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How to Turn Rubric Scores into Grades

How to Turn Rubric Scores into Grades
I have written several posts about the different types of rubrics—especially my favorite, the single-point rubric—and over time, many teachers have asked me about the most effective way to convert the information on these rubrics into points. Even if you are moving toward a no grades classroom, as a growing number of educators are, you may still be required to supply points or letter grades for student assignments. Despite the title of this post, all I can really offer here is a description of my own process. It has been refined over years of trial and error, and the only evidence I have to back up its effectiveness is that in over 10 years of teaching middle school and college, I can only recall one or two times when a student or parent challenged a grade I gave based on a rubric. This is by no means the only way to do it—I’m sure plenty of other processes exist—but this is what has worked for me. To start with, I have to get clear on what the final product should look like. References: Related:  didatticaEducation Misc.

I 9 modi migliori di studiare secondo la scienza - Stanno per ricominciare le lezioni e, per molti, le lunghe ore di studio che scandiranno l'anno scolastico. Quali sono le tattiche "scientificamente provate" per ottimizzare il tempo sui libri e imparare in modo efficace? Le illustra questo video - in inglese - di AsapSCIENCE, di cui riassumiamo, qui di seguito, i contenuti. Ecco dunque 9 dritte scientifiche a misura di studente. 1. Diluisci nel tempo. Il cervello è più abile nel codificare le informazioni in sinapsi quando lavora in questa modalità. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Small Changes in Teaching: The First 5 Minutes of Class - The Chronicle of Higher Education "Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice." In a conversation I had with Ken Bain, my longtime mentor and favorite education writer, he cited that quote — the first sentence of Gabriel García Márquez’s novel One Hundred Years of Solitude — as one of the great openings in literary history. It’s hard to disagree: The sentence plunges us immediately into a drama, acquaints us with a character on the brink of death, and yet intrigues us with the reference to his long-forgotten (and curiosity-inducing) memory. When I teach my writing course on creative nonfiction, we spend a lot of time analyzing the opening lines of great writers. The same principle, I would argue, holds true in teaching a college course. It seems clear, then, that we should start class with a deliberate effort to bring students’ focus to the subject at hand. Open with a question or two. Write it down. James M.

Mappe concettuali nella didattica - di Marco Guastavigna dal 24 aprile 2002 questa pagina è stata visitata volte "Dopo Pamplona", approfondimenti e riflessioni sui materiali e sui temi del primo congresso internazionale sul Concept Mapping Hai bisogno di informazioni essenziali sulle mappe concettuali e sul loro uso nella didattica? Vuoi sapere come scaricare CmapTools in italiano? Vuoi utilizzare i nostri materiali per l'aggiornamento professionale e riflettere sulla valutazione delle mappe? Vuoi vedere come si sono svolte le nostre iniziative di aggiornamento? Vuoi essere informato sulle ultime novità sugli ambienti digitali per l'elaborazione delle mappe concettuali? Vuoi avere un'idea del dibattito teorico attuale sulle mappe concettuali? Vuoi approfondire il tema? Vuoi vedere una mappa dinamica sulla schematizzazione? Ti interessano i programmi per il "mind mapping"? Vuoi vedere i materiali sviluppati da alcuni collaboratori "estemporanei"? Sei un fan di Inspiration e di Kidspiration?

Research Update from Lee Jenkins: David It has… A Visual Primer On Learning Theory Theories on how people learn are not new. Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky, Skinner and others have theorized for years how it is we come to “know” things. Unlike many theories involving physics for example, it is unlikely that a single learning theory is “right,” and will ultimately prove other theories “wrong.” How people learn is complex, and any unifying theory on how it all happens that’s entirely accurate would likely be too vague to be helpful. In that way, each “theory” is more of a way to describe one truth out of many. 4 Traditional Theories Of Learning Of the published research and science, three of the more popular theories in the last fifty years are behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. 1. 2. 3. 4. A Visual Primer On Learning Theory

For Mentors Skip navigation Skip to main content SAFE | State Agencies | Online Services Follow Home > Teaching > Resident Educator Program > For Mentors For Mentors Thank you for being a vital part of the Ohio Resident Educator Program! The Ohio Resident Educator Program can be envisioned as the first years of a journey on a path of continued professional learning that leads educators to more effective practices and excellence in teaching. As a Mentor, you will be working with Resident Educators to provide ongoing instructional support through differentiated mentoring models that allow new teachers to grow and practice the profession of teaching during their initial years of residency. Getting Started as a Mentor Requirements of the Resident Educator Program Mentor Resources and Tools More Information about the Resident Educator Program Last Modified: 2/14/2017 2:46:23 PM 1Share Källtext Bidra med en bättre översättning

Il compito autentico | Oggi Imparo Io! Se sapete cosa è il compito autentico potete saltare questa prima parte introduttiva e passare alla seconda parte. Per chi invece non sapesse di che si tratta parto da una definizione che mi sembra abbastanza completa: “Il compito autentico è un compito che prevede che gli studenti costruiscano il loro sapere in modo attivo ed in contesti reali e complessi e lo usano in modo preciso e pertinente, dimostrando il possesso di una determinata competenza”. In parole semplici: una normale attività della vita reale, ricca e splendida, in cui si utilizzano tutte le capacità acquisite e la creatività per risolvere un problema vero. A scuola in genere le cose funzionano al contrario del compito autentico. Se nella vita reale quindi risolvere problemi veri è più interessante e dà più soddisfazione che non studiare a scuola, come posso rendere un compito che affido ai miei ragazzi il più autentico e interessante possibile? Come realizzare un compito autentico Buon divertimento! Esempi e riferimenti:

The Conscious Competence Ladder - Learning Skills from Also called the Conscious Competence Matrix, the Learning Matrix, and the Four Stages of Learning © GettyImagesstocknroll Take the first steps on the "Ladder of Learning." When we learn new skills, we experience different emotions at different stages of the learning process. At the beginning, we may not realize how much we need to learn. Recognizing how we feel at each stage of the learning process can help us to "stick with it" and manage these emotional ups and downs. Understanding the Conscious Competence Ladder can help you to do this. Understanding the Conscious Competence Ladder Noel Burch, an employee with Gordon Training International, developed the Conscious Competence Ladder in the 1970s. The model highlights two factors that affect our thinking as we learn a new skill: consciousness (awareness) and skill level (competence). According to the model, we move through the following levels as we build competence in a new skill: This "ladder of learning" is shown in figure 1, below. Tip:
