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Educational Uses

Educational Uses

Mondes virtuels Plongez dans l'histoire et le futur des mondes virtuels afin de mieux comprendre, derrière l'enthousiasme ou l'agacement que génère un monde comme Second Life, les enjeux techniques et sociétaux des univers virtuels. Lors du succès de Second Life, de 2003 à 2007, les « univers virtuels » eurent de nouveau le vent en poupe. Ce ne fut pas la première fois, en deux décennies, qu'ils bénéficièrent ainsi des feux de la rampe. La réalité virtuelle fit la Une des médias dès la fin des années 1980, l'époque des expérimentateurs de la Nasa vêtus de combinaisons de cuir moulantes et coiffés d'énormes casques d'immersion, et du film Le Cobaye, pour ceux qui s'en souviennent. Puis, la réalité virtuelle sombra dans l'oubli jusqu'en 1995, année de l'apparition du Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML, langage de description d'univers virtuels en trois dimensions) qui devait, pensait-on, transformer le Web en un gigantesque espace 3D. Dossier réalisé par Rémi Sussan d', CC by-nc 2.0.

Studio: A Powerful 3D Development Tool 3DVIA provides enterprises and consumers, smart 3D space planning solutions that enable new ways to engage, consider, and make the best choice. For enterprises, HomeByMe for Kitchen Retailers offers home improvement retailers and brand manufacturers a cloud-based, omnichannel space planning solution to engage consumers, generate high quality sales leads, and shorten sales cycle. For individuals, HomeByMe enables consumers to design and plan home projects in a social way. Consumers can find inspiration from thousands of other projects, build their own concepts or simply visualize ideas quickly using dedicated room configurators. Contact Sales 3DVIA provides enterprises and consumers, smart 3D space planning solutions that enable new ways to engage, consider, and make the best choice. For individuals, HomeByMe enables consumers to design and plan home projects in a social way. Contact Sales For individuals, HomeByMe enables consumers to design and plan home projects in a social way.

Teaching and learning through social networks Teaching and learning through social networks Submitted by admin on 27 April, 2009 - 11:51 In 2007, the British Council conducted market research into how the Internet has affected the preferred learning styles of young people wanting to learn English around the world. The results of this research suggest that if teachers are to remain relevant and effective, then they need to use 'learning technologies' to help students reach the world outside the classroom. 69% of learners around the world said that they learned most effectively when socialising informally This result suggests that a lot of students learn best from their friends and family. Does that mean teachers should start taking their students to cafés more? There are other implications from the result above. The average young person in the world today owns £500 of technology (Prensky) It feels like everyone has a mobile phone today. When young people are on the Internet, they feel 'connected' to people and the world’s knowledge.

Virtual learning environment A virtual learning environment (VLE), or learning platform, is an e-learning education system based on the web that models conventional in-person education by providing equivalent virtual access to classes, class content, tests, homework, grades, assessments, and other external resources such as academic or museum website links. It is also a social space where students and teacher can interact through threaded discussions or chat. It typically uses Web 2.0 tools for 2-way interaction, and includes a content management system. Virtual learning environments are the basic components of contemporary distance learning, but can also be integrated with a physical learning environment[1] which may be referred to as blended learning. Virtual learning can take place synchronously or asynchronously. A virtual learning environment can also include students and teachers “meeting” online through a synchronous web-based application. Major Components Of Virtual Learning Environment[edit] Purpose[edit]

Blog » Tutorials For more SLOODLE videos, visit the SLOODLE Channel on YouTube: Contents: SLOODLE 1.x videos SLOODLE Awards videos SLOODLE 0.4 videos, plus… SLOODLE 1.x Learning With SLOODLE – Part 1: Mike McKay introduces the use of SLOODLE in a virtual world learning environment – Part 1 outlines some of the common processes and tools for linking student identity in the virtual world to the web-based elearning system. Part 2: Mike outlines how he runs discussion groups in Second Life – including use of the SLOODLE DropBox – with modifications to allow the submission of notecards – with submissions sent to the Moodle website. Part 3: Mike outlines the use of the SLOODLE award system to support assessment with automatically graded quizzes. SLOODLE Awards: Installation Mike McKay demonstrates installation and use of the SLOODLE Awards system Part 1: SLOODLE 0.4: Setting Up and Getting Started Instalación, configuración y uso SLOODLE (0.3/0.4)

Links para encontrar ebooks de dominio público en internet Los siguientes links permiten encontrar ebooks y eAudiobooks en internet, de dominio público, en varios idiomas y para distintos formatos: 1. Biblioteca Digital MundialURL: biblioteca y mediateca multilingüe que "pone a disposición en Internet, de manera gratuita y en formato multilingüe, importantes materiales fundamentales de culturas de todo el mundo". Los documentos pueden ser visualizados en línea y descargados en formato pdf. 2. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de CervantesURL: una de las bibliotecas digitales más importantes de la lengua y española y la cultura iberoamericana. 3. 4. 5. 7.

The Future of Virtual Worlds: A Prelude My last posts discussed how Linden Lab's Enterprise-focused business strategy between 2008-2010 helped derail Second Life’s fast-track growth and contributed to the subsequent history of grid contraction and active user stagnation. Before I look at possible futures, I want to provide some contextual background, inspired by Marshall McLuhan, on how new mediums evolves over time. The Evolution of New Mediums We can’t fully understand or foresee the ramifications of new technology when it arrives. From the invention of the motion pictures to the introduction of the computer, we first view new mediums within the context of what came before. That’s why new mediums are often christened with two-word names like “motion picture,” “horseless carriage,” and “smart phone.” Each appellation presents the new technology in the light of the previous paradigm. For instance, people first thought of cars as essentially faster horses.

Capítulo 6. - La tutoría: una perspectiva desde comunicación y educación Rolando Palacios1Universidad Diego Portales Con relación a los aspectos comunicacionales de la Educación a Distancia (ead), ésta apunta a la integración de varios soportes, aplicaciones y lenguajes mediales que en su conjunto constituyen estrategias comunicativas para la presentación de materiales educativos. De esa manera, comunicación y educación se articulan de manera inseparable en una situación en la cual, la distancia que existe entre los estudiantes y los especialistas en contenidos, es mediada, por un proceso comunicativo particular. Lorenzo García Aretio (1990), Titular de la Cátedra UNESCO de Educación a Distancia y Director del Máster en enseñanza y aprendizaje abiertos y a distancia (UNED), señala que la modalidad educativa a distancia, los medios o recursos didácticos juegan un destacado papel y los entiende como “los apoyos de carácter técnico que facilitan de forma directa la vehiculación de la comunicación encaminada a la consecución de los objetivos de aprendizaje”.

3rd conditional This excellent activity was provided by Vera Babat, from Uruguay. Here are a few words she provided us with about herself. Thanks for your contribution. I'm a psychologist with 12 years experience teaching teenagers and young adults. Love films that make students think as it's a great chance to think critically on certain issues. Before Sunset | starring Ethan Hawk /Julie Delpy Just listen to the Waltz and write the lyrics down. Now complete the lyrics with your notes and listen again in case you’ve missed anything. Let me sing you a waltz About this _______-______ ____________ You were, for me, that night Everything I _____________ ______ ______ ____ ___________ But now you're gone You are _____________ gone _________ _______ ________ to your island of rain It was for you just a one night thing But you were much more to me, ___________ _____ _____ __________ I don't care what they say I know _________ ______ _______ _____ _______ that day I just want another try, I just want another night his book

Cursos Empresariales y Profesionales a distancia | CECAP Learning.
