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Wandtattoo - SEIFENBLASEN MÄDCHEN Streetart Wandtattoo Sticker - ein Designerstück von UrbanARTBerlin bei DaWanda Soap Bubble Girl | DIY Graffiti Wandsticker im Banksy Stil. Das Motiv ist individualisierbar und wahlweise 1- oder 2-farbig gestaltbar. Das Mädchen sorgt mit ihren Seifenblasen für eine luftig leichte Atmosphäre in deinen heimischen 4 Wänden und ist ein echter Eyecatcher! Alle unsere Wandsticker sind HANDMADE in Berlin - aus hochwertiger Wandfolie mit seidenmatter Oberfläche, liebevoll manuell entgittert und ohne durchsichtige Ränder. DO-IT-YOURSELF Motiv (DIY) Bei der räumlichen Anbringung der einzelnen Seifenblasen kannst du deiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen - einfach abziehen und an der Wand die fliegenden Herzen selbst gestalten, viel Spaß dabei :) ! ==================================================================. GRÖSSEN, FARBEN und PREISE Das Motiv kannst du sowohl 1- als auch 2-farbig in 6 Größen bestellen. 35 Farben zur Auswahl Standardfarben: Schwarzes Mädchen + schwarze Seifenblasen. Größen (B x H in cm) Preis (in Bezug auf Motivbeispiel mit grüner Couch) Wirkt wie gemalt!

Log in Hi DIY, I'm back, and this time I built a house with my dad! (106 images) : DIY confirmshaming I’m not interested in celebrity friendships. I’d Rather Stay Uninformed don’t even bother capitalising the i Guys, I’m reading this site from a parked Plymouth Reliant. I love live data visualizations. Here's every one that I know about. : dataisbeautiful

EPIC FAIL .COM : #1 Source for Epic Fail and Fail Pictures, Fail Videos, and Fail Stories How You Will Die So far we’ve seen when you will die and how other people tend to die. Now let’s put the two together to see how and when you will die, given your sex, race, and age. I returned to the Underlying Cause of Death database maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It provides data for the number of people who died in the United States between 1999 and 2014. The records are based on death certificates, which require an entry for a single cause of death. The CDC classifies the causes into 113 subcategories, which fit under the umbrella of 20 categories of disease and external causes. The simulation below covers the main categories, or chapters, as they’re referred to by the ICD. Enter your sex, race, and age. Try shifting age down to zero and watch the rate of change. The main point, which is what you’d expect, is that mortality rate is much lower in the earlier years of life than in the older years. You can also look at it the other way. How Other People Die Nerd Notes

babbel by Ed M Wood As I settled into the barber’s chair and once again attempted to allay my long-held fear of a man with a sharp implement in his hand and questionable politics, I readied my mind. I had been coming to this barber ever since my follicles first demanded it, but had never satisfactorily fielded his cutting remarks, which, just like his politics, had not become blunted with time. I knew it would be particularly difficult on this occasion. I was visiting family in England having just moved from Spain to Germany. So young man, what are you doing with yourself these days? Teaching is a virtuous occupation, I thought. A terrible entry point. The meaning of cool has changed since my day, if clunky is the new cool. He didn’t use the word clunky. Uh huh. Oh but I do! 1. tollpatschig (adj.) - clumsy Patsch means something along the lines of “splat”; the sound a viscous liquid makes on impact. 2. das Kopfkino (noun) - the head cinema 3. die Naschkatze (noun) - the gnash cat

Rebrand your MacBook Historical Software Collection : Free Software : Download & Streaming E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (also referred to simply as E.T.) is a 1982 adventure video game developed and published by Atari, Inc. for the Atari 2600 video game console. It is based on the film of the same name, and was designed by Howard Scott Warshaw. The objective of the game is to guide the eponymous character through various screens to collect three pieces of an interplanetary telephone that will allow him to contact his home planet. Warshaw intended the game to be an innovative adaptation... favorite ( 1 reviews ) Topics: Atari 2600, E.T., Howard Scott Warshaw, Atari Akalabeth: World of Doom /əˈkæləbɛθ/ is a role-playing video game that had a limited release in 1979 and was then published by California Pacific Computer Company for the Apple II in 1980. VisiCalc was the first spreadsheet computer program, originally released for the Apple II. The Hobbit is an illustrated text adventure computer game released in 1982 and based on the book The Hobbit, by J. Pitfall! Taipan! Preppie!

PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language index The TIOBE Index is a lagging indicator. It counts the number of web pages with the language name. has over 20 million pages on the web, [s] while has only 11 million. [s] This explains why Objective-C has a high TIOBE ranking. But who is reading those Objective-C web pages ?
