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Alfred App - Productivity App for Mac OS X

Alfred App - Productivity App for Mac OS X

Developer Preview - Google Fit Google Fit is an open ecosystem that allows developers to upload fitness data to a central repository where users can access their data from different devices and apps in one location: Fitness apps can store data from any wearable or sensor.Fitness apps can access data created by any app.User's fitness data is persisted when they upgrade their fitness devices. Responsible use of Google Fit As a developer of fitness and wellness apps, you often collect and manage important user information. Keep these key principles in mind: Always clearly explain to the user what data you will collect and why.Honor user requests to delete their data.If you read fitness data from Google Fit, you must also write the fitness data you collect to Google Fit.Do not use Google Fit APIs for non-fitness purposes, such as storing medical or biometric data, selling data, or using data for advertising.Carefully review the Google Fit Terms and Conditions before using Google Fit. Components The fitness store Data Sources

Coup de gueule contre le boycott de Facebook ! Facebook sort d’une période de turbulence inédite. Les internautes ont fait trembler le réseau au point que son patron, Mark Zuckerberg, a présenté des excuses personnelles à ses utilisateurs la semaine dernière. En cause: les options de gestion de vie privée! Elles ont été jugées si dangereusement faibles que certains acteurs influents du net ont décidé de se désinscrire du site et ont appelé les internautes à en faire de même. Évidemment cette campagne est excessive! Ce conservatisme, cette peur du changement si contagieuse, m’a rappelé l’époque ou certains prétendaient que le téléphone mobile était synonyme d’esclavagisme et la cause de la fin de la vie privée… Ils juraient ne jamais y céder et pourtant! Facebook n’est pas dangereux en soi. Nous vivons, depuis l’avènement de l’Internet, depuis les années 2000, dans une société de plus en plus transparente. Pour autant, évidemment Facebook pose des problèmes. Facebook est loin d’être parfait. A lire cette semaine sur le net:

Five Classic Ways to Boost Your Note-Taking - Note-taking - Lifehacker Glad to see the Cornell Method here. I use it and love it. I would not skip on the summary at the bottom. I've actually never seen or read of it done without it, but nothing wrong with adapting. Though I wouldn't adapt it until I've tried it the was it was intended. There are templates out there for the Cornell Method but a strait-edge and a pencil will do the job nicely. And as far as going visual. I found the only thing that anyone really cared about, as far as what other students were doing, is the guy who though he knew more than the prof and questioned everything that was said.

f.lux: software to make your life better Hola – Access ALL of the web (free VPN) & faster browsing Mettez les « 4 P » au rancart ! Mettez les « 4 P » au rancart ! Par Guillaume Brunet, le 22 juin 2010 Voici donc ma première chronique parue dans le numéro de juin de MARKETING QC où on retouve aussi la collaboration de mes amis Yannick Manuri, Michelle Blanc et Samuel Parent. Produit, place, prix et promotion. Pour ma part, je recommande d’en ajouter un cinquième des plus essentiels : Évaluation, le chaînon manquant de ce qui est maintenant convenu d’appeler les 5 E du marketing. Alors que les marques se contentaient de vendre des biens et services, l’augmentation constante de la concurrence, et la diminution de la durée de vie moyenne des produits les poussent aujourd’hui à mettre à la disposition du consommateur non plus de simples produits, mais de véritables expériences de consommation. Les moyens de diffusion de l’information également ont évolué et se sont multipliés. Évangéliser Les méthodes de promotion également ont changé. Bonne découverte des 5 E ! Commentaire

Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management: – Cookery, Recipies & Household Management CheatSheet - Know your short cuts CheatSheet 1.3.1 (1/7/2019) Fixed: Known issuesCheatSheet 1.3 (9/9/2018) Fixed: Known issuesCheatSheet 1.2.9 (1/27/2018) Fixed: Known issuesCheatSheet 1.2.8 (7/5/2017) Fixed: Known issueCheatSheet 1.2.7 (3/12/2017) Fixed: A rare crasher Check out my other free application: Usage - Application Tracker.CheatSheet 1.2.6 (9/22/2016) Added: support form Fixed: A possible crash.CheatSheet 1.2.5 (6/26/2016) Fixed: Known issues 20% off HoudahSpot. Use promo code CHEATSHEETCheatSheet 1.2.4 (6/6/2016) Fixed: Minor issuesCheatSheet 1.2.3 (2/12/2016) Fixed: A minor issueCheatSheet 1.2.2 (4/17/2014) Fixed: An issue on MacOS 10.8

CHEF: On-Demand Chefs in the Hamptons | Uber Blog Imagine: It’s a beautiful summer Saturday in the Hamptons. You’ve got the beach, your friends, and your (share)house. What more could you want? What could possibly be the cherry on top of this magnificent sundae? Well… This Saturday, August 9, Uber is teaming up with Kitchensurfing, the online marketplace for chefs, to offer you the ultimate on-demand experience in the Hamptons. Open up your Uber app in the Hamptons on Saturday, August 9Request the CHEF optionIf a Kitchensurfing chef is available, you will then receive a phone call to confirm your party size, location, and whether anyone has any dietary restrictionsNo cash needed — you will be billed right to your Uber account When: Saturday, August 9. Where: UberCHEF is only available in Bridgehampton, Southamption, East Hampton, and Montauk. Who: Your UberCHEF request may serve between 6 - 16 people. The best part? Each chef has crafted an exclusive UberCHEF four-course menu inspired by grilled summer favorites.

How To Create “Search By Category” Functionality In WordPress Search by category is a an usual functionality in almost websites that allows you to search in a specific category instead of whole website for more accurate results. It is very useful if your website is well-structured by categories (for example: an e-commerce websites that each category presents one type of products). Unfortunately, this functionality is not implemented in WordPress. In this article, we’ll see how to extend the WordPress’s default search functionality to allow search by category. Add list of categories to search form To search by category, we need to implement the search box first. This is done simply by adding the function wp_dropdown_categories() into the search form. <form id="searchform" method="get" action="<? If your theme doesn’t have the searchform.php file, try to find the code of search form in header.php file (or sidebar.php, it depends on the location of search form in your blog) and then replace it with the code above. Add category to search parameters

8 Things Designers Should Teach Their Clients When starting as a designer, you might encounter some issues along the way, especially in the relationships you develop with your clients. This happens mainly because the clients quite often have the wrong idea of what we actually do and think that “anybody can design a website”. In their opinion it is as easy as opening Photoshop and drawing something, then writing three lines of code and there you go, you have developed a website. We all know the reality of is totally different, but until we explain this to our clients, they will not start understanding us and will not value our work any more than they currently do. The way of improving their opinion is trying to give teach them different lessons, either by telling them directly or by letting them understand through your collaboration. However, it is more likely to help if you do it before signing a contract, because your working relationship will change and will be clear to them from the beginning. 1. Image by toomas 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Wingme - Get better matches with the help of your friends Am I Really Any Good at this Design Thing? :: Echo Enduring Blog The design community is a wonderful thing. I really mean it. Despite the fact that some aspects of it can occasionally seem a little repetitive with the reams and reams of pointless lists that I have seen over and over again, the community endures. Despite the fact that there are literally hundreds, and probably even thousands of sites and blogs screaming out for our attention, most of us still manage to forge relationships. Am I Really Any Good at this Design Thing (image from ShutterStock) Personally, I know that I am very grateful for all of the relationships that I have established and seen grow since I really became a part of the community. Yet, like so many great things in life, the community can be something of a double edged sword – though not necessarily in a conscious or deliberate way. That’s what this article is about. I’m sure that I really don’t need to say this, but the internet’s a big place – I mean it’s really big. A Big Measuring Stick So the community is big.
