007-2016 JENS PRAET - All rights reserved, worldwide. All material on this website (the "Site"), and the Site itself, are protected by copyrights, trademarks and/or other intellectual property rights. These materials are owned by JENS PRAET or its subsidiaries or to be used with permission of their owners. Such materials include, but are not limited to, the photographs, images, illustrations, text, video clips, audio clips, designs, logos, trademarks and other materials contained in this Site, as well as the software used in the design and development of this Site. The name JENS PRAET, the logos, and all other related marks depicted on this Site, whether registered or unregistered, are trademarks or service marks of studio JENS PRAET. The materials contained in this Site are displayed for informational and promotional purposes only.

CRÉA : Droog − design social -En Design+Desires is a people centered urban research-and-do program which initiates various projects and activities on city making and beyond. Driven by a highly motivated and ambitious team of designers, architects and other professionals, Design+Desires is aiming to create innovative concepts for the city of the 21st century. Our tools are social quick scans, gamified polls, social media campaigns, personal interviews and design scenarios. Why The city is on the move. There is a gap between strategy and tactics, between theory and practice, between the view of professionals and how citizens furnish their environment. What The program Design+Desires is aimed at this forementioned transformation process and connects this to the dreams and desires of citizens. How Part of Design+Desires is Social City. The passions and ambitions are the main focus in each international and local Design+Desires project.

CRÉA : Quart de Poil meubles/accessoires carton,cuir... CRÉA Frank Gehry - Biographie et réalisations d'un architecte iconique -F Né en 1929, à Toronto (Canada), Gehry grandit parmi une famille ouverte à la créativité : avec sa grand-mère, il construit des villes en copeaux de bois, pris à l’atelier de son grand-père ; avec ses parents, il dessine. C’est d’ailleurs son père qui le pousse à étudier en art. À la fin des années 40, il entre à l’École d’architecture de l’University of South California, d’où il gradue en 1954, se classant parmi les meilleurs de sa promotion. Il tente ensuite un diplôme à Harvard, mais ne le complète pas : il a ses propres projets, entre autres des idées d’architecture socialement responsable, qui ne cadrent pas avec l’atmosphère dans laquelle il étudie. La carrière professionnelle de Gehry est lancée en 1962, lorsqu’il fonde sa firme d’architecture à Los Angeles, toujours active. Tous les projets qui passent par cette firme sont analysés et dessinés par Frank Gehry. Souvent critiqué pour son extravagance, Frank Gehry est resté très pragmatique par rapport à ses techniques.

CRÉA L. COLANI- pape du bio-design portrait video - F Sensualité, courbes et rondeurs caractérisent la production artistique du designer allemand Luigi Colani, qui parvient ainsi à donner une dimension poétique aux objets techniques et industriels produits dans les sociétés de consommation. Cet artiste né en 1928 à Berlin d'un père italien et d'une mère polonaise, est d'abord formé aux Beaux-Arts de Berlin, avant de venir étudier l'aérodynamique à Paris en 1949. Durant les années 1950, il place sa créativité au service de constructeurs des secteurs automobiles (Fiat, Volkswagen, Ferrari, Simca, BMW, etc.) ou de l'aviation (Boeing, Rockwell). Poussant plus loin la volonté de respecter les formes naturelles autant que la nature elle-même, Luigi Colani s'impose comme l'inventeur du bio-design dans les années 1960 : ce courant veille non seulement à l'harmonie des courbes d'un objet mais défend une meilleure intégration de cet objet dans son environnement en optimisant son ergonomie. Claire Sécail

CRÉA Ross Lovegrove site officiel - En CRÉA Ora-Ito - En When we look at retro modern scenes ~ the future as imagined back in the 60s ~ the jetson’s styled stuff… i keep wondering where our gorgeous image of the future we’ll look back on in 50 years is, and will still wish we had (if we don’t already have it by then!)… then i saw this EVO-mobil design by Ora-Ito for Citroën… or even more impressive, i was won over by the photoshoot of it with actress Mylène Jampanoï for the stunningly artistic automotive mag, Intersection… and i wish i lived in that reality! Its so beautiful! “Af­ter more than 3 years of col­lab­o­ra­tion with Cit­roën on the de­vel­op­ment of ar­chi­tec­tu­ral pro­jects, Ora-ïto turned to the man­u­fac­tur­er to de­vel­op his first artis­tic pro­ject. The icon­o­clas­tic artist wasn’t dream­ing about another con­cept car but a ge­net­ic trans­for­ma­tion. An unu­su­al cre­a­tion re­u­nit­ing more than 400 years of his­to­ry, a re­flec­tion on the evo­lu­tion of the mo­bil­i­ty and the le­g­endary know-how of Cit­roën.

CRÉA: Frédéric Julien Actualité Archives -F Fashion Week Paris En partenariat avec IMONI Showroom à Paris Share this Post Galerie photos Frédéric Julien au 43ème Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville 2017 du 1 au 10 septembre 2017. Share this Post Court métrage réalisé pour marquer la présence de Frédéric Julien à la Fashion Week Luxe début juillet au Showroom Imoni à Paris. CRÉA: Dieter Rams (modernisme / Braun 50's) -En
