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3D Ancient Wonders, archeological reconstruction online virtual museum

3D Ancient Wonders, archeological reconstruction online virtual museum

Digital Dead Sea Scrolls Aztec Children The lives of Aztec children are fascinating in many respects. To understand how children fit into Aztec culture, and how they were honoured, we should go right back to the beginning... even before the children were born. Birth Since warfare was glorified by the Aztecs, it was even used to symbolize childbirth. The baby was a "captive" in the womb, struggling to enter the world. A hymn for a new child sung to the goddess of childbirth, found in the Codex Florentino, said: Down there, where Ayopechcatl lives, the jewel is born, a child has come into the world.It is down there, in her own place, that the children are born.Come, come here, new-born child, come here.Come, come here, jewel-child, come here. A soothsayer then came to the home of the newly born child to study the astrological significance of the child's birth, down to the exact day and minute of the child's entrance into the world. Aztec children and their Parents When older children were bad, they could have a painful punishment.

¤ Portail des civilisations anciennes Aztecs for Kids - Daily Life Like nearly all of the ancient civilizations, the rich lived in luxury and the poor worked. In the Aztec civilization, class structure was very important. Homes : The Rich: Homes of the nobles and wealthy were made of sun-dried brick. The Poor: Homes of the farmers and other commoners were huts with thatched roofs. Clothing : Upper Class: People in the upper class wore clothing decorated with feathers and embroidery to show their status. Common People: It was against the law for commoners to wear feathers. Marriage : At about age 20, men married women who were ages 14-15. Matchmakers were usually old women. New Babies: The birth of a baby was a really big deal. Correct Behavior : The Aztecs were very concerned that all their citizens behave correctly. Slaves: The Aztec nobles had slaves. Poetry: For all their love of war, the Aztecs had a softer side. Games : The Aztecs loved games. Schools : Kids went to school . All Aztec children had to attend school, even girls and slaves. Slaves

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