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Make a DIY Electric Bike from Drill Batteries

Make a DIY Electric Bike from Drill Batteries

Idaho Observer: How to remove mercury and other heavy metals from your body – safely and inexpensively From the September 2007 Idaho Observer: How to remove mercury and other heavy metals from your body – safely and inexpensively Due to the enormity of the problem of heavy metal poisoning in today’s world, and the fact that entire books have been written on this subject, this column will attempt to bring to light some of the methods people have successfully employed to regain their health without going bankrupt in the process. By Ingri Cassel In the July, 2007, Back to Basics column we covered the devastating effects of mercury poisoning and the fact that many Americans experience the effects of mercury being slowly released on a daily basis from dental fillings. Simply removing them is NOT a safe method. This is undoubtedly the most expensive part of detoxing from mercury—removing the source that is in your mouth. To check for the presence of heavy metals, many people still go by hair analysis. Chemistry professor Dr. Dr. Dr. The following is from Dr. Dr.

Welcome to the ManKind Project | Changing the world, one man at a time. | Men's Issues | Men's Support | Men's Community 10 Step Beginners Guide to Blogging Your Personal Brand 1) Learn about blogging Before you even start a blog around your brand, introduce yourself to the concept. It helps to know what you’re getting into before you rush in and “only fools rush in” as they say. If you want to know the difference between traditional media and social media, check out this New York Times article (static), followed by a New York Times blog post (dynamic) on the same topic. Notice the difference in formatting and how the blog has comments open but the regular article doesn’t. The blog is more opinionated, while the traditional news article is straight fact. You can also view the Wikipedia definition of “blog,” which contains the history, types of blogs and how they have blurred the roles in media. 2) Listen to current conversations In order to start a successful blog, you need to know what you’re getting yourself into and what has already been talked about in the blogosphere. 3) Take a niche 4) Get your equipment ready 5) Pick your logo and theme Best practice

The 12 Habits of Highly Connective People Anil Dash at Gel 2011 from Gel Conference on Vimeo. I started the day watching this video from Gel 2011. I love stories like Anil Dash's because I experienced myself the power of networks. Especially after moving continents and starting from zero, alone. Few things give you more joy than doing a good deed. Understanding the importance and power of networks, combined with new tools is our lifeline. That's what true connections can do. A couple of months back, I wrote a post about follow through, which is the secret to successful networking. Make it a habit, and you will see how quickly it yields results. (1.) believe you can make a difference in case you were wondering if this is only touchy-feely, look at how Dana White built a UFC empire out of his desire to connect with fans. (2.) think knowledge as a service it's an overused expression, it really does apply. (3.) take risks they can be small ones. (4.) have a point with your view in other words, put substance behind the approach.

6 Ways to Establish Yourself as an Industry Thought Leader So how exactly do you gain credibility as an industry thought leader ? Here are 6 things you can do to start establishing yourself as a trusted expert in your industry. It's no surprise that they all have to do with content creation ... 6 Ways to Become an Industry Thought Leader 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Leave Promotion at the Door I've said it a few times throughout this blog post, but it's important to emphasize that one of the keys to becoming an authentic thought leader in your industry is to leave promotion at the door. On the other hand, if people start to trust you and respect you as an industry thought leader, the indirect result will be greater trust in the products and services you have to offer, and ultimately, more business! In what other ways can you exhibit your industry thought leadership ? Photo Credit: Jacob Boetter

Personal Branding Done Right By Mike Myatt, Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth So what’s the big deal about personal branding? The mere mention of this topic sparks intense emotions and frothy debate. The legions of personal branding advocates believe it’s the great brand equalizer, and the growing constituency of disgruntled adversaries see it as little more than the latest form of snake-oil. So which is it? The answer is for you to decide…I’ll frame both sides of the argument and let you draw your own conclusions. I have written often on the subject of personal branding, and some of my practice focuses on shaping the personal brands of executives and entrepreneurs. Want to build a strong personal brand? Let me break it down as simply as I can…There are two types of personal brands: 1.) So what’s the big deal you ask? The reality is that most of us will probably never achieve the status of icons, nor do most of us really aspire to that end. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How to Gain Respect and Make Professional Connections No matter how talented or smart you are, if you can’t communicate effectively with others it will be difficult to get a job, retain clients, and have productive relationships. It’s a delicate process. Communication can be a hectic two-way street with messages coming and going between sender and receiver. If you aren’t paying attention, you’ll miss a queue and in turn, send a response that isn’t ideal. Listen, some people are born with that ‘gift’. They can pick up on something and jump into any conversation whenever they want. Here’s how to make professional connections. Focus on first impressions and non-verbal behaviorCommunication is both verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication is the real key to gauging what someone is thinking and how they are feeling, so make sure you’re sending the right message from the get go.Adapt to match their behavior and emotionsTo make a connection with someone, be aware of their state of mind and personality. The goal is to be balanced.

Six Easy Networking Tips for Introverts I’ll confess up-front; I’m an introvert. I spend a lot of time on my own – and I find it tiring to be around lots of other people. Being an introvert actually works out pretty well for me. Of course, I can’t spend the whole of my life alone or with just close friends and family. In both my professional and personal life, I get out there and meet people from time to time. #1: Get to Know People Beforehand One of the many things I love about the internet is that it makes it incredibly easy for me, an introvert, to strike up a connection with total strangers. How do you find people who’ll be at the event? Forums or similar on the event’s website Twitter – search for the name of the event Blog posts – is anyone you know going? Obviously, this one’s easier if you operate in a pretty geeky world (I hang out with a lot of bloggers and writers…) but more and more people are getting online, in all sorts of professions. Find out the dress code in advance. The same applies to networking.

This sounds excellent! It's a new proyect for some students right now, and actually i'm leading the workshop, THANKS! by frenetick_o Apr 1
